List 3 - Crop-Growing Skyscrapers Flashcards
1) conservation (n.)
2) conservative (adj.)
#wildlife conservation #a conservation area
#the conservation of coal/gas/oil reserves
#Energy conservation reduces your fuel bills and helps the environment.
#a conservative society/outlook
#Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
**conserve = korumak = protect = preserve = take care of
#This old building should be conserved.
ensure (v.)
*to make something certain to happen: SAĞLAMA ALMAK, EMİN OLMAK
#The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
#The role of the police is to ensure (that) the law is obeyed.
#What can be done to ensure enough food for the world’s population to live on?
#Good wishes alone will not ensure peace.
#ensure peace, ensure success, ensure safe
indoor (n.)
kapalı mekan, içeri, ev içinde olan
#indoor sports/activities
#The concept of indoor farming is. not new.
hothouse (n.)
a heated glass building in which plants are grown: SERA
#hothouse tomatoes
#since hothouse production of tomatoes and other produce has been in vogue for some time.
1) Produce (v.)
2) Produce (n.)
1) *to make something or bring something into existence: ÜRETMEK, İMAL ETMEK
#France produces a great deal of wine for export.
*to cause a reaction or result: NEDEN OLMAK, DOĞURMAK
#The senator’s speech produced an angry response from the opposition.
*to bring something out from somewhere and show it: ÇIKARMAK, ÇIKARIP GÖSTERMEK
#One of the men suddenly produced a knife from his pocket.
*to result in or discover something, especially proof: ORTAYA KOYMAK
#A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.
2) *food or any other substance or material that is grown or obtained through farming: ÜRÜN, MAHSUL, SEBZE MEYVE
#agricultural/dairy/fresh produce
**product = ürün
**production = üretim
Scale up (v.)
*to increase the size, amount, or importance of something, usually an organization or process: BÜYÜTMEK, YÜKSELTMEK, ARTMAK
#My company is scaling up its operations in Western Asia.
#What is new is the urgent need to scale up this technology to accommodate another three billion people?
cutting-edge technology (n.)
#Many believe an entirely new approach to indoor farming is required, employing cutting-edge technologies.
=advanced technology =leading edge technology = state-of-the-art technology
**cutting-edge = en ileri, modern
#His research is at the cutting edge of new therapies for cancer.
#cutting-edge design
1) Employ (v.)
2) Employment (n.)
1) *to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it: ÇALIŞTIRMAK, İSTİHDAM ETMEK
#How many people does your company employ?
*to use something: KULLANMAK
#Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.
*to spend time doing something: MEŞGUL ETMEK/OLMAK
#He was busily employed in lacing up his shoes.
Proposal (n.)
#Have you read Steve’s proposals for the new project?
#One such proposal is for the ‘Vertical Farm’.
Proponent (n.)
*a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action: TARAFTAR, ÖNEREN KİMSE, SAVUNUCU
#He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment.
#”I’m not a big proponent of happiness. I think it’s highly overrated. I think misery is underrated. There’s so much value in that. You can’t have one without the other.” Brad Pitt
#proponent of peace X opponent of peace
1) implement (v.)
2) implement (n.)
1)* to start using a plan or system: UYGULAMAK, YÜRÜRLÜĞE KOYMAK, YERİNE GETİRMEK
#The changes to the national health system will be implemented next year.
=carry out=enforce=fulfill
2)*a tool that works by being moved by hand or by being pulled across a surface: ALET EDEVAT, ARAÇ
#garden/household/agricultural implements
reduce (v.)
#I reduced the problem to a few simple questions.
#Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
vertical x horizontal
**Horizon = ufuk
1) claim (v.)
2) claim (n.)
1) *to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it and other people might not believe it: İDDİA ETMEK
#He claims to have met the president, but I don’t believe him.
*to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it: TALEP ETMEK, HAK TALEBİNDE BULUNMAK
#When King Richard III died, Henry VII claimed the English throne.
#She sued her employer for emotional stress, claiming damages of more than £20,000.
#Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom.
2)*a statement that something is true or is a fact, although other people might not believe it: İDDİA
#Can you give any evidence to support your claim?
