List 7 - Great Migrations Flashcards
loosely (adv.)
gevşekçe, genel hatlarıyla, yaklaşık olarak
#It can loosely be described as travel that takes place at regular intervals.
(loose = gevşek)
regularly (adv.)
düzenli olarak, devamlı olarak, sürekli
(regular = düzenli, düzen, kural)
*regular intervals = düzenli aralıklarla
interval (n.)
*aralık, zaman
#We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month.
*uzaklık, mesafe
#The plants should be spaced at six-inch intervals.
annual (adj.)
#an annual cycle
involve (v.)
kapsamak, içermek
#that may involve many members of a species.
**involved = ilgili, alakalı, kapsayan
**get involved in = bulaşmak, dahil olmak, katılmak
instinct (n.)
*the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it: İÇGÜDÜ, SEZGİ
#All his instincts told him to stay near the car and wait for help.
#Her first instinct was to run.
#It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.
#It suggests inherited instinct.
prolong (v.)
*to make something last a longer time: UZATMAK, DEVAM ETTİRMEK
#We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week.
#They are prolonged movements that carry animals outside familiar habitats; they tend to be linear, not zigzaggy
linear (adj.)
doğrusal, çizgisel
*prep. = about: HAKKINDA, İLİŞKİN=regarding=relevant to
#I’ve had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.
#they involve special behaviours concerning preparation (such as overfeeding) and arrival;
*adj. = making you feel slightly worried: ENİŞE VERİCİ
#The increase in crime in the area is very concerning.
allocation (n.)
tahsis, ödenek, paylaştırma, bölüştürme
#they demand special allocations of energy
#the allocation of resources/funds/time
#Allocation of the grants was handled by a charity that provides support and advocacy for disabled children.
(allocate = tahsis etmek, bölüştürmek)
maintain (v.)
*to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less: SÜRDÜRMEK, KORUMAK:
#We have standards to maintain.
#The film has maintained its position as the critics’ favourite for another year.
#Migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission,
*to keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition: BAKMAK
#A large house costs a lot to maintain.
#The roads in the town have been very poorly maintained.
*to provide someone with food and whatever is necessary for them to live on: GEÇİNDİRMEK
#They barely(zar zor) earn enough to maintain themselves and their four children.
the fact of paying attention and listening carefully: DİKKATLİLİK, DİKKAT
#She brings a scholar’s attentiveness to detail to her job.
#The pianist was extraordinary, as you could see by the attentiveness of her audience.
#migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission.
distract (v.)
#Don’t distract her (from her studies).
**distracted = dikkati dağılmış, şaşırmış, şaşkına dönmüş
**undistracted = dikkati dağılmamış
#which keeps them undistracted by temptations
**distraction = dikkatin dağılması, çılgınlık
#The arctic tern resists distraction.
temptation (n.)
#As a young actress, she resisted the temptation to move to Hollywood.
#He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a temptation.
undeterred (adj.)
*kararlı, azimli, aldırmayan
(deter = caydırmak, vazgeçirmek)
(deterred = engellenmiş)
(determine = azmetmek, kararlaştırmak)
(determining = belirleyen, belirme)
aside (adj.,adv.)
bir yana, ayrı
#Stand aside, please, and let these people pass.
#that would turn other animals aside
arctic (adj.)
kutupsal, kuzey kutup bölgesi/yle ilgili
#An arctic tern(sumru)
handout (n.)
sadaka, bağış == charity
#While local gulls will dive voraciously(açgözlüce) for such handouts, the tern flies on. Why?
resist (v.)
direnmek, karşı koymak
#The arctic tern resists distraction because it is driven
at that moment by an instinctive sense of something we humans find admirable: larger purpose.
mate (v.)
evlenmek, çiftleşmek
#The bird senses that it can eat, rest and mate later.
> > noun = eş, mat
divide (v.)
divided = bölünmüş
undivided = bütün, bölünmemiş
#Right now it is totally focused on
the journey; its undivided intent is arrival.
intent (n.)
niyet, maksat == intention
#its undivided intent is arrival.
> > intentional = kasti, kasıtlı
gravely (adv.)
*usulca == silently
*ağır/ciddi şekilde (yaralanmak v.b)
== seriously=severely=greatly=hard
converge (v.)
*If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point where they join or meet: BİR NOKTADA BİRLEŞMEEK
#The paths all converge at the main gate of the park.
#100,000 people are expected to converge on the town for the festival.
offspring (n.)
#finding a place, a time, and a set of circumstances in which it can successfully hatch(yumurtadan çıkmak) and rear offspring.
terrestrial (adj.)
karasal, karada yaşayan
#other large terrestrial mammals.
back-and-forth (adv.)
ileri geri, rastgele
#Generally the reason for such seasonal back-and-forth movement is to seek resources
yukarıya doğru giden, yüksele
X downword
#But daily vertical movements by zooplankton in the ocean - upward by night to seek food, downward by day to escape predators - can also be considered migration.
