topic 17 Flashcards
which 5 muscles does the femoral nerve innervate
1 - iliopsoas 2 - psoas minor 3 - quadriceps femoris 4 - sartorius 5 - partly pectineus
describe the n. saphena
branch off n. femoralis in the femoral canal, sensory nerve only. ends in rr. cutanei medially of crus, tarsus, metatarsus
crus = femur + tibia/fibula
what is the difference btw the saphenus vessels on arteria and vena
a. : a. saphena
v. : v. saphena med + lat
both ex v/a. femoralis
all have cran+caud ramus
m. sartorius blood supply
a. circ il supf
a. circ. fem. lat supplies which muscles
cranial thigh muscle blood supply (quadriceps)
which vessels run with the tibial nerve
v./a. caud fem dist
aa. surales
muscular branches found dist to dist fem caud, going caud too (and stifle area)
describe the connection btw the superficial and deep venous system in HL
medial saphenus ex femoris and lateral saphenus ex caud fem dist v. both have cr/ca ramus that join
cranial join to make v. dorsalis pedis(sometimes absent) -> dorsal common digital veins
caudal join at tuber calcanei forming the plantat common digital vein
what are the prox, cranial and caudal borders of canalis femorialis
cranial: caudal margin of caudal part of sartorius
caudal: cranial margin of pectineus
prox: lig. inguinale
what are the lateral borders of the femoral canal, and what limits the depth of the canal
depth: iliopsoas and vastus mediale
lateral cran: adductor
lateral caud: gracilis
what sorrund the ln. popliteus
lies in the center prox on gastrocnemius, with semitendinosus on the medial side, and m. biceps on the lateral side
v. saphena lateralis is found going out from this lymphnode in a dist->cran direction
name the 6 medial muscles of the thigh
1 - sartorius 2 - pectineus 3 - gracilis 4 - adductor 5 - vastus medialis 6 - semimembranosus
give the branches of a. femoralis in prox -> dist order
- a. circ. il. supf
- a. circ fem lat
- a. caud fem prox
- a. genus descendens
5/6. a. caud fem medii and a. saphena oppositely - a. caud fem dist
blood supply of m. biceps femoris
a. gluteus caudalis ex iliaca interna
a. caud fem prox/medii/dist
semimembranosus blood supply
a. caud fem medii –> must transect semimembranosus to see the caud fem dist with the lateral saphenus vein!
do in exam, when tracing femoral artery, dont need to do with vein just show to explain supf venous system comp to the arteries
nerves in the femoral channel
dont need to show femoral, only sephanus ex femoral. goes in a caud->cran direction superficially
sensory nerve only!! rr. cutaneus