TrueLearn facts Flashcards
How does Ketamine work?
NMDA antagonist
Most common symptom after common peroneal nerve injury
numbness and foot drop due to supracondylar fracture, proximal tibial fracture, knee dislocation
sural nerve injury
numbness to the lateral and posterior third of the leg and lateral aspect of the foot and heel, lateral part of the ankle
superficial peroneal nerve injury
inability to evert the foot, loss of sensation over the dorsal of the foot except the 1st Dorsal webspace
what artery supplies the cervical esophagus
inferior thyroid artery (thyrocervical trunk)
cervical lymphatics drain into?
recurrent laryngeal, paratracheal, jugular, and superior mediastinal nodes
for multiple rib fractures in elderly patients >65 years old
every rib fractured increases RR of death by 19%
potential criteria for ICU admission for elderly with rib fractures
> 65 years old, flail chest, >6 rib fractures, or evidence of respiratory distress
most predictive detail of poor outcome in an infant with a CDH?
presence of a cardiac defect (hernia size is second)
conservative management for Desmond tumors include
hormonal therapy with or without NSAIDs
free water deficit calculation
TBW x (actual serum Na - 140)/140
what vessel should be ligated first in a nephrectomy?
renal artery then the vein
what imaging should be obtained with a flank stab wound
triple phase CT (PO, IV, rectal contrast)
What model to use when trying to implement evidence based medicine to the public?
what amino acids can only be used for ketogenesis?
leucine and lysine