Title 3 AND 4- Employee Welfare and HR Flashcards
What two laws covers reasonable accommodations?
America with Disabilities Act and Washington Law Against Discrimination.
How can an employee request a reasonable accomodation?
Employees may give an oral or written request for a reasonable accommodation to a supervisor or the Human Resources Section.
When does the reasonable accommodation process begin?
When the employee makes a request (either orally or in writing to a supervisor or to HR.)
What does a supervisor do when receiving an ADA request orally from an employee?
The supervisor will complete a written request and send it to HR.
What must reasonable accommodation request include?
Identification and a brief history of the employee’s disability.
A description of the accommodations(s) that the employee is seeking.
Can the department require employees to disclose their religious beliefs?
No, unless employee is requesting an religious accomodation.
Can department personnel disclose the religious affiliations of another employee?
No, unless the employee expressly gives consent.
What type of risk do SPD employees have of getting infected with tuberculosis?
Seattle-King County Department of Public Health has determined that SPD employees are in a very low-risk occupational setting for the transmission of tuberculosis and other airborne pathogens.
Do SPD employees have a higher or lower risk of TB than the general public?
Higher. Even though it is very low risk, that is still higher than general public.
Who may officers contact to discuss potential exposure incidents?
Harborview triage desk or Center for Disease Control
When will officers not place a facemask on an obviously sick subject?
When the subject is experiencing respiratory distress, is intoxicated, or may vomit,
Can an officer question subjects about their symptoms of tuberculosis?
Can the officer make notification about subjects who may have tuberculosis?
Yes. If booking, contact jail nursing staff. If going to HMC, contact the triage desk. If neither, officers may contact the health department.
How long should a person showing signs of tuberculois be held at a department facility?
No more than 20 minutes.
Who must a sergeant notify regarding an airborne or bloodborne pathogen exposure?
The watch lieutenant by the end of the shift.
Who may officers contact for the Hepatitis B vaccine?
Employee Services Lieutenant
What is a reportable blood exposure incident?
Direct exchange of blood or other potentially infectious material from a source subject to an officer.
Where are airborne and bloodborne exposure packets sent?
Employment services Lt by end of the shift.
What does PPE include?
Nitrile gloves Eye protection Surgical face masks Fluid-shield masks Disposable foot coverings Rubber boots
How often must officers check their patrol vehicle to ensure the biohazard kits contain PPE?
Once at the beginning of the shift. Contact stationmaster for restocking.
When will the evidence unit accept syringes?
Only in cases of homicide or assault where the syringe has been used as a weapon.
For an officer fatatlity, who is the cordinator officer in charge of cordinating the funeral?
A Lt assigned by the BC of the deceased.
Who is the Liaison Officer for a officer fatality?
Assigned by Coordinating Lt and is a close, personal friend of the victim.
For an officer fatality, who handles checking with HR to determine victim benefits?
The coordinating Officer (who is a Lt.)
For an officer fatality, who cleans out the victims locker and handles returning property to spouse/family?
Coordinating Officer (who is a Lt.)
For an officer fatality, who determines which city officials will attend the funeral?
Coordinating Officer
For an officer fatality, who is the Event officer?
The Honor Guard Commander.
What is the goal of the EIS system?
To identify and intervene before the employees actions become policy violations.
Can a supervisor share EIS information with others?
No. EIS is confidential and not to be shared with people not involved in it.
What does an EIS mentoring plan consist of?
- Issue(s) to be addressed
- Method/action plan for addressing the issue(s)
- Timeline for completion of the mentoring plan
- Follow-up actions to be taken
How often are supervisors supposed to review EIS Criteria Thresholds of their employees?
Once a week.
What system do supervisors use to check EIS criteria thresholds of their employees?
Blue Team
What must a manager due upon having an officer transfer into his/her chain of command?
Review the EIS criteria of that employee and document having done so in PAS.
When is a EIS mentoring plan mandatory?
2 or more preventable vehicle collisions in six months. An EIS assessment is not needed, move directly to creating mentoring plan.
If an employee believes their EIS data is incorrect, who do they talk to?
Notify immediate supervisor and provide written notice of the error and correction needed.
Who makes final decision to modify EIS data in case of a suspected error?
HR Director. Corrections are documented in Blue Team
Who creates a mentoring plan for an employee?
The section captain or director.