*a written request asking an organization to pay you an amount of money that you believe they owe you: TALEP
#After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance.
*a right to have something or get something from someone: HAK
#My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).
1) offer (v.)
2) offer (n.)
1) *to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something: TEKLİF ETMEK
#I feel bad that I didn’t offer them any food/offer any food to them.
#She was offered a job in Paris.
*to provide or supply something: SUNMAK, BİLDİRMEK
#It’s an organization that offers free legal advice to people on low incomes.
#Did he offer any explanation for his strange behaviour?
#It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
2) *the act of asking if someone would like to have something or if they would like you to do something: TEKLİF, ÖNERİ
“If you like I can help out.” “That’s a very kind offer.”
I must say the offer of two weeks in Hawaii is very tempting.
*make an offer = TEKLİFTE BULUNMAK
#I’ve made an offer on a house in Pine Banks.
*on offer = available to be bought or used: SATIŞA SUNULMA
#We were amazed at the range of products on offer.
Take for granted (v.)
*to never think about something because you believe it will always be available or stay exactly the same: DOĞAL KARŞILAMAK, KANIKSAMAK, KIYMETİNİ BİLMEMEK
#It’s easy to take your parents for granted.
#It took humans 10,000 years to
learn how to grow most of the crops we now take for granted.
#Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted.
Despoil (v.)
*to make a place less attractive especially by taking things away from it by force: YAĞMALAMAK, SOYMAK
#Many of the tombs had been despoiled.
#Along the way, we despoiled most of the land we worked, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into semi-arid deserts.
#It is the habit of our species to despoil all we touch. Yet few see it so.
Turn sth into sth
*to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do this: BİR ŞEYİ BİR ŞEYE DÖNÜŞTÜRMEK, DÖNÜŞMEK.
#The council was hoping to turn a children’s home into a residence for adolescent girls.
#The town turned from a small seaside resort into a major commercial centre when oil was discovered.
#often turning verdant, natural ecozones into semi-arid deserts.
#The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
Verdant (adj.)
*covered with healthy green plants or grass: YEŞİLLİKLİ, YEŞİL
#Much of the region’s verdant countryside has been destroyed in the hurricane.
#verdant, natural ecozones.
Arid (adj.)
*very dry and without enough rain for plants:
#The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there.
#arid climates
#arid plain
#After several arid years, the company has started to become successful.
#I saw clearly the arid results of ordinary instruction
*not interesting and showing no imagination:
#I found his writing extremely arid.
Within that same time frame (prep.)
Aynı zaman çerçevesinde
#Within that same time frame, we evolved into an urban species, in which 60% of the human population now lives vertically in cities.
FRAME = Çerçeve, İskelet
Evolve (v.)
*to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually: EVRİM GEÇİRMEK, GELİŞMEK,EVRİLMEK.
#Did humans evolve from apes?
#The company has evolved over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.
#Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics.
Have shelter from (v.)
- dan korunmak
#we humans have shelter from the elements,
1) Bear (v.)
2) Bear (n.)
1) *to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant: DAYANMAK, KATLANMAK, ÜSTLENMEK.
#Tell me now! I can’t bear the suspense!
#It’s your decision - you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
*to have or continue to have something: TAŞIMAK, TUTMAK
#Their baby bears a strong resemblance to its grandfather.
#The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.
#I don’t bear them any ill feeling (= I do not continue to be angry with or dislike them).
#Thank you for your advice - I’ll bear it in mind.
*to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers: DÜNYAYA GETİRMEK, DOĞURMAK.
#She had borne six children by the time she was 30.
Rigorous (adj.)
*ŞİDDETLİ, SERT(hava koşulları)
#We subject our food-bearing plants to the rigorous of the great outdoors and can do no more than hope for a good weather year.
# rigorous weather conditions
#I want a rigorous financial analysis of the options.
#rigorous testing/checking/methods
== careful
Subject to (v.)
konu olmak, tabi tutmak, maruz bırakmak
(subject sth to sth = bir şeyi bir şeye maruz bırakmak)
#We subject our food bearing plants to the rigours of the great outdoors
subject(n) = konu, ders, özne, tebaa
More often than not (adv.)
