Title 13 - Vehicle Operations Flashcards
Who investiages department-vehicle collisions outside the city?
Usually the agency with jurisdiction, but sometimes TCIS will on a case by case basis.
When is a PTCR required for department collisions?
When there is:
1. At least $1000 in damage, or
2. Any person is injured, or
3. Any traffic crime is comitted.
What is required when a department collision doesn’t meet PTCR threshholds?
A report titlted “Collision - Traffic.”
If a department-vehicle was parked or unoccupied when involved in a collision, how is the officer documented in Blue Team?
As a witness officer.
What must an officer do when involved in a collision?
- Checks for injuries
- Notify supervsior and stay at scene.
- Complete a statement
- Complete a diagram if a PTCR is not completed by SPD
What is a sergeants responsiblity at a dept-collision scene?
- Responds in person to scene.
- Notifies a Lt or captain
- Summons medical attention if needed
- Screens with TCIS if needed
- Takes photos
- Obtains statements from involved employee
- Completed a Blue Team
If an officer is driving code and a person runs a red light and strikes the officer, does the responding patrol officer write an infraction?
No. TCIS handles all enforcement for dept-collisions that occur during an emergency response.
When is a Blue Team needed for a dept collision?
Every dept collision, regardless of visible damage or monetary value.
Can SECTOR be used for department collisions?
Who chairs the Collision Review Board?
Captain of the traffic section, or designee.
Who appoint the members of the Collision Review Board?
The chair (Traffic Captain)
Who is on the Collision Review Board?
- Two sergeants
- One PEO
- Three officers
- Traffic section admin (non voting)
- TCIS (non-voting)
- Training (non voting)
What comprises a quorem for Collision Review Board?
4 voting members and the Chair.
When must the Collision Review Board notify the employee of the initial finding?
Within seven days
What is the timeframe for an employee to appeal a finding by the Collision Review Board?
15 days
Who makes the recommendation for discipline resulting from a Collision Review Board finding?
Bureau chief recommends, Chief of Police has final decision.
What are the ways a person can appeal a Collision Review Board finding?
In person or by written statement.
What is Emergency Response driving?
When an officer operates a police vehicle substantially outside of a normal traffic pattern.
When can officers drive in an emergency response?
When the need outweights the risk. Life preservation is the highest priority.
When do midemenaor or property crimes justify emergency driving?
Only when:
1. Responding to an in-progress crime, or
2. Where there is a legitimate concern for the preservation of life.
Can a supervisor modify or terminate emergency driving (not pursuit)?
How fast will officers drive during an emergency response?
No faster than reasonably necessary to safely arrive at the scene.
Can officers escort private vehicles in an emergency response?
What is needed to use pushbars to move a disabled vehicle?
Driver’s consent recorded on ICV or BWV, and update CAD with driver’s info.
What is eluding?
An officer attempts to stop a person by hand, voice, emergency lights or siren, and the driver, after a reaonable amount of time, refused to stop, takes evasive action or increases speed.
What is a pursuit?
An officer, in an effort to keep pace or stop a driver, drives in a manner that is outside of normal traffic restrictions.
Can unmarked cars with emergency equipment pursue?
When must officer’s use their sirens for emergency driving?
When necessary to warn others of the emergency nature of the situation.
When can an officer engage in a vehicle pursuit?
For a violent offense or sex crime and:
1. There is probable cause that the person poses a significant imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm if not stopped greater than the pursuit, and
2. A supervisor approves the pursuit.
What does the primary officer do when a pursuit is terminated?
with ICV still recording, return to normal driving and turn off all emergency equipment.
Who is responsible for the pursuit?
The controlling supervisor is reponsible whether the pursuit is within policy or not.
Who reserves the right to overide or rescind the decision to deploy tire deflation devices?
Controlling supervisor.
What paperwork is required after a pursuit?
A blue team titled Vehicle Pursuit by each driver officer engaged in the pursuit.
Does the reviewing sergeant watch video of a blue team pursuit?
yes. sergeant reviews video and bookmarks the relevent video.
What is a Lt or Captains role in reviewing a pursuit?
- Review the bookmarked video made by the sergeant
- Imput their comments into each officers Blue Team
Who is notified if an eluding vehicle ends up in a collision (even if no pursuit was ever initiated?)
TCIS and the chain of command up to Patrol Ops Bureau Chief are notified.
If a vehicle eludes and crashed, even though the officer choose not to pursue, does a sgt have to respond to the collision?
Who will adopt procedures for the storage and dispensing of equipment in their precinct or section?
Precinct/Section Captain
Who can give permission to use patrol vehicles from another precinct?
The appropriate watch Lt.
What do the precinct assignment color codes mean on the patrol cars?
West - Red
North - White
East - Green
South - Yellow
SW - Blue.
Square means a district car.
What does an officer do if he notices damage on his patrol car during a pre-shift inspection?
- Notify a segeant, and
- Note damage on Vehicle Damage form and send to Stationmaster
Who is resposible for maintaning a list of authorized moble precinct-trained drivers?
Watch Liuetenants.
Who will determine when the use of a unit special equipment or vehicle is appropriate?
The unit captain and sergeant.
Who assigns department vehicles to specfic units?
Chief Operating Officer
Who will maintain a vehicle log in units that are assigned dept vehicles?
A sergeant
Who will maintain Take Home Vehicle Agreements?
When can employees take a dept vehicle outside city limits?
- If required by their duty,
- With supervisor authorization, or
- Employees who live outside the city and have a take home car can take it outside the city.
Who can authorize temporary overnight use of a dept vehicle?
(A Lt can if captain is not available. Lt must notify cptain as soon as practical)
What form is needed for temporary overnight use of a dept vehicle?
Vehicle Special Assignment request
How long is a temporary overnight use of a dept vehicle good for?
Up to 30 days. Over 30 days need chief operating officer permission.
Does a sworn employee using a marked patrol vehicle need to log the vehicle into service?
Yes. Either by radio or car computer.
Can a non-sworn employee operate a marked patrol vehicle?
- Only with sergeant or above permission
- Must have lightbar hood that places vehicle “Out of Service”
- Not applicable to stationmaster or fleet personnel
Can an employee use a dept vehicle for secondary employement?
How long do employees have to request a parking ticket cancelation recieved on their dept-owned veh?
48 hours. After that, employee is responsible for paying the ticket.