Generally, how long should a mentoring plan last?
No more than six months.
How is a decision not to place an officer in Early Intervention documented?
Fully articulated in the narrative portion of the Assessment Form and attached to the Blue Team Alert.
Who approves not placing an employee in EIS when they have reached the appropriate critera?
Performance Review Committee and BC.
Who reviews EIS assessments and EIS mentoring plans to ensure Dept-wide uniformity and consistancy?
Performance Review Committee
Who is on the Performance Review Committee?
- Chief’s designee
- Human Resources Director or designee
- Representative from the Patrol Operations Bureau
- Representative from the Audit, Policy & Research Section (APRS)
- Representative from the Education & Training Section (ETS)
- Early Intervention Coordinator
- Department Risk Management (Director of Legal Affairs or designee)
How often does the EIS Performance Review Committee meet?
What is the EIS Performance Review Committee’s purpose?
To ensure Department-wide consistency and uniformity in the implementation of the Early Intervention System.
Who is responsible for scheduling meetings of the EIS Performance Review Committee?
The EIS Cordinator
Who can change the Early Intervention thresholds?
Performance Review Committee with Chief having final approval.
Who has final approval of an EIS assessment and mentoring plan?
The appropriate bureau chief.
What is the EIS threshold for Type 1 UoF?
Patrol Operations Bureau- Exceeding 6 in six month period.
Collaborative Policing Bureau- Exceeding 5 in six month period.
Homeland Security/Special Operations Bureau-Exceeding 5 in six month period.
Criminal Investigations Bureau-Exceeding 3 in six month period.
Professional Standards Bureau-Exceeding 3 in six month period.
What is the EIS threshold for Type II UoF?
Patrol Operations Bureau- Exceeding 4 in six month period.
Collaborative Policing Bureau- Exceeding 3 in six month period.
Criminal Investigations Bureau- Exceeding 2 in six month period.
Homeland Security/Special Operations Bureau- Exceeding 3 in six month period.
Professional Standards Bureau- Exceeding 2 in six month period.
What is the EIS threshold for Type III UoF?
Exceeding one in a six month period.
What is the EIS threshold for Vehicle Collisions?
2 preventable collisions in a six month period, or 4 total collisions within 12 months.
What is the EIS threshold for OPA complaints-Frontline Investigations?
4 complaints within 12 months
What is the EIS threshold for OPA Investigation complaints?
4 within 12 months.
What is the EIS threshold for EEO complaints?
2 complaints within 12 months.
What is the EIS threshold for being named in a police action lawsuit?
2 within 24 months.
What is the aggregate total of EIS criteria to trigger a review?
A total of 10 indicators within any six month window.
Who reviews an EIS threshold indicator that occurs while the employee is already on a mentoring plan?
The employees lieutenant reviews the incident and determines if the mentoring plan should be revised. Sends recommendation to the captain to make final decision.
How many PAS evals must a supervisor review when creating or implementing an EIS mentoring plan?
In PAS, the sergeant reviews at minimum: (a) the last two performance evaluations, and (b) any documentation relating to performance that has occurred between the last evaluation and the date of the assessment.
How long does a sergeant have to complete an EIS review to determine if a mentoring plan is required?
14 days.
What must a mentoring plan consist of?
- Specific performance issues to be addressed.
- Specific methods/trainings that will be utilized to address the identified performance issues.
- Specific time frames for completing assigned tasks or training.
- Identify the chain of command responsibilities in ensuring the performance issues are addressed.
Upon receipt from the sergeant regarding an EIS assessment and proposed plan, how long does the lieutenant have to submit it to the captain?
3 days
Upon receipt from the Lieutenant regarding an EIS assessment and proposed plan, how long does the captain have to submit it to the IES Coordinator?
7 days
Where does the IES assessment and proposed plan go after being sent from the captain to the EIS Cordinator?
IES Coordinator submits it to the next PRC, PRC reviews it and within seven days of the meeting, if approves it send it to bureau chief for final approval. If disapprove of the plan, sends it back to the captain.
How long does a bureau chief have to approve a EIS mentoring plan once received from the Performance Evaluation Committee?
5 days.
How is a mentoring plan progress documented?
Every two week by Sgt on EIS Status Report.
When an employee is on a mentoring plan, how many calls a week should the sgt respond to to observe?
4 a week.
