List 4 - The Scope of Tourism Flashcards
Scope (n.)
*the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc.: faaliyet alanı, kapsam
#I’m afraid that problem is beyond/outside the scope of my lecture.
Primitive (adj.)
#primitive man
#Early settlers/yerleşimci) had to cope(baş etmek) with very primitive living conditions.
Set out(v.)
*to start an activity with a particular aim: YOLA ÇIKMAK, SEYAHATE ÇIKMAK, BAŞLAMAK, KOYULMAK
#She set out with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship.
#They set out to discover a cure for cancer.
#when primitive man set out, often traversing great distances in search of game, which provided the food and clothing necessary for his survival.
*to give the details of something or to explain it, especially in writing, in a clear, organized way: DÜZENLEMEK, BELİRLEMEK
#Your contract will set out the terms and conditions of your employment.
Traversing great distance (v.)
büyük mesafeler katetme
traverse(v)= to move or travel through an area:
#Stanley traversed the continent from west to east.
Game (n.)
av hayvanı
#search of game
the course of history(n)
tarihin akışı
#Throughout the course of history, people have travelled for purposes of trade, religious conviction, economic gain, war, migration and other equally compelling motivations.
**Course = kurs, rota, gidişat, akış
1) Compel (v.)
2) Compelling (adj.)
1)*to force someone to do something: ZORLAMAK, MECBUR ETMEK
#As a schoolboy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.
#The new circumstances compelled a change in policy.
== force to act = enforce = constrain = urge
2)*If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong: ZORLU, ZORLAYICI
#compelling evidence
#It’s a fairly compelling argument for going.
#other equally compelling motivations.
== irresistable = forcible = constraining
1) Convince (v.)
2) Convict (n.)
3) Convict (v.)
4) Conviction (n.)
1)*to persuade someone or make someone certain: ikna etmek, inandırmak
#He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.
== assure = persuade = gain the confidence of = prove
2)*someone who is in prison because they are guilty of a crime: mahkum
#an escaped convict
3)*to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime: mahkum etmek.
#He has twice been convicted of robbery/arson.
== sentence = imprison = condemn
4)*the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty: mahkumiyet
#Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.
*a strong opinion or belief: inanç, kanaat
#religious/moral convictions
#It’s my personal conviction that all rapists should be locked away for life.
1) Afford advantage (v.)
2) Afford the opportunity (v.)
1) menfaat sağlamak, menfaat elde etmek
2) Fırsat vermek
#Seaside resorts located at Pompeii and Herculaneum afforded citizens the opportunity to escape to their vacation villas in order to avoid the summer heat of Rome.
Afford = parası yetmek, gücü yetmek, sağlamak
Vital (adj.)
#Travel, throughout recorded history, has played a vital role in the development of civilisations and their economies.
1) Contribute (v.)
2) Contribution (n.)
1)*to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people:
#Aren’t you going to contribute towards Jack’s leaving present?
#Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund.
donate = provide = supply
2)*something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful:
#All contributions (= presents of money), no matter how small, will be much appreciated.
#tax contributions.
Distinctly (adj.)
açıkça, belirgin bir şekilde, farklı olarak
#Tourism in the mass form as we know it today is a distinctly twentieth-century phenomenon.
Relatively (adv.)
nispeten, oranla, görece
#He’s a relatively good squash player.
#There was relatively little violence.
#Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England during the industrial revolution with the rise of the middle class and the availability of relatively inexpensive transportation.
#The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception.
*relative = akraba, nispi, göreceli
Advent (v.)
*the fact of an event happening, an invention being made, or a person arriving: ortaya çıkma, geliş, olma, görünme
#Life was transformed by the advent of the steam engine.
#Historians suggest that the advent of mass tourism began in England…
(Synonyms = occurence, taking place, dawn, appearance)
subsequent (adj.)
*happening after something else: ardından, sonradan gelen, sonraki.
#The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.
#and the subsequent development of the jet aircraft in the 1950s..
= following
expansion (v.)
*the increase of something in size, number, or importance: gelişme, genişleme, genleşme
#the rapid expansion of the software industry
#Expansion into new areas of research is possible.
#an expansion of industry
#..signalled the rapid growth and expansion of international travel.
== growth = development = enlargement = extension = increase = advance = improvement = enhancement = progress = rise
Lead to (v.)
