List 1 - Stepwells Flashcards
testify (v)
1) to say what you know or believe is true in a law court / -ifade vermek, şahitlik etmek
2)to show or give evidence of; to state that (something) is so / -doğrulamak
Ex.:Husbands and wives were forbidden from testifying for or against each other.
1) accuse(v)
2) accused(n)
3) accuser(n)
4) accusing(adj.)
1) *to say that someone has done something bad- suçlamak/itham etmek
2) * the person or people who are accused of a crime in a court of law - suçlanan, zanlı, sanık, suçlu
ex.: (For instance, an accused in a criminal trial may very well publicly defend his innocence while he knows he is guilty.)
3) *suçlayan
4) *suçlayıcı (ex.: She gave Alan an accusing look.)
well (n) -
*iyi anlamında değil!
*a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water, oil, or gas
kuyu, artezyen
// Stepwell (Indian monuments from a bygone era)
*someone who lives in a particular place
yaşayanlar, sakinler, oturanlar, ikâmet eden kişi
ex.: Marriage records show that the inhabitants of these towns only very rarely married outsiders.
1) irrigate(v)
2) irrigation(n)
1) to provide water for an area of land so that crops can be grown /sulamak
2) sulama
*designed to be useful and not beautiful
yararcı, yarar güden, işlevsel, kullanışlı
#utilitarian furniture
#Our plates and glasses are utilitarian rather than beautiful.
*to show respect for a god by saying prayers or performing religious ceremonies / ibadet etmek, dua etmek, tapınmak
*to love and respect someone very much / taparcasına sevmek, tapmak
#She worshipped her mother.
#a place of worship (= a religious building)
*the time when something or someone was most successful or popular /en parlak devir, Altınçağ
#In its heyday, the company employed over a thousand workers.
as the name suggests(expr.)
isminden de anlaşılacağı gibi
1) descend(v.)
2) descending(n.)
1) *to move or go down / alçalmak, inişe geçmek, inmek
#He descended the staircase.
- (with on) to make a sudden attack on / saldırmak
#The soldiers descended on the helpless villagers.
2) iniş, inme, alçalan
*to consist of particular parts or members /… den/dan oluşmak,meydana gelmek
#The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.
*to form part of something, especially a larger group / oluşturmak, meydana getirmek
#Women comprise 15% of the police force.
***synonyms : contain , include , consist of, be composed of, cover , compose , form , constitute , comprehend (formal), involve , embrace)
*to become further and further away / uzaklaşmak, yavaş yavaş kaybolmak
#The coastline receded into the distance.
*If a memory or feeling recedes, it becomes less clear or strong / gittikçe zayıflamak, etkisini kaybetmek, azalmak, solmak
#Even painful memories recede with time.
*to go or move back / geri çekilmek
#When the rain stopped, the floods receded. == withdraw
*extremely big / çok geniş, çok büyük, uçsuz bucaksız, muazzam
#a vast amount of money
#vast forest areas
#He inherited a vast fortune.
*to cover (a street, path etc) with (usually large) flat stones, concrete etc to make a flat surface for walking on etc /. taş döşemek
#He wants to pave the garden.
***paving stone = kaldırım taşı
meyilli, eğik
#a sloping roof
*one of several rows or layers / sıra, dizi, kat
#the upper tier of seats in a stadium
#They sat in the front/first tier.
1) elaborate(adj.)
2) elaborate(v.)
3) elaboration(n.)
1) *complicated, detailed, or made carefully from many parts / karmaşık, ayrıntılı, inceden inceye işlenmiş # an elaborate design
2) *to explain something and give more details / ayrıntıya girerek açıklamak/izah etmek
# He wouldn’t elaborate on the details.
3) detaylandırma
1) storey(n.)
2) storeyed(adj.)
1)*a level of a building / kat
#a three-storey house
2) katlı
#A two -storeyed/-storied house is one with a ground floor and one floor above it.
1) pillar(n.)
2) a pillar of sth.
1) *a tall structure made of stone, wood, etc that supports something above it / sütun, direk
#The new bridge will be supported by 100 concrete pillars.
2) *someone or something who is very important to a place, organization, etc / temel direk, asıl unsur, esas kişi ya da şey
#He was a pillar of the local community.
*a large tent that is used for outside events / büyük çadır, soyunma odaları binası
1) relent(v.)
2) relentless(adj.)
1) *to allow something that you refused to allow before / yumuşamak, merhamete/insafa gelmek
#The security guard relented and let them through.
2) *never stopping or getting any less extreme / aman vermez, durup dinlenmeden, acımasız, insafsız
#relentless criticism
*having many small or complicated parts and details / karışık, girift, içinden çıkılması zor, karmaşık
#an intricate pattern
#intricate details
1) embellish(v.)
2) embellishment(n.)
1) *to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it
/ süslemek, güzelleştirmek, ilginç hale getirmek
#He embellished the story with lots of dramatic detail.
#His uniform was embellished with gold braid.
2) süsleme
fall into disuse(v.)
kullanımdan kalkmak, kullanılmaz olmak (disuse = kullanmamak, kullanmama)