1 October Las Vegas after action Flashcards
When was the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting?
October 1, 2017
How many days did the festival run, and what day did the shooting take place?
3-days (Friday, Sat, Sunday.) Shooting was on the third day, Oct 1st, 2017.
Who was asked to complete a survey for the after-action report?
All personnel who responded in any capacity within the first operational period.
Is is the purpose of MACTAC?
It is a counterterrorism response with the single mission of saving lives.
What was LVMPD’s most read tweet?
A tweet on Oct 2nd offering a phone number for families looking to locate missing loved ones.
Over ___ individuals were interviewed for the after action. How many employees declined to be interviewed for the after-action report?
650 No one declined. These interviews were also separate from the criminal investigation interviews.
What is the Las Vegas “Guardian Group?”
A group made up of Las Vegas strip precinct, Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Authority, and Las Vegas Security Chiefs Association.
How did the Guardian Group assist on Oct 1?
Within minutes of being notified, they had many properties secured with security personal on all points of entry.
How many people were killed and injured in the Las Vegas shooting?
58 dead and over 870 injured.
Where was the shooter during the October 1 Las Vegas shooting?
32 floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.
What is one of the most difficult tasks in the aftermath of a mass-casualty incident?
Conducting timely debriefs with all those involved.
How many people live in Clark County, NV?
2.1 million people
How many people live in Las Vegas?
1.5 million
How many tourists visit Las Vegas a year?
42 million
How many officers did Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept have when the shooting happened?
3182 police officers.
What does the LVMPD cover?
All of Clark Country, to include Las Vegas
How many people were attending the Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas?
22,000 attendees
How many rounds did the shooter fire in the Las Vegas shooting?
Over 1000 rounds over ten minutes.
What is the purpose of FEMA’s after action report about the Las Vegas shooting?
The purpose was to review the integrated response to 1 October between the fire department and law enforcement.
Who wrote the 1 October after-action report?
Sheriff Joe Lombardo of the LVMPD
What does LVMPD’s Events Planning Section do?
Strategizes and coordinates the staffing of special events, unplanned events, protests and dignitary visits.
How many rifle-certified officers were assigned to the perimeter of the event?
8, with staggering start times.
How many sworn officers were working the Harvest Festival on overtime?
50 officers, including a Lt (incident commander.)
Where was the designated casualty collection point before the shooting happened?
Parking lot to the east. It quickly filled up and was too small.
What are the five major branches of ICS?
- Command
- Operations
- Planning
- Logistics
- Admin/Finance
What can improve communications when multiple agencies respond to an incident?
Have a member of each partnering agency in the command post and staging areas.
What did the first LVMPD press release cover?
Identified the shooter and provided a phone number for anyone who had video or information about the shooting.
Why did CAD crash during the event and what can be done to prevent it?
Too many quireies and searches on CAD. Establish a way to mininmize queries and duplicate requests for the same info.
Where was the designated CP for the Harvest Fest Music Festival?
NE section of the Las Vegas Village lot.
What was a main difference in the Oct 1 shooting compared to most active shooter threats up to that point?
Oct 1 shooter was from an elevated position. Most active shooters are on ground level.
How big was the Harvestfest Music Festival lot?
17.5 acres.
When did RTF teams officially enter the music festival lot?
Two hours after shots were fired, Unified Command broadcasted there were no more hot zones.
Why were officers delayed trying to gain access to the 32nd floor from the stairwell?
A metal L bracket secured the door so officers could not exit the stairwell.
What was the biggest challenge for the officers and SWAT team members in the Mandalay Bay trying to stop the shooter?
Communication difficulties between the teams.
Where did the music festival shooter live?
Mesquite Nevada, Clark County. 80 miles north of Las Vegas.
What does Unified Command do?
Operates as a hub of incident operations which include the management of tactical and support resources.
During a large scale event, how often should briefs occur?
No fixed answer. Must be able to be modified to be most effective.
During a large-scale event, who manages staging areas?
The Operations Section
During a large-scale event, does the Operations Section-Staging Manager assign resources?
No. The IC requests resources and the staging section fills those requests.
How many officers responded to the HarvestFest shooting?
More than 1500 responded.
During a large-scale event, what is critical to managing resources during such event?
Maintaining an accurate picture and a current account of resources available.
During the Harvestfest shooting, how many attendees fled across the airport runways?
About 100.
What does LVMPD’s Department Operations Center do?
It is the coordination center for internal resources and communication hub.
What three levels of activation does LVMPD’s DOC have?
1.) Monitoring an event
2.) Partial activation
3.) Full activation. (was needed for this event.)
