topic 23 Flashcards
what are the branches of tr. costocervicalis
a. scapularis dorsalis(continuation
a. vertebralis thoracica (aa. intercost dors 2-3)
a. cerv prof (first branch!)
(a. intercost dors 1)
what is the last branch of subclavia, and what are its branches
a. cerv. supf
- r. deltoideus
- r. ascendens (running cranial)
- r. prescapularis
- a. suprascapularis
- r. acromialis
a. vertebralis termination, and supply blood to what
divides, one branch anastomose with r. communicans anast cup a. occipitalis, other branch goes dorsally to anast with a. cerv. prof
r. spinalis to spial chord, meninges and cervical vertebrae
what does the a. cerv prof supply blood to
cervical musculature
origin of n. phrenicus
(C4)C5-C7, going to diaphragma
explain the thoracic portion of n. vagus
tr. vagalis dorsalis et ventralis to esophagea
dors: made by dorsal branches of L+R n. vagus
ventr: made by ventral branches of L+R n. vagus
origin of n. depressor
n. vagus
level where the tr. vagosymp split
ggl. cerv medii
what do you need to see before opening the thoracic cavity
a. cerv supf
what are the branches and continuation of thoracica interna
a. epigastrica cranialis is the continuation
- a. pericardiophrenica
- Medial/midline: r. thymici (cran) / r. mediastinalis (caud)
- r. perforans (out from sternum external)
- (ventral intercost aa. Cut away with ribs)
- a. musculophrenicus (with nerve)
what are the branches of subclavia sinistra
tr costocerv
thor int
cerv supf
what are the branches of brachiocephalica
first carotis communis sin then dex, subcl dex is the continuation
what are the branches of thoracic aorta
subclavia sin
intercost dors 4-
what is the last branch of intercost dors (caudally) called
A. costoabdominalis dorsalis
termination of a. intercost dors
End by anastomose with aa. Intercostales ventrales and a. musculophrenicus
how to start the nerve dissection
- Find tr.(v) costocervicalis - ring
- Just above find the ggl. Stellatum with ansa subclavia
- Ansa subclavia ender i media ggl. With vagus coming out of it going to esophagus splitting to dorsal and ventral part (find espphagus and trace caud to heart to find dorsal vagus on it)
- Befor ggl media: vogosymp trunk - find in neck if unshure about vagus and pull: you find the trunk prox to the carotid arteries by origin!
- Symp tr from ggl stellatum clise to vertebrea
what big nerves are here irrelevant and should be cut away
Th1+2!! Cut away, part of brachial plexus
what are the ggl along symp tr called
Paravertebral ganglia
Ggl. Stellatum aka
Ggl. Cervicothoracicum,
here also find N. vertebralis running with artery
ansa subl location
Between Ggl. Stellatum and Ggl. Cervicale medii
a. subclavia run between the right and left ansa
L/R recurrent vagal nerves around which structures
L: aorta
R: tr. costocerv