Do employees use the Travel Training Request system for trainings that do not require dep funds?
No. It is only used for training that requires dept funds.
How far in advanced must an employee submit a travel/training request?
30 days prior to travel
Who reviews all travel training requests over $500?
The Captains Training Committee, chaired by the Training Captain.
What must employees complete after attending non-department training?
An Individual Course Attendance Record.
How many officers a year are killed in the line of duty?
Over 100 a year.
What consists of “Mourning Insignia”?
Mourning Band
Morning Ribbon
SPD Mourning Badge
SPD Mourning Badge Lapel Pin
Who authorizes mourning insignia?
The chief of police
How long can an employee display mourning insignia?
From the Chief;s authorization until the internment or memorial service is complete. For SPD or SFD deaths, for 72 hours after the memorial is complete.
How must the mourning band be worn?
Above or below the center of the badge as to not obscure where the serial number would be. Cannot write serial number on the band.
How do non-sworn employees honor a line of duty death?
Can wear mourning ribbon or mourning badge lapel pin.
Can an officer wear a mourning badge for an line-of-duty death when not authorized by the department?
Yes, the the officer has a personal connection with to the officer killed.
When is Peace Officers Memorial Day?
May 15th.
When do police facility flags fly at half-staff?
Peace Officers Memorial Day (May 15th) or for line of duty death of SPD or SFD until 72 hours after memorial service.
For SPD or SFD line of duty death, from the time of death to 72 hours after the memorial service.
Who is responsible for ongoing training for their unit members?
Captains or unit managers
Who is responsible for training non-sworn employees?
City of Seattle Training and Development Unit.
Who is responsible for maintaining the Accident Prevention Program?
Dept safety officer
When an employee sees an unsafe work condition that is not an immediate hazard, what shall they do?
Complete an Employer’s Report of Unsafe Working Conditions and forward it to the Department Safety Officer.
What does an employee do if an unsafe condition or practice represents an immediate safety concern?
Report it to their immediate supervisor. Supervisor shall take action to prevent injury or accident.
Who comprises the Safety and Health Committee?
Six SPD employees. Three are appointed from management by the chief. The rest from membership or collective bargaining units.
What must units storing hazardous chemicals required to maintain?
- An accurate inventory-updated annually.
- A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical.
- A written plan specific to the unit.
- Training for employees.
Who determines if units using industrial strength chemicals (not hazamat) must meet the same hazmat notification and training requirements?
Dept Safety Officer
Who requests employee transfers through the EMT?
Lieutenants and authorized administrative specialists.
Can an employee transfer occur before the EMT is finalized by HR?
No, unless HR gives an exemption.
Who reviews EMT requests for movement inside the employee’s current bureau?
The chain of command through the rank of Captain.
Who reviews EMT requests for movement outside the employee’s current bureau?
The chain of command through the rank of Assistant Chief.
Do officers going out on limited duty or returning from limited duty require an EMT?
When an employee changes their phone number or address, how long do they have to update that info in PEDS?
Two weeks.
Who does an employee contact when they change their legal name?
Benefits section in HR within two weeks of changing legal name.
Who manages PEDS within their command?
Captains, Directors and managers.
Where does an employee provide their residential address and phone number?
Can an employee us a post office box for their address?
Yes, for a mailing address. Employee must also provide residential address.
Who approves a leave request for over four consecutive days?
Section Captain or Non-Sworn Equivalent
When must supervisors approve time sheets?
By noon on Wednesday following the end of each pay period.
Can employees request time off using Holiday if they have no Holiday balance left?
Yes, if scheduled holiday leave will be earned by the end of the year.
Can employees request time off using Furlough if they have no Furlough balance left?
Yes. Employees on a 4-2 or 24 hour shift may use unearned furlough leave up to 36 hours if the furlough leave will be earned by the end of the year.
Who can authorize an extension to use Holiday or Furlough time?
Bureau Chief
How long do employees have to request a correction of a submitted time sheet?
45 days from the day in question.
What occurs for a Absent Without Leave (AWOL) employee?
Supervisor sends a memo to HR and to Bureau Chief through chain of command.
Who can authorize Release Time
Sergeants/supervisors and above.
What is Special Duty time?
Special Duty is performing Dept business outside their regular duty; attending a job-related business meeting, working on an extradition, or testifying in an outside jurisdiction.