Who should have access to the command center such as LVMPD”s DOC?
Only those with a public safety purpose. Other areas can be established for elected officials.
According to LVMPD policy, when is the Clark County Mass Casualty Plan activated?
An incident that results in more than 20 casualties. Implemented by fire and police.
What is “pairing dispatchers?”
Pairing a call-taker and dispatcher together as a team.
Which radio system did LVMPD use?
Motorola Astro P25 radio system.
In LVMPD, during an active shooter, who has authority to initiate a MACTAC response?
A watch commander.
How many police radio transmissions occurred in the first hour of the Harvest fest shooting?
638 radio transmissions with 151 of those where an officer activated their “help” button.
What is unique about LVMPD’s PIO?
It contains a combination of both commissioned and civilian staff.
How many hotlines were established to assist the public with questions regarding resources?
Three hotlines, which led to confusion as there was a lack of cordination.
Where did all did LVMPD’s press briefings occur?
In front or inside LVMPD headquarters.
Who was in charge of gathering and disseminating intelligence related to Oct 1 attack?
Southern Nevada Counter-Terrorism Center
What computer system did the FBI use to track all investigative leads?
ORION tracking system.
What LVMPD unit conducted the criminal investigation?
What was LVMPD’s FIT teams two key objectives for the criminal investigation?
- Establishing a motive for the shooter, and
- Determining if he had co-consipirators.
Who started a crime-scene log for the Mandalay Bay and room 32 crime scenes?
The FBI. LVMPD should have started one.
Who processed and examined all Oct 1 evidence?
FBI. All evidence flown or sent to Quantico.
During an event, what two primary IT services are needed in the field?
Multiple computers and open, unfiltered Wi-Fi services.
How many FBI agents assisted in the Oct 1 investigation?
Over 350.
Why was all digital evidence housed by the FBI instead of LVMPD?
LVMPD didn’t have the storage capacity for all the evidence.
Who used mobile fingerprint technology to assist ID of deceased victims on the Oct 1 event?
After the Oct 1 attack, who hand-delivered all death certificates to the victim’s family members?
According to Nevada law, who is responsible for notifying next of kin death notification?
Coroners office.
How long did it takes for the Coroner’s office to ID and all victims and notify their families?
Three days.
Why is LVMPD unique in terms of its leadership?
The sheriff is an elected official and oversees a very large agency. Most sheriff’s oversee a small agency.
True or False? LVMPD Sheriff and other top leaders were able to still trust and confidence in LVMPD personnel; to make decisions?
What LVMPD unit led the investigation at the Mandalay Bay?
FIT, who also had overall lead.
What LVMPD unit led the investigation at the Harvest Fest concert vendue?
LVMPD Homicide Unit
How many square miles is the City of Las Vegas?
Over 140 square miles.
How many commissioned officers did the Clark County School District employ?
161 officers.
Who closed I-15 through Las Vegas immediately after the shooting as to allow first responders to reach the location and clear a direct route to hospitals?
Nevada Highway Patrol
During the LVMPD event, why didn’t most officers have their rifles?
LVMPD policy did not authorize officers to carry rifles while on foot-beats or working overtime details.
Did LVMPD have tourniquets during Oct 1 attack?
Yes. Every officer was issued one and every patrol car had one.
Due to the intensity of radio traffic during the first 15 minutes, how many “denials” were there?
Why did SWAT have communication issues in the Madalay Baty?
They were using line-of-sight radios similar to walkie talkies. The building disrupted these.
How many LVMPD body-worn videos were uploaded to Evidence.com after the Oct 1 attack?
Over 2000 videos
Who is required to attend LVMPD’s Commanders Circle?
All Lieutenants.
How often is LVMPD Commanders Circle?
What percentage of the Harvest fest attendees were out of state?
65 percent
Of the 870 documented injuries, how many occurred from gunshot wounds or shrapnel?
How many victims arrived at the Thomas and Mack Center, which was the initial refuge center?
over 1000 victims
What is essential to create after a mass-casualty incident to facilitate support and connections?
Family Assistance Center
How many people received assistance from the Family Assistance Center?
Over 4200.
Who recovered and returned personal property left at the site after the Oct 1 attack?
The coroners office handles death notifications. Where were most of those death notifications made?
Done at the Family Assistance Center
What was LVMPD Police Employee Assistance Program?
PEAP is a confidential program designed to help resolve personal or family issues before they disrupt home or work life.
How did the Guardian Group assist on Oct 1?
Within minutes of being notified, they had many properties secured with security personal on all points of entry.
How many hours did it take to redact one hour of video?
Five hours.