#More often than not when I make the effort to visit her, I wonder why I even bothered.
#However, more often than not now, due to a rapidly changing climate, that is not what happens.
(Synonyms == usually=commonly=consistently=requently=generally=mostly=occasionally=regularly=sometimes=often)
Severe (adj.)
#severe monsoons
#a severe chest infection/leg injury/toothache
#This will be a severe test of our strength.
#The headteacher spoke in a severe voice.
Take its toll (v., idiom)
*If something takes its/a toll, it causes suffering, deaths, or damage: BÜYÜK ZARAR VERMEK, DURUMUNU KÖTÜLEŞTİRMEK.
#The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes.
#The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.
#Massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops.
==harm=damage=injury=spoil=hurt=have a bad effect=reduce a good effect
For instance (adv.)
All year round (adv.)
Artificially (adv.)
Crop failure (n.)
Failure= başarısızlık, hata, eksiklik, bulunmama
Kıtlık = scarcity, failure, famine
Pest (n.)
Pesticide= böcek ilacı
Eliminate (v.)
*to remove or take away someone or something: ORTADAN KALDIRMAK, ÇIKARMAK, ELEMEK.
==get rid of
#A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.
#We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident.
#The police eliminated him from their enquiries.
#He was eliminated in the third round of the competition.
#A police officer was accused of helping a drug gang eliminate rivals.
#All the food could be grown organically, eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers.
#The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
Fertiliser (n.)
Grid (n.)
#it would return energy to the grid via methane
generation from composting non edible parts of plants.
Edible (n., adj.)
Compost (n.,
composting non edible parts of plants.
Far less likely (exp.)
Far more likely (exp.)
While it is possible that
çok daha az olası
çok daha fazla olası
much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.
it’s more than likely (adv.)
As regards (idiom)
At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy.
*about; relating to: İLE İLGİLİ OLARAK, HUSUSUNDA
There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.
(Synonyms ==regarding=about=respecting=in regard to =concerning=as to=relating to)
**regard = saygı, saygınlık, hesaba katmak, dikkatle bakmak
Tray. (n.)
One variation on vertical farming that has been developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move on rails.
İncidence (n.)
*the rate at which something happens:
#There’s been an increased incidence of cancer in the area. (ORAN)
#There have been quite a few incidences of bullying(zorbalık) in the school this year. (VAKA)
#The system would greatly reduce the incidence of many infectious diseases that are acquired at the agricultural interface. (GÖRÜLME SIKLIĞI)
İnfectious (adj.)
*(of a disease) able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another: BULAŞICI
#an infectious disease
#an infectious patient
#After the 21-day isolation period, Ebola survivors are no longer infectious.
#an infectious laugh
#infectious enthusiasm
Acquire (v.)
*to get or obtain something:
#I was wearing a newly/recently acquired jacket.
#I seem to have acquired (= have got although I don’t know how) two copies of this book.
*to buy a business or property, or buy shares in a business:
#He acquired the firm in 2008.
#In 1949 the property was acquired by United Steel Companies.
*to gradually learn or gain something such as a language or skill:
#We want to understand more about how children acquire language.
#The students have a chance to apply their newly acquired knowledge.
#to acquire a skill/habit
#To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
Generation (n.)
*all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family: KUŞAK
#The younger generation smokes less than their parents did.
#This painting has been in the family for generations.
#A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown.
*all the living things in a group that are born or start to exist at about the same time, and are related to one that existed at an earlier point in time:
#Generations of fish and other marine life were compromised because of the oil spill.
*first, second, third, etc. generation
*the production of energy in a particular form: ÜRETİM
#electricity generation from wind and wave power
1) Cut (something) out (v.)
2) Cut (someone) out (v.)
3) Cut out (v.)
1) *to remove something or form a shape by cutting, usually from paper or cloth: KALDIRMAK, ÇIKARMAK
#She cut out his picture from the magazine.
*to stop eating or drinking something, usually to improve your health: KESMEK
#Since my heart attack, I’ve cut fatty foods out altogether.
2) *to not allow someone to share something or be included in something: ÇIKARMAK
#They cut me out of the conversation.