Who can approve Special Duty days?
Captain. A Special Duty Day Authorization Form is required.
Who reviews and approves/disapprove requests for Guild Days?
SPOG President
Who can give a personal exemption from a restricted-day-off event (4th of July, etc.)
Deputy Chief.
When must restricted day-off exemptions be requested?
By Jan 31st.
Does an employee need pre-approval for overtime?
Yes, in most cases.
When does an employee NOT need preapproval for overtime?
- ) Subpoena to court.
2. ) Actively participating in a a major incident that will take them beyond normal shift hours.
What is the max hours an employee may work in a week?
No more than 90 hours. This includes all hours worked, including any shifts missed due to illness or injury.
What constitutes a week for employee maximum hours?
One week is 0300 on Saturday until 0300 the following Saturday.
When can an employee go beyond 90 hours in a week?
- ) Interest of public safety
- ) court
- ) mandatory overtime
Must be pre-approved by Capt or higher.
Who shall review overtime for their respective section?
Lieutenants and managers
What status’ forbid an employee from working overtime?
Sick leave, military leave, disciplinary suspension, limited duty.
Who can approve altering regular work hours to work dept overtime?
Bureau Chief
Employees who appear at court needs whose signature on the OT form?
The bailiff or prosecutors signature. For telephonic hearing, attach the subpoena.
Who approves out-of-classification assignments?
Precinct/Section Captain or Director
When do acting sergeants need to attend training for their position?
When the acting sergeant assignment will be over 60 consecutive days.
Where are Event Overtime Summarys sent?
SPOC for special events
Payroll for all other events.
Who can authorize standby pay?
Where are overtime forms maintained?
Captains retain copies of all forms for their section/precinct.
How do Captains log overtime?
They log overtime as Flex Time.
Who is responsible for ensuring supervisors approve their direct reports timesheets?
How is an officer on Jury Duty listed on timesheet?
What work schedule does an employee serving jury duty work?
5-2 schedule
If an employee is released from jury duty (not selected) for the day, what does the employee do?
Report to their supervisor.
May employees keep court-provided compensation for the cost of transportation?
Who can authorize release from jury duty?
A captain or higher.
When must an employee inform the department of a divorce or domestic partner termination?
With 31 days.
When can an employee apply for a new domestic partner after termination of the old one?
90 days after termination of the prior partnership.
Can an employee work secondary employment while using sick leave?
No…though the Chief may grant exceptions.
If an officer is injured while working a secondary job, can the officer use sick time?
If an employee has no more sick time, what must be marked?
WS. Other discretionary time cannot be used.
Can an employee substitute discretionary leave for sick leave if the officer is out of sick time?
What schedule does an employee work who is expected to be out sick for more than two weeks?
5-2 schedule
When is an APF required after being out sick?
- ) LEOFF 1—if they are out over 5 consecutive sick days.
2. ) LEOFF 2- if they are out over 4 consecutive sick days.
Who can request an employee psychological fit for duty evaluation?
A bureau chief through the HR director.
What must happend with an employee uses sick leave for mental-health illnesss?
Supervisor will take posession of employees Dept firearm and give it to Employment Services Lt.
Who investigates sick leave abuse?
The Employment Services Lt.
Who can place an employee on mandatory reporting?
HR Director
What does Mandatory Reporting for sick leave abuse consist of?
Employee must provide an APF before returning to work every time they use sick leave
Who must sign an APF upon return from Extended Sick Leave
Employee and sergeant’/supervisor
Who will investigate reported or observed job-related illness or injury to an employee?
When is the time-keeping code WD used?
For an employee absent from work due to their on-duty injury/illness
What forms are required when an employee is injured on duty?
- ) Supervisor’s Report of Employee’s Industrial Injury for all injury’s.
- ) Medical Absence Report if employee requires time off from work.
- ) Self Insurer Accident Report if medical treatment is required.
Where does a supervisor send injury paperwork when an employee is injured on the job?
To the Employment Services Lieutenant within 24 hours of the incident.
Who does Sworn LEOFF II employees contact regarding long-term disability benefits?
Seattle Police Officers Guild.
Who does civilian employees contact regarding long-term disability benefits?
Family and Medical Leave Coordinator in HR.
What is the maximum length of a Limited-Duty assignment?
