TOEFL Words Flashcards
remain incomplete (v.)
eksik kalmak
for one thing (adv.)
bir kere, önce, evvela
along with (adv.)
ile birlikte, yanında
playact (v.)
oynamak, rol yapmak
state (n.)
hal, durum
weak-willed (adj.)
iradesiz, kolayca etkilenen
susceptible (adj.)
duyarlı, duygusal, hassas, elverişli
in the sense that (adv.)
Merve is a decent person, in the sense that she always tries to do what is required of her by law. However, this does not mean she is a good person. A person may be decent in the sense that she may follow specific guidelines set by society but still be a bad person in the sense that the morality of her actions may be self-centered as opposed to community-centered.
bakımından, -mesiyle
suggestibility (n.)
telkin edilebilirlik, telkine açıklık
indicate (v.)
göstermek, işaret etmek, belirtmek, belirtisi olmak
#Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.
#Please indicate which free gift you would like to receive.
#She indicated to me (that) she didn’t want me to say anything.
readily (adv.)
kolaylıkla, rahatlıkla
conforming (n.)
uygun olma, uygun, koyun(kendi düşünemeyen anlamında)
(conform= uyumlu olmak)
resist (v.)
direnmek, karşı koymak, engellemek
selfless (adj.)
No community has the capacity to display the selfless behavior idolized by the likes of Marx, who believed in the concept of the “ideal” in which the needs of the community is considered more vital than that of anything else.
özverili, fedakar
*selfish = self-centered = bencil
*self-confidence = özgüven
*confident = kendine güvenen
*feel confident = kendine güvenmek
decent (adj.)
Merve is a decent person, in the sense that she always tries to do what is required of her by law. However, this does not mean she is a good person. A person may be decent in the sense that she may follow specific guidelines set by society but still be a bad person in the sense that the morality of her actions may be self-centered as opposed to community-centered.
edepli, terbiyeli, nezih
abandon (v.)
*To leave; to give up : terketmek, vazgeçmek
#To save their lives, the sailors had to abandon the sinking ship.
(Synonyms = desert, leave)
**abandonment = terk, terk etme
1) adverse (adj.)
2) adversity (n.)
3) adversely (adv.)
4) adversary (n.)
1) *olumsuz, aksi
== negative = unfavourable = reverse
#The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions.
2). *güçlük, sıkıntı, aksilik
#The road to happiness is paved with adversities.
(obstacle = engel, mani
hurdle = engel, güçlük)
3)*In a harmful way; negatively : olumsuz olarak, aleyhte, zararına
#Excessive rainfall early in the spring can adversely affect the plant- ing of crops.
»adversely affect
4)*düşman, muhalif, rakip
== opponent=enemy
#Still, crop revitalization faces an unexpected adversary: institutional incompetence.
aggregate (adj.)
*total= toplam, toplu
#It is impossible to judge last year’s performance without knowing the aggregate sales numbers.
#The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £5.2 million.
**aggregate(v.) = to combine into a single group or total: toplamak, birleştirmek
#The company aggregates news and information from a number of sources on its website.
**aggregate(n.) = bütün, topluluk
(tutar == sum, amount, total)
cultivation (n.)
*Preparing the land to grow crops; improvement for agricultural purposes : toprağı işleme, tarım, ekim
#With the development of land cultivation, hunters and gatherers were able to settle in one place.
**cultivate = ekip biçmek, yetiştirmek
#Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.
**harvest = hasat, biçmek, toplamak
fertilize (v.)
*To supply with nourishment for plants by adding helpful
substances to the soil = gübrelemek, aşılamak
#This farm fertilizes tomatoes more than any other crop.
**fertilizer = gübre
**fertilization = gübreleme, aşılama
intensify (v.)
*To increase in power; to act with increased strength: güçlendirmek, yoğunlaştırmak, arttırmak
#Jacob’s long absence intensified his certainty that he should marry Rose.
**intensification =şiddetlendirme, güçlendirme
**intense = yoğun, şiddetli, kuvvetli
obtain (v.)
*To gain possession of; to get: edinmek, elde etmek, kazanmak
#After a series of difficult interviews, he finally was able to obtain the job.
(Synonyms ==acquire=gain=achieve=access=procure)
precipitation (n.)
*Water that falls to the Earth’s surface : yağış =precipitate
#In the Pacific Northwest, the high level of precipitation ensures rich, green plant life.
#There are many different types of precipitation —rain, snow, hail, and sleet for example—yet they all have a few things in common. They all come from clouds. They are all forms of water that fall from the sky.
incompetence (n.)
*lack of ability to do something successfully or as it should be done: yetersizlik, beceriksizlik ==inability
#Still, crop revitalization faces an unexpected adversary: institutional incompetence.
**competence = yeterlik, kabiliyet
#Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.
#He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.