To what extent did African Americans gain a political voice by 1992? Flashcards
Describe the roles of the 3 branches of the federal government:
-congress->passes laws
-supreme court->presents and pass laws and decide whether laws are constitutional
-executive president->presents laws
Analyse what political rights had been achieved by 1965?
-Voting Rights Act 1965 (abolishes the state acts of blocking voting from AAs eg Literacy Tests), Civil Rights Act etc
Evaluate what political problems did African Americans face from the 1960s?
Can you name 2-3 pairs of presidents who had similar views during different time periods?
-Andrew Johnson + Roosevelt->they wanted to support AAs but 83the didn’t do much as they were held back by the South
-Teddy Roosevelt meets with Booker T Washington + JFk met with AAs to get advice
Who was Jesse Jackson?
-he was a reverend
-first black person to run for president in the 1980s->suggests there was progress
-made people feel like they could make a difference
How long did it take for the bill for Martin Luther King Day to get passed?
-bill for the holiday was passed after a long time->congress kept dismissing the idea but eventually passed it in 1983