16 weeks (does not apply to pregnant employees)
Who can extend a limited duty assignment beyond 16 weeks?
HR director
Who establishes reporting requirements for a limited-duty employee?
Employment Services Lt.
Whose approval is required for a limited-duty assignment?
HR Director or Employment Services Lt.
How does an employee request a limited-duty assignment?
Emails request to Employment Services Lt and their Capt/Manger and sends APF to Employment Services Lt.
Email states job-related limitations and expected return to duty.
What does an employee do when returning from Limited Duty?
Obtains APF and submits APF to supervisor.
What type of leave can an employee request for pregnancy, prenatal care or to care for a newborn?
- ) Pregnancy disability leave
2. ) Family and Medical Leave
Can an employee request unpaid pregnancy disability leave without using their sick time?
No. Sick time must be used first.
How does an employee request pregnancy disability leave?
- ) Completes Employee Request for Leave of Absence form, and a APF.
- ) Submits both forms to Family and Medical Leave Coordinator.
When can an officer request a Leave of Absence Without Pay?
For Personal or Medical reasons for up to 12 months.
How does an employee request a personal leave of absence?
Submit a Employee Request for Leave Absence to supervisor, who sends it through chain of command to employment services Lt.
When can an employee use Family or Medical Leave?
- ) Non-medical care of newborn child of employee or employee’s spouse/domestic partner.
- ) Placement of a child with employee for adoption or foster care.
- ) Care of the employee’s spouse/domestic partner, or a child or parent of the employee or his or her spouse/domestic partner who has a serious health condition.
- ) Employee’s own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of his or her regular assignment
- ) Qualifying military exigency.
Is chain of command approval needed for FMLA?
No. The request goes straight to FMLA Cordinator, not through CoC.
How many hours may an employee receive of donated sick time?
560 hours for each incident.
When can an employee request donated sick time?
- Only for their own illness or injury and after they exhaust their paid leave balances,
- and will go on leave without pay without a donation,
- and are not available for any other leave benefits.
What are the criteria for an employee to donate sick leave to another?
- ) Must donate a minimum of 8 hours.
2. ) Have a balance of 240 hours after the donation.
How does an employee request donated sick leave?
Completes Application to Receive Sick Leave form and an APF, and sends both to the HR Payroll Supervisor.
How many paid military days are granted a year?
21 days. Employees may take unpaid military leave if their service goes beyond 21 days.
Who can authorize unpaid military leave for leave in excess of 21 days?
Bureau Chief
What is Military Spouse leave?
Military spouse or domestic partner can take up to 15 days unpaid leave when military member is deployed or called to active duty. Can use accrued leave for any part of the unpaid leave.
Difference between sworn and civilian bereavement leave?
- Sworn: 40 hours of leave for close relative or relative other than close relative.
- Non-sworn: 40 hours of leave for close relative. Can use up to 40 hours of sick time for relative other than close relative.
Can a supervisor complete and submit a bereavement leave form on behalf of the employee?
How many hours of bereavement leave is authorized?
Up to 40 hours.
Can supervisors request an employee provide reasonable documentation to substantiate the need for bereavement leave?
Who oversees the Employee Recognition Awards Program?
The Employee Recognition Committee (ERC)
Who is on the Employee Recognition Committee?
Representative from each bureau selected by HR Bureau
How long do Employee Recognition Committee members serve?
3 year term
What is the “Medal of Valor” award?
Awarded to sworn employee who knowingly perform conspicuous acts of courage under life threatening circumstances so that others might live.
What is the “Medal of Courage”
Awarded to non-sworn employees who take action during an emergency with the intent to save a life, help the injured or assist law enforcement.
What is the “Outstanding Public Service” awad?
An individual recognized for going above and beyond the expectations of their position which impacted a problem, issue or event.
What is the “Excellence” award?
Employee consistently demonstrated exceptional work performance which made positive contributions to the department.
What is the “Inspirational” award?
Consistently promoted a can-do approach which inspired others to achieve performance excellence.
What is the “Innovation” award?
Employee developed a creative solution to a long-standing problem which embodies the characteristics of courage, risk-taking and/or perseverance.
Does an employee need to use up sick leave balance prior to applying for FML?
List the SPD employee recognition awards.
- Medal of Valor.
- Medal of courage.
- Outstanding public service
- Excellence
- Community Ambassador
- Inspirational
- Innovation