Title 5 - Employee Conduct Flashcards
Who has final authority regarding the on-duty status of any employee?
Chief of Police.
What is department training intended to do?
Provide guidance on how to implement and follow policy. Not following training, in itself, is not a policy violation.
How will employees identify themselves when requested when engaged in Dept-related activities?
Employees will provide their name and Department serial number verbally, or in writing if requested.
When may employees not immediately identify themselves when requested?
Employees are not required to immediately identify themselves if:
- An investigation is jeopardized
- A police function is hindered
- There is a safety consideration
When may officers use deception?
Employees may use deception for a specific and lawful purpose in certain circumstances, when:
- There is an exigent threat to life safety or public safety
- It is necessary due to the nature of the employee’s assignment
- There is a need to acquire information for a criminal investigation
How may orders be issued? Must they be in person?
Orders may be issued directly, relayed through a subordinate employee or current dept training, published in notices, and other forms of communication.
Can an officer arrest a family member or a friend?
Except in cases of emergency, officers will not arrest family members, business associates, or social acquaintances.
Can employees use a dept address for personal reasons?
No, and that includes using a dept address for drivers license, vehicle registration, telephone service, etc.
What must an employee do before suing the city for damages?
Employee must report to the Chief of Police their intention to sue for damages.
What allegations must be reported to OPA?
All allegations of serious policy violation.
What is a serious policy violation?
- Force complaints
- Bias policing
- An policing that violates a constitutional right
- Violations of law enforcement authority
- Failure to use ICV
- Failure to report serious policy violation
- Any policy violation that is intentional or reckless
- Serious neglect of duty
- Insubordination.
- Potential criminal violations of law
- Failure to cooperate with internal investigation
- Dishonesty
- Misuse of authority, conflict of interest of improper use of position for gain.
- Repeated minor policy violations.
If the severity of an alleged policy violation is unclear, how is it handled?
Lt will consult with OPA.
How must employees report any alleged serious policy violation?
Must report it to a supervisor or OPA.
How will employees report any alleged minor policy violation?
Report it to a supervisor.
How are minor policy violations handled?
Supervisor will investigate anad handle as they deem appropriate.
If the subject of an allegation is assigned to OPA, where is the complaint sent?
To the OPA director.
If the subject of an allegation is the OPA director, where is the complaint sent?
Complaint will be forwarded to the City Human Resources Director.
If an employee is the subject of a criminal investigation, criminal traffic citation, arrested, court order or license is expired or revoked, how do they report that?
Employee will report to their supervisor, in writing, as soon as possible (and before the start of their next work shift.)
How does an employee handle a complaint when the subject of the complaint is in their chain of command?
- Send it to the next supervisor in the chain, or
- Send it directly to the OPA Lt.
Where does an officer direct a person regarding reimbursement for damages from police action?
Claims Division of the City’s Law Department.
Can an employee purchase private property when the contact is part of performing his or her official duties?
No, without department approval.
What is the dollar amount of a gift an officer may accept.
For most gifts, officer may keep it if it is worth $25 or less.
Food/coffee purchases by a community member to a specific officer is $5 or less.
Anonymous food purchase for in individual officer is $10 or less.
What does an officer do with a gift that exceeds department policy allowances?
Send an email or memo through to Captain of the Compliance Section.
Officer retains the item until a decision is made.
What is an EEO complaint?
An oral or written complaint alleging discrimination or harassment between employees.
What is discrimination when referring to an EEO complaint.
Treating an individual or group different because of race, color, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political ideology, creed, religion, ancestry, nation origin, honorably discharged veteran, or the presence of any sensory, mental of physical disability.
What is EEO Harassment?
- -Submission to discriminatory conduct made either explicitly or implicitly a term of or condition of employment.
- -Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions.
- -Such conduct that has the purpose of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
What is sexual harassment?
Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Who monitors all department policies regarding fair employment and labor practices?
HR Director
What does the EEO investigator investigate?
All discrimination and harassment complaints, as well as complaints of retaliation for brining or participating in an EEO investigation.
What is the time line for EEO complaints.
