Trauma Flashcards
Pertaining to the armpit
Pertaining to the neck
ET Tube
Endotracheal tube
Gunshot wound
Excessive bleeding
State of decreased blood volume
Mechanism of injury
Motor vehicle accident
Motor vehicle collision
Nexus Criteria
is utilized when determining who can be cleared clinically of cervical spine fractures and spinal injuries without imaging if none of the following conditions are met
Cervical spine (note whether a collar has been placed or not)
First cervical vertebra, second…
grating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under the skin and joints
Presence of blood in the tympanic cavity of the middle ear
Lumbar spine
Rectal Tone
Assessment of muscles in rectum
Septal Deviation
Displacement of the nasal septum
Septal Hematoma
Bruise or bleeding in the septum, which is the part of the nose that separates the two nostrils
Thoracic spine
are a type of injury to flesh caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, light, radiation or friction
A-Line, Arterial line
thin catheter inserted into an artery, used to monitor the blood pressure real-time
ABG Arterial blood gas
blood test performed using blood from an artery to determine the pH of the blood, the partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and the bicarbonate level
Central Line
Catheter placed into a large vein in the neck (internal jugular vein), chest (subclavian vein or axillary vein) or groin (femoral vein) for central venous access
Chest Tube
Flexible plastic tube that is inserted through the side of the chest into the pleural space used to remove air (pneumothorax), fluid (pleural effusion, blood, chyle) or pus (empyema) from the intrathoracic space
Conscious Sedation
Sedation in which the sedated individual can respond to verbal directions, but he or she feels little to no pain and has an altered level of consciousness. Drugs used for sedation: Ativan, Atropine, Brevital, Demerol, Etomidate, Fentanyl, Ketamine, Morphine, Propofol, Valium, Versed
Removal of foreign matter or dead tissue from a wound
Endotracheal Intubation
Placement of a flexible tube into the trachea to maintain an open airway to facilitate ventilation of the lungs; can serve as a conduit through which to administer certain drugs. A Macintosh blade, a miller blade, a bougie or a glidescope is used.
FAST Exam, Focused assessment with sonography for trauma
rapid bedside ultrasound examination used as a screening test to look for blood around the heart or abdominal organs after trauma
Hypovolemic Shock
Condition in which severe blood and fluid loss make the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body
VBG Venous blood gas
blood test performed using blood from a vein to determine he pH of the blood, the partial