Treatment plans Flashcards
What is the treatment plan for Sepsis?
Pre-alert and transfer to hospital.
Give benzylpenicillin if the non-blanching rash is present or urgent transfer is unavailable.
Do not give benzylpenicillin if history of anaphylaxis
Give oxygen and fluids if systolic below 100
How is Sepsis identified?
RR above 20-25
HR above 100
systolic below 100
Temperature above 38.3 or below 36
new onset confusion
What history makes sepsis more likely?
A - AIDS and arthritis (rheumatoid)
C - Cancer and chemotherapy
I - infection and immunocompromised (lupus)
D- Diabetes (type 1)
S- steroids
What is the treatment for asthma?
Move to a calm environment
High flow oxygen
Nebulised salbutamol
nebulised ipratropium bromide
Continuous salbutamol
adrenaline 1:1000
assess for bilateral tension pneumothorax
What is the treatment for a STEMI?
M- morphine
O- Ondansetron and oxygen
A- spirin administered
N- nitrates (unless right ventricular or posterior involvement)
Pre-alert to PPCI
What is the treatment for hypoglycemia?
Blood glucose reading before and after treatment
Conscious: glucose oral gel
Unconscious: glucose 10%
Unconscious and cannot gain IV: Glucagon
Wait 10 minutes for improvement
referral to an appropriate health care professional
What is the treatment for a lower limb fracture?
(P)ain scores were recorded: before and after analgesia
(A)nalgesia administered
(I)mmobilisation of limb
(N)umb- assessment of circulation and sensation below fracture
How to check for low limb fracture?
Short and externally turned for hip fracture
Patella moved towards the outside of the leg is a knee dislocation
What is the treatment for an elderly fall?
O- Acquire all (O)bservations
(H)istory of fall
(H)eart (ECG)
(C)ause of fall (who, where, what, why, when)
R- Falls (R)eferral
A- mobility (A)ssessment
(P)ain assessment and medication
What is the treatment for a self-harm patient?
History leading up to incident
Assessment (capacity)
Record all observations
Mechanism of injury and drugs
Social contact and suicide risk
What is the treatment for a stroke?
(F)uck (B)rain (B)leed (P)erson
FAST assessment
BM measured
Blood pressure recorded
Pre-alert to stroke unit
When does SPOC need to be called?
Vulnerable adult/child
When should crisis first response be called?
Mental health patient who doesn’t require physical aid
What is the treatment plan for anaphylaxis?
Lie patient flat
500mcg (half dose) of IM adrenaline
Wait 5 minutes
If no improvements:
Second dose of 500mcg IM adrenaline
Gain vascular access and deliver fluid bolus
What is the joules for shocking a paediatric?
Body in kg x 4
What is the dose of adrenaline for a paediatric cardiac arrest?
Body weight in kg / 10 = ml of adrenaline
or body weight in kg x 10 = dose in mcg
What is the dose of rectal diazepam in paediatrics?
Half dose if below 5 (5 milligrams)
How is anaphylaxis identified?
Not breathing well
Auscultation suggests wheeze, stridor or silent chest
Puke and diarrhoea
What is the treatment for refractory anaphylaxis?
Rapid IV bolus
IM adrenaline every 5 minutes and monitor BP (increase indicate overdose)
High flow oxygen and keep within 94-98%