3) *If an engine, machine, or piece of equipment cuts out, it suddenly stops working: DEVRE DIŞI KALMAK
#One of the plane’s engines cut out, so they had to land with only one.
*ortadan kaldırmak;
#It would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel use, by cutting out the need for tractors, ploughs and shipping.
Drawback (n.)
*a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation: DEZAVANTAJ, ÇEKİNCE, MAHSUR
#One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.
#A major drawback of vertical farming, however, is that the plants would require artificial light.
== downside = disadvantage = handicap
Expose (v.)
*to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen: ORTAYA ÇIKARMAK
#He damaged his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.
*to put someone at risk from something harmful or unpleasant: MARUZ BIRAKMAK
#It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation.
#There had been an outbreak of the virus and healthcare workers had been exposed.
#Without it, those plants nearest the windows would be exposed to more sunlight and grow more quickly,
**maruz kalmak = undergo=be exposed to=be subject of
*to make public something bad or dishonest: İFŞA ETMEK, ORTAYA ÇIKARMAK.
#The newspaper story exposed him as (= showed that he was) a liar.
1) Overhead(adj, adv)
2) Overhead (n.)
1) *above your head, usually in the sky: TAVAN, BAŞÜSTÜ
#A flock of geese flew overhead.
#This room needs overhead lighting (= lights in the ceiling).
2) *the regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, that are involved in operating a business: GENEL GİDER
#We need to reduce our overheads.
Even so (adv.)
*although it is true:
#The phone system has improved, but even so, there are still very few houses with phones.
Prohibitive (adj.)
Prohibitively (adv.)
Generating enough light could be prohibitively expensive.
*If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is too expensive for most people:
#Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.
(==high priced=excessive (aşırı)) =yasaklayıcı=restrictive=forbidding
**prohibit = önlemek, yasaklamak = ban =forbid
((Prohibitively expensive = yanına yaklaşılmaz, o kadar pahalı ki kimse alamaz.))
Prohibition (n.)
*the act of officially not allowing something, or an order that does this:
#New York City has announced a prohibition on smoking on buses.
#The environmental group is demanding a complete prohibition against the hunting of whales.
Prohibit = önlemek, yasaklamak = ban = forbid
1) Aspire (v.)
2) Aspiration (n.)
1)*to want something very much or hope to achieve something or be successful: HEVESLENMEK, ARZULAMAK
aspire to sth; #Most of his students aspired to a career in business.
aspire to do sth; #We aspire to become full-service providers to our clients.
2)*something that you hope to achieve: ARZU, CAN ATMA
#I’ve never had any political aspirations.
#It’s a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.
(Synonyms = aim, goal, hope, intention, dream, object, purpose, target, ambition)
Likelihood (n.)
*the chance that something will happen: gerçekleşme olasılığı, ihtimal.
#This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike.
#There is little likelihood now that interest rates will come down further.
(Synonyms = chance, probability, odds, possibility.)
(almost certainly: büyük ihtimalle
In all likelihood everything will go to plan.)
Stacked (ajd.)
*covered or filled with a large amount of things: İSTİFLENMİŞ.
#The fridge is stacked with food.
Stack = yığın
1) Attempt (v.)
2) Attempt (n.)
1)*to try to do something, especially something difficult: kalkışmak, çalışmak, girişimde bulunmak.
#He attempted to escape through a window.
#He attempted a joke, but no one laughed.
#There’s no point in even attempting an explanation - he’ll never listen.
==make effort=pursue=tackle=strive
2)*the act of trying to do something, especially something difficult: kalkışma, girişim, deneme
#She made a few half-hearted attempts to join in their conversation.
#He made no attempt to be sociable.
#This is my second attempt at the exam.
Address a problem (v.)
bir problemi çözmeye çalışmak, bir problemi ele almak.
#Vertical farming is an attempt to address the undoubted problems
that we face in producing enough
food for a growing population.
Detrimental (adj.)
*causing harm or damage: zararlı
#These chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the environment.
#At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy.
(Synonyms = damaging, harmful, prejudicial)
Zarar = detriment, harm, damage, injury, loss