*If an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist: sebep olmak, yol açmak, sürüklemek
#Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.
#This growth led to the development of a major new industry: tourism.
( Synonyms = cause, bring about, result in, make)
(Led to = ikinci hali)
1) Concern (n.)
2) Concern (v.)
1) *a worried or nervous feeling about something, or something that makes you feel worried: endişe, kaygı, ilgi, alaka
#Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing.
#My concern is that you’re not getting enough work done.
#I don’t want to hear about it - it’s no concern of mine!
#”What’s happening?” “That’s none of/not any of your concern.”
#In turn, international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments..
2)*to be important to someone or to involve someone directly:
#What I have to say to Amy doesn’t concern you.
*to cause worry to someone:
#The state of my father’s health concerns us greatly.
Segment (n.)
parça, bölüm
#One of the largest segments of the service industry is travel and tourism.
Virtually (adv.)
#Their twins are virtually identical.
*using computer technology over the internet, and not involving people physically going somewhere:
#Nowadays all these things can be experienced virtually.
*virtual = sanal
measure (n.)
*a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation: Önlem, tedbir
#What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism?
#These measures were designed to improve car safety.
#economic measure including value-added capital investment, employment and tax contributions.
== precaution = prevention
*a unit used for stating the size, weight, etc. of something, or a way of measuring: Ölçü
#weights and measures
#The sample’s density is a measure of its purity.
== ölçmek
1) Estimate (v.)
2) Estimate (n.)
1)*to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something: tahmin etmek
#They estimate (that) the journey will take at least two weeks.
#It was difficult to estimate how many trees had been destroyed.
#In 1992, the industry’s gross output was estimated to be $3.5 trillion, over 12 per cent of all consumer spending.
2) tahmin
#We’ll accept the lowest of three estimates for the building work.
#a conservative (= low) estimate
#a rough (= not exact) estimate
in excess of
more than: -den fazla, aşan
#Last year he earned in excess of $3 million.
#capital investment in excess of $422 billion in direct, indirect and personal taxes
(Excess = aşırılık, fazlalık)
#Excess of liberty, whether it lies in state or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.
Gross National Product
Gayrisafi Milli Hasıla
#producing over 6 per cent of the world’s gross national product.
**Gross = Brüt, toptan
Leading (adj.)
*very important or most important: ÖNDE GELEN, YOL GÖSTEREN
#a leading expert on the country’s ecology
#the world’s leading manufacturer of audio equipment
#This industry is the world’s leading industrial contributor,
Educative (adj.)
*providing education: EĞİTİCİ
#Very few activities at this age have no educative value at all.
Profound (adj.)
*derin, = thorough, deep
*engin, bilge
#Thus, tourism has a profound impact both on the world economy and, because of the educative effect of travel and the effects on employment, on society itself.
#His mother’s death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
#profound truths/wisdom
#Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.
1) Obscure (adj.)
2) Obscure (v.)
1) *not known to many people: GİZLİ, KARANLIK
#an obscure island in the Pacific
#an obscure 12th-century mystic
== hidden = mysterious = secretive
*not clear and difficult to understand or see: BELİRSİZ
#His answers were obscure and confusing.
== complicated = confusing = unknown
#The sun was obscured by clouds.
#Managers deliberately obscured the real situation from federal investigators.
#However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured
== conceal = hide
Hide. (v.)
Hidden (adj.)
saklamak, gizlemek
gizli, saklı, belirsiz = confidential = secret
çeşitlilik = variety
#Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?
#There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.
Fragmentation (n.)
*the action or process of breaking something into small parts or of being broken up in this way: parçalama, parçalanma
#It was partly the fragmentation of the opposition which helped to get the Republicans re-elected.
#Listening moves us closer, it helps us become more whole, more healthy, more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation, and fragmentation is the root of all suffering.
**fragment = fragman, kısım, bölüm
Amusement (n.)
eğlenme, eğlence
#She looked at him with amusement.
#I looked on in amusement as they started to argue.
#I play the piano just for my own amusement
#There was a range of fairground amusements, including rides, stalls, and competitions.
**amuse = eğlendirmek = entertain
**amusing = eğlenceli = entertaining = funny = enjoyable
Tourist attractions (n.)
turist cazibe yerleri, turistik yerler.
Overlook (v.)