EEO investigator shall complete the investigation within 180 days from receipt of the complaint or from when a supervisor became aware of the complaint.
Who can extend an EEO complaint deadline?
The HR Director.
Who maintains EEO investigation records?
EEO Investigator and HR.
When are EEO complaints expunged?
Non-sustained–Three years after the end of the complaint year.
Sustained–Six years after the end of the complaint year.
What does a supervisor do upon receiving a report of an EEO complaint?
Take immediate action with consultation with SPD HR.
- -Mitigate the matter
- -Document the efforts of mitigation
- -Refer the complaint to EEO
How does a supervisor mitigate an EEO complaint from getting worse while it is being investigated?
Supervisor may:
- Remove the named employee from the workplace
- Grant time off to the complainant
- Change work location of the named employee or complainant (if the latter consents.)
Who makes the final decision regarding discipline for EEO investigations?
HR Director and Chief of Police
Can the City of Seattle restrict some political activity of its employees?
Can employees engage in campaign work (voluntary or paid) during City paid time?
No, except for vacation time.
Can employees use use office space, telephones, photos, city bulletins boards to support or oppose a ballot measure?
No. Can not use or display support or opposition on any city equipment or property.
When will watch Lieutenants report to duty for roll call?
At least thirty minutes prior to the first roll call of their watch.
When will sector sergeants report to duty?
At least 15 minutes prior to the start of their roll call.
Who determines the minimum on-duty strength (staffing) requirements?
Operations Bureau Chief
Who is the precinct’s Facility and Vehicle Coordinator?
The 1st watch Lt. Conduct monthly inspection of all pct patrol vehicles.
Who is the Precinct Training Coordinator?
2nd Watch Lt.
How often does the Pct Training Coordinator report to the Captain?
Once a month update captain on current training.
Who has final approval for movement within the patrol bureau?
Patrol Operations Chief
For how many days can a watch commander assign plaincothes units to handle a problem?
Six days. For more, need Patrol Chief approval
How many watch commanders must be on duty city-wide?
A minimum of one Permanent LT
Who is the precinct Community Liaison Coordinator?
3rd Watch Lieutenant
Can part-time officers work off-duty jobs?
No. Must be full time employee.
Who must approve a off-duty work permit?
Employee’s section/precinct captain.
When can off-duty permits be denied?
When in the best interest of the Department.
How long are off-duty permits valid for?
Maximum of one year, expiring on the employees date of hire.
Who maintains a file of all off-duty permits?
HR Director
How and when do employees record off-duty work?
Using Blue Team by conclusion of the employees next Dept work shift.
If an employee takes law enforcement action as part of an off-duty job, who pays the officer?
The off-duty employer pays until the end of the off-duty shift. If more work is needed, the dept may pay overtime to work past the off-duty shift.
What rate of pay can officers/sergeant make working off-duty?
May only work law-enforcement related jobs at a minimum rate equal to top step officer or sergeant pay.
What is the maximum hours a week an employee can work?
Cannot exceed 64 total hours per week. (A Lt or above may waive this for needs of the department.)
Can an off-duty officer work for a nightclub or an establishment licensed for providing adult entertainment or selling liquor?
Can an off-duty officer work for, operate or have a financial interest in a business that sells marijuana-related products or marijuana?
Can an employee participate in a professional sporting match where there is a substantial risk of serious injury?
No, without prior written approval by the employee’s Bureau Chief.
Can a supervisor work off duty for an officer holding a lower rank?
Yes, if the subordinate employee is not in the supervisor’s direct chain of command.
How much rest must an employee have in any given 24 hour period?
At least six consecutive hours.
Who oversees all official department social media accounts?
Approved by the Chief, overseen by Public Affairs Unit
Can an employee use a non-official social media account for investigations?
Yes, with written permission from the Chief.
Can employees use their city email to register a personal social media account?
What is Bias-based policing?
Bias policing is different treatment motivated by any characteristic of a protected class as well as other discernable personal characteristics of a person.
An officer and sergeant tell their Lt that they are in a dating relationship. Is this allowed? What happens?
Relationship must be reported to Empl Services Lt and Dept determines if there is a conflict of interest and if a party needs to be moved.
