Trigger 8: Interrogating the epigenome Flashcards
Name a way of interrogating DNA methylation in the genome
Sodium Bisulfite Conversion
Sodium Bisulphiite Conversion
1) Sodium bisulphite convers all unmethylated cytosines to uracil
2) then DNA is amplified with PCR- converting all Uracil to thymine
3) The DNA sequenced
4) everything cytosine present is methylated
name a sodium bisulphite kit
EZ DNA methylation-Direct
EZ DNA methylation-Gold
target sequencing methods
Bisulphite based
- direct sequencing
- clones bisulphite PCR
- Bisulphite- pyrosequencing
NGS: Genome wide method
Bisulphite based
- Affinity Based
- SMrt
direct bisulphide sequencing
do not provide information about methylation patterns of individual alleles
fasta dn relaibel realtime sequencing method for the analysis of short to medium length DNA sequence
pyrosequencing emtho
nucleotides ar added sequentially to the reaction and pyrophosphate released during nucleotide incorporation, is detected as light produced by an enzyme substrate cascade
pros of bisulfites pyrosequencing
- quick
- cost effective
- target specific regionss of genome
- reproducible
cons of bisulite pyroseuqencing
- low throughoutput
- small fragments
whole genome bisulfites sequencing (WGBS)
- whole genome coverage
- costly ad the consuming
- requires extensive bioinformatics
- limited scalability per run