Treasure Hunt Flashcards
What joint is called a immobile joint?
Synostosis or bony joint
Which bones are bound by collagen fibers?
Synarthrosis or fibrous joint
What is an example of a fibrous joint?
Sutures-cranial bones
Gomphoses-tooth to socket
Syndesmosis- radius to ulna via interosseus membrane
What nutrients would be used for the protection of the periodontal ligament?
Vitamin C
How many discs are in the spine?
Which joint will offer most mobility? What is the importance of having this mobility?
Synovial joint-Freely mobile and give us quality of life
Synovial fluid is rich in what?
Albumin and hyaluronic acid
What is the importance of exercise and cartilage?
Repetitive compression of nonvascular cartilage during exercise squeezes fluid, and metabolic waste out of the Cartilage.
Without exercise, Cartlidge deteriorate more rapidly from inadequate nutrition and waste removal. 
Which pathology would we see double jointed patients?
Long or slack ligaments
What form of behavioral modifications would help a patient suffering from TMJ
therapy to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress
Anterior dislocation of the shoulder is the most common or least common?
Most common 95%
What nerve is damaged with an anterior shoulder dislocation?
Axillary nerve
Annular ligament will encircle which bone?
Radius (radial head)
Which ligament will prevent hyperextension of the hip?
Iliofemoral ligament
Function of the ACL and PCL.
Which ligament is injured during trauma?
ACL-Prevents hyperextension of the knee
PCL-Prevents posterior displacement of tibia
*ACL Ligament is most commonly injured
What is the most common ligament tear of the ankle joint?
Anterior tibiofibular ligament Is most common to tear or sprain
What are the differences between tendon, ligament and bursa?
Tendon-Attaching muscle to bone
Ligament-Attaching one bone to another
Bursa-Between muscles or tendons pass over bones or between bone and skin. Fibrous sac filled with synovial fluid
Explain the process of muscle concentration from what is the actions of the bands, the z disc and M-Line?
M line=dark transverse protein in middle of H band
A band=thick filaments overlap with thin (DOES NOT SHRINK)
I band= light band that shrinks slightly on contraction
Z line (Z disc)= protein complex provides anchorage for thin filaments and elastic
H band= THICK FILAMENTS ONLY , middle of A band (Disappears on contraction)
What helps the skeletal muscles to contract?
Myosin and actin=contractile proteins (work) Tropomyosin and Troponin regulate when or if a fiber can contract
What mineral will help with muscle contraction?
Symptoms of tetanus and what is blocked when a patient has tetanus
Lockjaw a form of spastic paralysis cause by toxin colostridium tetani.
Blocks glycine release in spinal cord.
Botulism cannot be given to which age group?
Used to be 1 yr old but now recommend not under 2 yrs old.
What are the real life examples of the different types of contractions?
1)concentric- Lifting weight
2)Eccentric- slowly lowering weight
3)Isotonic-holding same weight doing reps
What will produce more ATP and does not generate lactate
Aerobic respiration
And requires a continuous supply of oxygen
Difference between DHF & CHF
DHF-Decompensated heart failure, unable to pump effectively
CHF-Congested, heart failure, unable to pump out effectively, feels like drowning
The location of intercalated discs would be found where?
Cardiac muscle
What is the pacemaker of the heart?
The SA (sinus) node
Myasthenia Gravis:
Age- 20-30
Gender- Female
Symptoms- Droopy eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing, weakness of limbs, inability to fixate on same point with both eyes 60sec.
What classification of muscles will be found in the pec major?
Triangular convergent muscle
When dealing with the thigh muscles when a patient performs a squat which muscles/group of muscles will act as the primary movers, in which will act as the antagonist?
Quadriceps and gluteus maximus
Antagonists- hamstrings
Which cranial nerve intervate, the majority of the facial muscles
The fiber pathways of the intercoastals will help in what action?
Elevating and depressing the ribs
What is the most common type of hernia and who would get them?
Inguinal hernia
What muscles are involved in tennis and golfers elbow?
(Tennis) Extensor carpi Radials brevis
(Golfers) Flexor carpi Radials and pronator teres
Which pec is associated with a pec tear?
Pec major
What are some treatment/ management for a patient suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome?
