Ford and Carter Domestic Policy Dates Flashcards
When is Gerald Ford inagurated?
August 1974
Who does Ford select as his VP?
When does Ford grant Nixon a pardon?
September 1974
When is the Economic Policy Board formed?
September 1974
When is the WIN (Whip Inflation Now) campaign announced?
November 1974
When is the Freedom of Information Act passed?
November 1974
When is the Tax Reduction Act ($22 billion tax cut)?
March 1975
When does unemployment rise to 9.2%?
When does Ford refuse economic aid to NYC?
October 1975
When is the Sunday Morning Massacre?
November 1975
When does Carter win the presidency?
November 1976
How did Carter defeat Ford in the election?
- visited 37 states
- gave 200 speeches
- portrayed himself as a Washington outsider
Why was Congress uncooperative with Carter?
He was unwilling to use his position to win friends in Congress through the usual method of promising federal spending in certain states and districts.
How did Carter attempt to establish his authority?
- he fired four cabinet secretaries, transferred several others and asked for the resignation of dozens of lower ranking White House staff.
What was the Three Mile Island Accident?
1979 - nuclear generator had a partial meltdown and released radioactive gases into the atmosphere. Massive demonstrations occurred culminating in 200,000 in New York.
When were 14 gay people invited to the White House for the first official visit?
When did Carter refuse to issue an Executive Order banning anti-gay discrimination legislation in the federal government?
What was the Equal Credit Opportunity Act?
outlawed credit discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, religion, national origin, sex, marital status or age.
What was the 1975 Taylor v. Louisiana case?
Supreme court ruled that excluding women from the jury pool was illegal because it violates a person’s right to a fair trial by a representative segment of the community.
What did Betty Ford speak out about?
abortion, women’s rights and addiction
What was the Pregnancy Discrimination Act?
1978 - employment discrimination on the basis of pregnancy illegal
Why did Ford have difficulty working with Congress?
- the pardon of Nixon led to substantial Democrat gains in the 1974 mid terms, giving them a 291 to 144 advantage in the House and a 61 to 39 advantage in Senate.
What was Koreagate?
30 congressmen were accused of taking bribes from the South Korean government for working to reverse Nixon’s decision to remove troops from South Korea.
What was Billygate?
Billy Carter marketed his own brand of beer, ‘Billy Beer’ and had received a sum of £250,000 for an unspecified reason from the Libyan government.
What was the Milliken v. Bradley decision?
a 1974 decision where it was made clear that districts where de facto segregation occurred could only be forced into an integrated busing plan if it was clear that there was segregation that was a pattern of violation.
What was the University of California v. Bakke decision?
1978 - barred racial quotas in admissions to university but also affirmed the constitutional validity of the affirmative action programmes.
What kind of black cultural gains were made in the 1970s?
- increasing presence of black people in cinema (blaxploitation films).
- 1976 saw the founding of Black History Month.
- music also became increasingly influenced by black culture with disco music becoming popular.
What kind of an effect did Nixon’s ‘War on Drugs’ have on the prison system?
increase in US prison population by 800%
What was the economic state of half of the African-American population?
African-Americans comprised 12% of the population but made up 43% of those receiving welfare, 34% of those in subsidised housing and 35% of those receiving food stamps.
In 1975,, what percentage of African-American young adults had completed high-school education?
What was the percentage increase of black people who had graduated college from 1960 to 1980?
3% to 8%
How had the civil rights groups experienced a decline in the 1970s?
SNCC largely disappeared, CORE was refocused on economic development, NAACP continued the fight and win cases and the Black Panthers had on 27 members by 1980.
What was the population increase from 1970 to 1980?
By 1980 why was the country in a recession?
- oil crisis
- grain embargo
What were the main reasons behind Reagan’s election victory?
- benefitted from his celebrity status
- good performance at the 1980 Republican
- Christian roots
- Carter’s weak domestic and foreign policy
- He won 51% of the vote.