Collocations Flashcards
be over the moon (about/with) (v.)
çok mutlu olmak/sevinmek (bir konuda, bir şey hakkında)
#Merve was over the moon when the doctor told her she was going to to have triplets.
stick to (v.)
bir şeye bağlı kalmak
#stick to the rules,
#stick to the left,
#stick to what I have told you
make an effort to (v.)
(bir şey/bir şey yapmak için) bir çaba harcamak
#He at least made an effort to lie
Narrow-minded (adj.)
sabit fikirli
#My mother can be pretty narrrow-minded sometimes.
(to tie) Shoelaces (v.)
(bağlamak) ayakkabı bağı
Wet Wipes (n.)
ıslak mendil
**wipe = silmek
#I want to die before I can’t wipe my own ass
Strictly forbidden (n.)
kesinlikle yasak
# There is nothing strictly forbidden in law, something is either forbidden or not.
**Restriction = kısıtlama, yasak
Bitterly cold/extremely cold (adj.)
acayip soğuk
#It was so bitterly cold yesterday that even the bitter chocolate I bought was frozen.
Pitch black (adj.)
#The road to Çeşme was so pitch black that driving a car turned into a nightmare for me.
Breed crime (v.)
suç türetmek/doğurmak
#Poverty breeds crime, therefore if the government wants to reduce the rate of crime, firstly it should find a way to solve the problem of poverty.
#What else breeds crime? (extreme self-confidence?)
**breed = beslemek, çiftleştirmek, yetiştirmek
#He breeds Horses for a living.
A big meal = a substantial meal (n.)
büyük bir öğün için söylenir.
#We had a big meal for dinner.
Over the moon (about/with) (v.)
çok mutlu olmak/sevinmek (bir konuda, bir şey hakkında)
#Merve was over the moon when the doctor told her she was going to have triplets.
Give someone a lift (v.)
birini bırakmak (genelde arabayla)
#She put me in a position where I had to give her a lift.
#Who did you reluctantly give a lift?
#Do you want me give you a lift to the airport?
put me in such a position that (v.)
beni öyle bir pozisyona soktu ki
#She put me in such a position that I had to give her a lift.
#She put me in such a position that I had to offer her to come with us.
Make one’s way (to something)
biryere yola koyulmak
#Merve made her way to the courtroom as soon as she “got the call”.
#I will make my own way there.
Lead + adj + life (v.)
iyi/kötü/heyecanlı… bir hayatı olmak
#He leads a good life.
#She leads a happy life with 3 children, though she has put on quite a lot of weight since I last saw her.
put on quite a lot of weight (v.)
oldukça çok kilo almak = gain so much weight
#He has so put on quite a lot of weight that I could not recognize him.
Desperately jealous/extremely jealous (adj.)
no very!
#She is so desperately jealous that this behaviour causes her to lead a bad life.
To the extent/degree/point that
derecesine/noktasına kadar
#She is jealous to the extent that she does not let him come home late.
To the point of (X)
noktasına kadar, noktasına varacak kadar
#She is jealous to the point of insanity.