Anti-inflammatory drugs, immobilization of the wrist, and sometimes surgery to remove part or all of flexor retinaculum
Action and innervation of
Orbicularis Oculi
Action: Blinking, squinting, draws eyebrow inferiorly
Innervation: Facial nerve
Action and innervation of
Orbicularis Oris
Action: Closes, protrudes and compresses lips
Innervation: facial nerve
Action and innervation of
Levator Labii Superioris
Action: Raises and furrows upper lip
Innervation: facial nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: Compresses cheek against teeth and gums, keeps cheek in place to prevent biting during chewing, expels air and liquid
Innervation: facial nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: To retract mandible during chewing, and make rear teeth meet
Innervation: trigeminal nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: Prime mover of jaw closure and elevates mandible
Innervation: trigeminal nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: Prime mover of neck flexion
Unilateral-rotation of head to opposite side
Bilateral- contraction flexes neck
Innervation: accessory nerve
Action and innervation of
Unilateral- ipsilateral flexion and contralateral rotation of neck
Bilateral- flexion of neck
Innervation: Brachial plexus
Action and innervation of
Extends and laterally flexes the neck, Performs scapular movements
Innervation: accessory nerve (C7-T12)
Action and innervation of
Contraction causes diaphragm to flatten and enlarge Thoracic cavity, causing air intake
Innervation: Phrenic nerve
Action and innervation of
External abdominal oblique:
Most superficial later; Fibers pass downward and anteriorly, Rotation (twisting) of waist
Innervation- Anterior rami spinal nerve (T7-T12)
Action and innervation of
Rectus Abdominis:
Sternum to pubis; flexes waist, Divided into segments by three tendinous intersections, giving the look of a six pack
Innervation: Anterior rami spinal nerve (T6-T12)
Action and innervation of
Erector spinae:
Lateral flexion and extension of spine
Innervates: posterior rami of cervical to lumbar spinal nerves
Action and innervation of
Quadratus Lumborum
Deep back muscle, and lumbar region
-Unilateral contraction causes ipsilateral flexion of the spine
-Bilateral contraction causes extension of the spine
Innervation- anterior rami spinal nerve (T12-L4)
Action and innervation of
Series of tiny muscles, connecting adjacent vertebrae to each other; stabilize vertebrae and maintain posture
Innervation- posterior rami of cervical to lumbar spinal nerves
Action and innervation of
Pec Minor and Major
Pec minor- Stabilizes the scapula
Pec major- Adducts and medically rotates the arm
Innervation: Medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Action and innervation of
Rhomboid Minor and Major
Action: Retracts the scapula
Innervation: Posterior scapular nerve
Action and innervation of
Latissimus Dorsi:
Action: Extends, adducts and medially rotates the arm
Innervation: thoracodorsal nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: Aducts, flexes and extends the arm
Innervation: Axillary nerve
Action and innervation of
Action: flexes elbow, supinates the forearm
Innervation: Musclulocutaneous nerve 
Action and innervation of
Action: extends elbow, prime mover of elbow
Innervation: radial nerve
Action and innervation of
Gluteus Max, med, min:
Max- extends and laterally rotates the thigh
Med and min: abduct and medially rotates the thigh
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve (med&min), inferior gluteal nerve (max)
Action and innervation of
Tensor Fasciae Latae:
Extends knee, laterally rotates tibia. Aid in abduction and medial rotation of femur during standing
Innervation- Superior gluteal nerve
Action and innervation of
Laterally rotates extended thigh, abducts flexed thigh
-spinal nerve L5 to S2
Action and innervation of
Aids in knee and hip flexion (sitting/climbing) abducts and literally rotates thigh
Innervation- femoral nerve
Action and innervation of
Bicep Femoris:
Flexes knee, extends hip, elevates trunk from stooping posture, laterally rotates femur when hip is extended
Innervation- long Tibial sciatic nerve??
Short Fibular sciatic nerve??
Action and innervation of
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extends great toe
Dorsiflexes foot
-deep fibular (perineal nerve)
Action and innervation of
Plantar flexes foot, flexes knee, (walking running and jumping)
-tibial nerve
Action and innervation of
Flexor Hallicus longus:
Flexes phalanges of digit one as foot is raised from ground, stabilizes metatarsal heads
-tibial nerve