topic 26 Flashcards
the thorax can be divided into which 3 regions
precardiac, cardiac and postcardiac
the two pleural cavities opf the thorax consists of two parts
pleura costalis and pleura mediastinalis
the fascia covering the thoracic cavity is called
fascia endothoracica
the dorsal and ventral recesses of the two pleural cavities are called
rec. costomediastinalis
rec. sternomediastinalis
recess found cranially beyont the thorac inlet
recessus caudodorsally extending beyond thorax along diaphragma
rec. lumbodiaphragmatica
area btw the two pleural cavities
recess extending ventrolat against diaphragma
rec. costodiaphragmatica
recess where you find the accessory lobe of the RIGHT lung
rec. mediastinodiaphragmatica SIN
- -> here also see plica vena cava(RIGHT!)!
right pleural cavity extend to the left side of thorax, it is bigger than left
two curves of the esophagus are found in the thorax regon
C6 to dorsal
dorsal to heart
two narrowings of the esophagus
1st rib and diaphragma
left and right lung lobes of canine
L: cranial in a cr+ca part, caudal lobe (=3)
R: cr, middle, caudal, accessory (=4)
facies, parts and margins of the lungs
facies: costalis, medialis
pars: vertebralis, mediastinalis
margo obtusus(dors) and acutus(ventr)
impressio of fascies medialis of lungs
impressio: cardiaca, aortica, esophagea
inbulging of abdominal peritoneum over esophagus
cavum serosum mediatini
lc. thoracicum ventrale
btw sternum and thoracica interna: ln sternalis cranialis
lc. thor dors under arteries intercos dors
lc. mediastinalis
ln. mediastinum cran and medius are found
in front of and dors to heart
lc. tracheobronciale
ln. tracheobronchialis dex sin and medius
look at nerves running in precardiac cardiac and postcard regions (divide them)
pericardium two layers
pericardium fibrosum (cont. onto t. ext of blood vessels -> connected to fascia endothoracica) pericardium serosum
lig pulmonale
caud to root of lung
gl. thymus
in precardiac region, lympohatic organ
pericardium function
The pericardium fixes the heart to the mediastinum, gives protection against infection and provides the lubrication for the heart
3 layers of heart
epicardium (outer)
how to dissect
Divide the thorax in to sections, both on the left and right
Talk about the lungs
Talk about the pericardium
Talk about the topography of the thorax:
Spaces (recesses / cupula), Structures