Eisenhower Foreign Policy Dates Flashcards
When does Stalin die?
March 1953
When does Eisenhower announce Korean armistice?
July 1953
When was Dien Bien Phu?
May 1954
When do the US refuse to sign Geneva Agreements?
July 1954
When is SEATO signed?
September 1954
When was the Geneva Conference>
July 1955
When does Eisenhower approve U-2 flights over the Soviet Union?
May 1956
When does Egyptian President Nasser nationalise the Suez Canal?
July 1956
When is the Hungarian Revolution?
October-November 1956
When do Israel, Britain and France attack Egypt (US condemns)?
October 1956
When is the Eisenhower Doctrine approved?
March 1957
When does the Soviet Union launch Sputnik?
October 1957
When do US marines enter into Lebanon?
July-October 1958
When does Castro overthrow Batista in Cuba?
January 1959
When is Camp David?
September 1959
When is the CIA trained to invade Cuba?
March 1960
When do the Soviets shoot down U-2 planes?
May 1960
When does the (unsuccessful) Paris Summit end?
May 1960
Why was Eisenhower expected to cope well with foreign relations?
because he was the Supreme Allied Commander during the war
What was Kaputnik?
A failed attempt to launch a US rocket satellite in 1958.
How many nuclear weapons did the USA have by 1957 compared to the USSR?
5543 compared to 650
How many Hungarians were killed in the revolution whilst fighting?
When was the Formosa Resolution signed?
When was CENTO formed?