**onword = ilerleyen, ileri doğru
predator (n.)
yırtıcı hayvan
deplete (v.)
to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.: TÜKETMEK, AZALTMAK
#If we continue to deplete the earth’s natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.
#The illness depletes the body of important vitamins.
== diminish = decrease = reduce = empty
cite (v.)
aktarmak, anmak, bahsetmek, atıfta bulunmak
#The lawyer cited two similar cases.
#His definition is more intricate than Berger’s, citing those five features that distinguish migration from other forms of movement.
=indicate =mention =refer to
takeoff (n.)
kalkış, havalanma
#when it’s time for takeoff on their
big journey
#Night takeoffs and landings are banned at this airport.
**take off (v.) = fly
#The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.
reflect (v.)
*YANSIMAK: == echo=mirror=reverse
#The light reflected off the surface of the water.
*to show, express, or be a sign of something: YANSITMAK
== display==express==indicatee
#The statistics reflect a change in people’s spending habits.
*to think carefully, especially about possibilities and opinions: DÜŞÜNMEK ==consider
#The manager demanded time to reflect (on what to do).
*teklif, ihale
*sunmak, teklif etmek
*hassas, yumuşak
*adj. = uygun, münasip ==convinient=suitable
#Is this film appropriate for small children?
*verb= el koymak ==steal
#He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company’s money.
*verb= to take something from a culture and use it as part of your own: benimsemek
#As the empire expanded, they eagerly appropriated the artistic styles of neigbouring provinces.
*verb=to keep an amount of money to use for a particular purpose: ayırmak (kenara para) ==allocate
#The government have appropriated millions of pounds for the project.
fatten (v.)
#a narrow bridge/passage/gap
#follows a narrow route
#The road narrows after the bridge.
#He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
#Senate leaders met again to try to narrow the budget deficit.
blow (v.)
#The wind was blowing harder every minute.
Ann blew a few notes on the trumpet.
notable (adj.)
*göze çarpan, dikkat çekici, kayda/dikkate değer
#a notable collection of rare plants
#These pronghorn are notable for the invariance of their migration route and the severity of its constriction at three bottlenecks.
*an important or famous person: önemli, ünlü, öne çıkan
#Other notables among his pupils were the kings of Saudi Arabia and Thailand.
variance X invariance
değişiklik, değişim X değişmezlik =costancy
#invariance of their migration route
invariant = değişmez, değişmeyen
severity (n.)
şiddet, ağırlık, ciddiyet
#Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.
constriction (n.)
#He felt a constriction in his chest.
##the severity of its constriction at three bottlenecks.
#The constrictions of prison life were inhuman.
bottleneck (n.)
*a place where a road becomes narrow, or a place where there is often a lot of traffic, causing the traffic to slow down or stop:
#The construction work is causing bottlenecks in the city centre.
*a problem that delays progress:
#Is there any way of getting around this bureaucratic bottleneck?
bounty (n.)
*money paid as a reward: ÖDÜL, HEDİYE
#A bounty of $10,000 has been offered for the capture of his murderer.
*great kindness or willingness to give: CÖMERTLİK, LÜTUF, NİMET
#The charity is totally dependent on the Church’s bounty.
#they can’t reach their bounty of summer grazing.
graze (v.)
#He fell down and grazed his knee.
#The aircraft’s landing gear grazed the treetops as it landed.
#The cows were grazing.
#The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months.
**GRAZİNG = otlak, otlatma
*noun = OVA
#down onto the plains
#She wore a plain black dress.
#plain yogurt (= with no added fruit or sugar)
kışı geçirmek
#they are likely to die trying to overwinter in the deep snow.
vision (n.)
görüş, görme, vizyon
#a person of great artistic vision
#She has very little vision in her left eye.
#Johnny was late home and, as usual, I had visions of him lying dead in some alley.
#Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders
of land, where they can see and run.
choke (v.)
*If you choke, or if something chokes you, you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat: BOĞMAK, BOĞULMAK
#She choked to death on a fish bone.
#Children can choke on peanuts.
#Peanuts can choke a small child.
*to fill something such as a road or pipe, so that nothing can pass through: TIKAMAK
#At lunchtime the streets were choked with traffic.
#Increasing development is leading toward a crisis for the pronghorn, threatening to choke off their passageway
jurisdiction (n.)
yargı, hükümet, yetki
yargı alanı, yetki alanı
#And with certain other migrating species, the challenge is complicated further - by vastly greater distances traversed, more jurisdictions, more borders, more dangers along the way.
resolute (adj.)
*determined in character, action, or ideas = kararlı =undeterred
#She’s utterly resolute in her refusal to apologize.
**resoluteness = kararlılık, azim, sebat
#We will require wisdom and resoluteness to ensure that migrating species can continue their journeying a while longer.
require (v.)
*to need something or make something necessary: GEREK DUYMAK, İHTİYAÇ OLMAK
#Please call this number if you require any further information.
#Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.
#Bringing up children often requires you to put their needs first.
#You are required by law to stop your car after an accident.
#The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner.
#We will require wisdom and resoluteness to ensure that migrating species can continue their journeying a while longer.