trematodes Flashcards
Trematodes are commonly called
What shape do trematodes have
leaf-shaped worms, flat and fleshy
Trematodes are all hermaphroditic, except
Trematodes Have _____ eggs (except for Schistosoma), which contaminate water, perpetuating the life cycle, and which are also used to diagnose infections.
First intermediate hosts of trematodes are always
How do you acquire Schistosoma infection?
Contact with water; skin penetration
Intestinal Schistosomias is caused by
S. mansoni and japonicum
How can you tell which is egg is form S. mansoni or japonicum?
mansoni, large lateral spine on the side of the body of egg.
Japanese tourists smooth small spine almost absent on eggs,
How is the shape of the S. haamatobium ova??
contains a large terminal spine
S. haamatobium symptoms
hematuria, and bladder cancer.
Treatment for all trematodes is
Clonorchis sinensis is known as:
biliary fibrosis and cholangiocarcinoma
Chinese liver fluke
How is Clonorchis sinensis tranmsitted?
We will eat uncooked fish.
What diseases can be caused by Clonorchis sinensis
biliary fibrosis and cholangiocarcinoma. pigmented gallstones
Chronic cough with bloody sputum is caused by which trematode?
Parogonimus westermonti: oriental lung fluke
how is oriental lung fluke transmitted?
by consuming raw or uncooked crab meat with larvae