Training Bulletins Flashcards
What is an officer’s most valuable asses in a barricade/hostage situation?
What is a typical hostage incident?
Involves 1 subject, 1-2 hostages and lasts up to ten hours
What is the essence of negotiating?
Keep them talking and build rapport
What is the best strategy for dealing with hostage/barricade?
“Dynamic inactivity.” The less police do, the better.
What are the four courses of action in a hostage/barricade?
- Contain and negotiate
- Contain and use chemical agents
- Contain and use a police marksman
- Contain and use police entry.
What percetange of hostages who die are killed during the entry phase?
What is the most effective course of action in dealing with hostage/barricade?
Contain and negotiate
Can the first on-scene Negotatiator conact the subject before other team members arrive?
During a hostage/barricade, is food negotiable?
Yes, though alcohol should not be given without background info on the subject.
Is medication negotiable?
Essential mediation is. Illegal drugs almost never are.
Is money negotiable?
Yes. Its accumulation is a good time-gathering tactic.
Is media coverage or an interview negotiable?
yes, depending on circumstances.
Are weapons negotiable?
Is an exchange of hostages negotiable?
Is transportation negotiable?
Usually not.
Should a police commander negotiate? Or the Chief, or Mayor?
No. negotiator needs to be able to ask for approval to give more time.
If a negotiator is not avaiable, who can fill the role?
A CIT-trained officer. (Not a Sgt or Lt.)
On a hostage/barricade, who gives SWAT their mission?
Incident Commander
Whare are the two SWAT elements?
Perimeter and Entry/Crisis elements
For a hostage/barricade, should the perimeters be visible or invisible?
Inner: Invisible to suspect
Outer: Visible to public so they know to stay away.
Should the first arriving sergeant to a major scene be inner or outer perimiter?
Inner. The 2nd arriving sergeant is the outer perimeter.
Who has the sole discretion to authorize deployment and use of fully automatic weapons?
Field Commander that is Captain or higher.
On a tactical scene, who should set up the Command Post and Assembly area?
Outer Perimeter Sgt
On a tactical scene, who should establish a personnel roster and situation board with the name and location of all officers involved?
Outer perimeter Sgt
On a tactical scene, who should maintain an event log?
Outer Permiter Sgt
On a tactical scene, who ensures the inner and outer perimeters are set?
Field Commander
On a tactical scene, where should media be staged?
Assembly Area. Not at the CP.
On a tactical scene, who decides what can be released to media?
Field Commander.
On a tactical scene, who assists the field commander with logistics?
Outer Perimeter Sgt
When is “quiet hours” per the Public Disturbance Noise ordinance?
10PM to 7 AM
What noise is not allowed at anytime?
Loud or raucous sounds created by musical instrument, whistle, sound amplifier or other such device.
When is amplified or nonamplified human voice allowed to be loud, raucous and frequent?
Between 0700 and 2200. During quite hours it is not allowed.
Is using a bull horn during daytime hours allowed?
What does Joels Law do?
Allows family members to petition directly to the court to have an adult family member detained for crisis after a DMHP has decided not to detain.
When does Joel’s Law apply?
- DMHP (not a social worker or MHP) has decided not to detain, or
- DMHP’s investigation is not done within 48 hours.
How are Joel’s Law questions referred?
Refer to DMHP phone number.
When did Joels Law go into effect?
July 24, 2015
What does Children’s Crisis Outreach Response System (CCORS) do?
Provides crisis services to children, youth and families in King County.
What is Geriatric Regional Assessment Team (GRAT)?
A specialized crisis intervention and stabilization service to older adults in King County.
Are arrests of juveniles in DV calls discretionary, even if the parent/guardian wants them arrested?
Are YSC or other youth jails mandated to book juveniles for DV assault?
No, since it is not a mandatory arrest.
Suspects under what age will be screened into the FIRS program?
Under 16.