When can an officer take into account discernable personal characteristics when policing?
Only when the characteristics are part of a specific suspect description based on trustworthy and relevant information.
When must a supervisor forward a bias complaint to OPA?
- If the supervisor determines there may have been misconduct, or
- The person requests the matter be sent to OPA.
What must a Bias Review Blue Team consist of?
The complainant’s name, address, phone number, and contact information for any witnesses.
Who reviews Bias Review Blue Team?
The employees Chain of Command through the Bureau Chief.
When can a supervisor submit a Bia Review Blue Team?
- Supervisor investigates at the scene
- Supervisor believes no misconduct occurred
- Supervisor explains the option to complainant about sending it to OPA
- Supervisor gives OPA contact info to OPA, and
- The complainant does not ask for complaint to go to OPA.
Does the existence of “press credentials” allow a media person to enter a restricted area or protected law enforcement scene?
What does an officer do if they request recorded evidence from a member of the public regarding a crime and the person refuses?
The officer will advise the person that a court order will be sought for the media since it may be evidence of a crime.
A person has a right to record police activity as long as the person’s conduct doesn’t?
- Delays or hinders police actions.
- Threatens safety of officer or others
- Attempts to incite others to violence
Whose permission is needed for an undercover officer to consume intoxicating beverages when necessary for a police operation?
A sergeant or above in their chain of command must approve it.
Who determines when a fit-for-duty test is required?
A Lt or above
What does a Lt do if a subordinate refuses to sign the Employee Acknowledgement of Medical Release Form for a fit for duty?
Inform employee that refusal to sign constitutes insubordination. If employee still refuses to sign, relieves employee of duty.
What are the sgt’s steps if a person comes to work impaired?
- Notify a lt
- Order employee to submit to tests
- Get 2nd supervisor as witness (can be the Lt)
- Adminster BAC/SFST
- Documents results and submits to Lt.
What are the Lt steps if a person comes to work impaired?
- Reviews infro from Sgt
- Determines if Fit for Duty is needed (more than alcohol is suspected)
- Contacts Empl Sv Lt for Fit for Duty testing site (or City Safety Officer)
- Take employee along with witness supervisor
- Remains during testing
- Place employee on admin leave
- Arrange transport home for employee
- Notify emploees BC, OPA and HR Director. If after hours, notify Duty Capt verbally (not written.)
If a Lt conducts a fit for duty after-hours, who is notified and how?
Notify duty captain verbally.
Send confidential paperwork to HR director, employees BC and OPA.
Who determines if an officer, using medication that might impair performance, is resasigned or moved to limited duty?
Capt with consultaion with empl services Lt.
What does CISM stand for?
Critical Incident Stress Management
Are CISM team members “Peer Support Counselors” as defined by RCW?
Who can make a referral to CISM?
Any deptartment employee.
Is communication between an employee and CISM when acting in official capacity protected?
Yes. The Dept shall not compel confidential information from CISM.
Who has sole authority to waive privilege regarding release of confidential communication with CISM.
The employee
When is a CISM a mandatory reporter and must report certain information?
CISM member must report information provided by an SPD employee when it relates to:
- Injury, abuse, or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult.
- Danger of physical harm to oneself or others
- Domestic Violence crimes
- Court Orders issued when the counseling relationship is deemed not confidential.
Who maintains a list of all current CISM team members?
Peer Support coordinator and Communications.
How does an employee document appearance in a civil action on behalf of the dept?
Enployee documents in a memo and sends memo and overtime to chain of command. Capt sends to Fiscal.
Fiscal will attempt to collect overtime costs.
Who determines the number of two-officer cars in each sector?
Operation Chief
Who can waive the requirement that the duty officer (clerk) wear a gun belt?
Watch commander
Who oversees ACT and CPT teams?
Operations Lt.
Who shall periodically inspect off-duty employment locations during shift hours?
Patrol sgts amd Lt.
Who can waive the maximum hours allowed to work in a week?
A Lt, for the needs of the dept.
Who determines if an officer, using medication that might impair performance, is resasigned or moved to limited duty?
Capt with consultaion with empl services Lt.