topic 29 Flashcards
what are the branches of a. celiaca
- a. lienalis
rr. lienalis
a. gastrica breves
a. gastroepiploica sinistra - a. gastrica sinistra
- a. hepatica
rr. hepatici
a. gastrica dextra
a. gastroduodenalis
- a. pancreaticoduodenalis cran
- a. gastroepiploica dex
what are the branches of a. mes cran
- a. ileocolica
- a. colica media
- a. colica dextra
- r. colicus - a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis
- a. cecalis
- r. ilei antimesenterialis (same side as ceacum) - a. jejunalis
- ends in a. ilealis -> r. ilei mes (in mesentary)
what are the branches of mes caud artery
a. colica sin
a. rect cran
plica duodenocolica (duod asc to colon descendens) plica ileocecalis
diaphragma; lumbar part
L and R crus attatch to bodies of 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae
Hiatus aorticus - aorta abdominis run between the two crus
- aorta, azygous vein, thoracic duct
diaphragma: Costal part
Arise from medial surface of 8th to 13th ribs
Interdigits with the transverse abdominal muscle
diaphragma: sternal part
Arise from the dorsal surface of the sternum cranial to the xiphoid cartilage
bulges cran towards the lung into thorax
Hiatus esophagus
In muscular part of right crus
- oesophagus, vagal nerve, sympathetic trunk
foramen vena cava caudalis
Where muscular and tendinous part meets at the right side (centrum tendineum)
shortly describe the Ggl of the undpaired arteries of the abdomen
all three ar found at level of arteries with same name: primarely symp fibers, to their organs, celiac is a paired ggl: L+R
n. splancnhnicus majus
- leave symp tr at level of th13
- adrenal glands and aorta
- terminates in celiacomesenteric ggl.
there are also minor splanchnic nerves which have a similar distribution
celiacomesenteric ggl aka
ggl. Soleare
n. vagus in abdomen
the dors+ventr vagal branches
at level of hiatus aorticus the L and R dorsal branches unite to form the dorsal vagal trunk - same with ventral
tr. vagalis dors provide
ps fibers to celiac ggl
tr. vagalis ventr provide
PS fibers to liver and stomach
caud to stomach the PS innervation is not yet known, only theories