Treatment Approaches Flashcards
MOVE Curriculum
Movement Opportunities Via Education
For children who have very low function and those that are dependent
Primary wheelchair users
Uses specific equipment
Uses specific systematic instruction for functional tasks especially function movement
MOVE 6 Steps
Setting goals
Task analysis
Measuring prompts
Reducing prompts
Teaching skills
Top Down Approach
Looks at the skills the learner already possesses and teaches the skills necessary to become independent in a given activity at their highest functional level
Direct hands on participation by therapist at all times
Goal is professional treatment to improve neurological functioning in cognition, body movement, organization, and attentional levels
1:1 treatment
Treating therapist continually assesses and modifies therapy based on the client’s responses
Therapeutic riding
Completed by professional horseback riding instructor in conjunction with volunteers including a therapist who may be involved as a consultant
Occasional hands on assistance
Aims to provide social, educational, and sport opportunities in recreational horseback riding lessons adapted to individuals with disabilities
Group format common
Dolman Delacato / Patterning
We don’t do this anymore
Passive movement
Craniosacral Therapy
Gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of a physiological body system called the Craniosacral system
Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams
Practitioners release restrictions in the Craniosacral system to improve functioning of the CNS
Craniosacral system
Comprised of the membranes of CSF that surround and protect the brain and SC
Restrictions of CSS in Infant
Excessive crying, irritability, and/or wakefulness
Startles easy
Difficulty with suckling or wants to suck constantly
Severe neurological impairments such as CP or Autism
Vomiting or spitting up after feeding
Arched back or throwing head back when held on shoulder or side
Restrictions of CSS in Older Infant or Child
Recurrent ear infections
Head banging
Thumb sucking
Constant rocking
Hair and/or ear pulling
Sensitivity around the head - does not like head touched or combed
Working against the suit to build strength
Adeli Suit
Developed in Russia modeled after suit worn by cosmonauts
Suit was to provide resistance to counteract the effects of zero gravity (hypokinesis) to prevent mm wasting and bone loss
1992 adapted to be used by those with neuromm problems, particularly CP
Adelphi Goals
Proprioception (pressure from joints, ligaments, mm)
Reduce patient’s pathological reflexes
Restore physiological mm synergies (proper pattern of movement)
Load the entire body with weight (process similar to a reaction of our mm to the gravitational forces acting up us for 24 hours)
ALL THE ABOVE NORMALIZES AFFERENT VESTIBULO-PROPRIOCEPTIVE INPUT – influencing mm tone, balance, and the position of the body in space
Conductive Education
Developed in by Peto in Hungary
System of education and therapy to achieve “orthofunction”
Little to no bracing
Uses task series or exercise routines in group with rhythmic initiation
Widely used in UK somewhat in US