*to provide a view of, especially from above: bakmak, görmek (yukardan)
#Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.
*to fail to notice or consider something or someone: gözden kaçırmak.
#I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked.
#No one will be overlooked when we select players for the team.
#Since many of these businesses also serve local residents, the impact of spending by visitors can easily be overlooked or underestimated.
*to forgive or pretend not to notice something: gözardı etmek
#I’m prepared to overlook his behaviour this time.
Underestimate (v.)
küçümsemek, hafife almak
#Don’t underestimate the difficulties of getting both parties to the conference table.
#Never underestimate your opponent!
Point out (v.)
*to make a person notice someone or something, sometimes by holding up one of your fingers towards him, her, or it: İŞARET ETMEK
#If you see her, please point her out to me.
#The tour guide pointed out the inscription that runs round the inside of the dome.
*to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do not know it or have forgotten it: BELİRTMEK, DİKKAT ÇEKMEK.
#I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.
Remain (v.)
*to stay in the same place or in the same condition: KALMAK (pozisyon veya derecede)
#The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.
#He remained silent.
#It remains a secret.
#The bank will remain open while renovations are carried out.
*to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist: GERİYE KALMAK.
#After the flood, nothing remained of the village.
#Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.
Amorphous (adj.)
In addition, Meis (1992) points out that the tourism industry involves concepts that have remained amorphous to both analysts and decision makers.
#The amorphous substance that results from the breakdown of sugar is known as caramel.
#How can historians deal with such amorphous human qualities as fear and grief?
#It wasn’t clear what they expected from me other than the amorphous “change”.
Reliable (adj.)
*Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect: GÜVENİLİR
#Is your watch reliable?
#reliable information
#Gideon is very reliable - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
Credible (adj.)
*able to be believed or trusted: İNANDIRICI, İNANILIR
#They haven’t produced any credible evidence for convicting him.
#The story of what had happened to her was barely (= almost not) credible.
Commodity (n.)
*a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold: EMTİA, MAL,ALINIP SATILAN ŞEY
#The country’s most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.
#the international commodities market
#In fact, McIntosh and Goeldner (1990) suggest that tourism has become the largest commodity in international trade for many nations and, for a significant number of other countries, it ranks second or third.
*a valuable quality: META
#If you’re going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity.
1) Rank (n.)
2) Rank (v.)
1) *a position in an organization, such as the army, showing the importance of the person having it: RÜTBE
#senior/high/junior/low rank
#He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.
*a particular position, higher or lower than others: SIRA, KADEME
#He’s in the front/first rank of (= one of the best) international tennis players.
*a row, especially of people or things standing side by side: SIRA, DİZİ
#We could see nothing for miles but serried ranks (= many close rows) of fir trees.
2)*to have a position higher or lower than others, or to be considered to have such a position: SIRALANMAK, SIRALAMAK, SIRADA YER ALMAK
#A captain ranks (= has a position) above a lieutenant.
#My entry was ranked third in the flower show.
#She ranked the bottles in order of size along the shelf.
Quote from (v.)
alıntı yapmak
#In addition, Hawkins and Ritchie, quoting from data published by the American Express Company, suggest that the travel and tourism industry is the number one ranked employer
Precise (adj.)
*exact and accurate: KESİN, TAM OLARAK = EXACT = ACCURATE
#The bunker’s precise location is a closely guarded secret.
#He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted.
#There was a good turnout for the meeting - twelve of us to be precise.
#precise data.
*very careful and accurate, especially about small details: HASSAS
#Years of doing meticulous research had made her very precise in her working methods.
(**preciseness = KESİNLİK = certainty =definiteness )
Certainty (n.)
*something that cannot be doubted: KESİNLİK, BELİRLİLİK
#There are few absolute certainties in life.
#I’m unable to answer that question with any certainty.
*something that is very likely to happen: KESİN
#Joan will win - that’s a certainty.
#Joan is a certainty to win.
In many cases
çoğu durumda
#In many cases, similar difficulties arise when attempts are made to measure domestic tourism.
be reflected in (something) (v.)
(bir şeye) yansımak, (bir şeyde) ortaya çıkmak
#The problems associated with measuring international tourism are often reflected in the measurement of domestic tourism.
#be reflected in the mirror
#be reflected in the press
#be reflected in prices.
**reflect = yansıtmak, ifade etmek
**reflection = yansıma