Title 1 - Department Administration Flashcards
Does Chain of Command apply during secondary employment?
yes. The Department chain of command applies while on duty or during secondary employment.
What does the Chief command?
The Chief of Police is the overall commander of the Department.
What does an Assistant Chief command?
An assistant chief commands bureaus. They can also command a task force for a specific law enforcement problem.
What does a Captain command?
A captain commands sections and precincts.
A section is a division of a bureau.
What does a lieutenant command?
Lieutenants command units and watches.
- A unit is a division of a section. Several units may exist in one section.
What does a sergeant command?
Sergeants command squads and sectors.
- Squads are a division of a unit. Sectors are a division of a precinct. Several squads may exist in one unit. Sergeants may also command a detail, which is a subdivision of a squad or sector assigned a specific task.
What is the department’s succession of command?
In order: Chief of Police Deputy Chief Chief Operating Officer Patrol Operations Bureau Chief Special Operations Chief Professional Standards Chief Criminal Investigations Chief
Can an employee delegate authority and responsibility?
Yes. An employee may assign a subordinate employee the same authority and responsibility they possess to accomplish a specific task. The delegating employee remains responsible to complete the delegated task.
What training does an acting sergeant need?
Captains will send officers to Dept sergeant training if the acting assignment is over 60 consecutive days. The officer should receive this training within 90 days of the start of their a/sgt assignment.
What is a “consultant contract”?
A consultant contract is a nonrecurring, formal agreement with a person or firm for services associated with expertise, skills, and education not available within the Department’s workforce.
Who is assigned as the lead role of “contract developer?”
The unit commander assigns this role
Who can approve and sign non-recurring contracts?
A captain or civilian equivalent can approve and sign contracts $9999 or less. The Chief Operating Officer signs contracts of $10,000 or more and all consultant contracts.
Can a contract be executed before the 1.5 is approved?
Who enters the contract into the 1.5 system?
The contract developer (who as assigned by the unit commander.)
What must a training lesson plan contain?
Course outline Course overview Performance objectives Introductions Material presented Exams, if applicable Debriefing Safety plan, if applicable
Who approves all training curriculum?
The Chief of Police, through the assistant chief of the professional standards bureau.
Who retains all training attendance documentation?
The Education and Training Section.
IWho is responsbile to ensure ETS is advised of outside training attended by employees?
Section Captains
How do sections track their training?
Each section that conducts training retains the curriculum. Each section must evaluate all its training on an annual basis, documented by the section captain.
Who is responsible to ensure each employee completes all required trainings?
The section commander or civilian manager.
Who is responsible for registering employees for training?
The immediate supervisor. Failure to do so will be investigated by supervisors chain of command.
Who manages any rescheduling of an employees training?
The immediate supervisor.
What must an employee do if they are unable to attend required training?
Notify their immediate supervisor and the Education and Training Section, and provide the reason for not being able to attend.
How does an immediate supervisor handle missed training?
- Meet with employee
- Determine if absence was jusitified
- Document in PAS.
- Reschedule training
Who has authority to initiate audits or inspections?
Compliance Section Captain has sole authority. All Dept captains may request an audit.
Audits are conducted consistent with what standard?
The Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS)
Does the Compliance Section have full and unrestricted access to all Dept functions, records, property and personnel?
How often must line inspections of personnel and equipment occur?
At least twice a year.
Who is responsible for completing line inspections?
The Captain is responsible for completing them. The sergeant or immediate supervisor will conduct the inspection.
What is the difference between a formal and informal inspection?
Formal inspections are conducted like informal inspections but require a written report to command personnel.
Who documents the results of a formal inspection?
How long are the results retained?
The precinct/section captain or lieutenant. The report will be retained for one year at the precinct/section.
Who audits precinct and traffic section tickets and how often?
APRS section audits them twice a year.
How often does a Lieutenant conduct ticket inspections?
Monthly of two officers under their command.
What happens if there are missing LEA copies of a criminal citation or notice of infraction?
Documents the missing LEA copy in a memo and submits to precinct captain.
How often does a precinct/unit captain peform ticket inspections?
Twice a year, 120 days apart.
What does the captain inspect during a ticket inspection?
- Accuracy of ticket book register
- Security of LEA copies
- Completion and retention of watch Lt. inspections memos.
How many tickets does the Watch Lieutenant inspect during a ticket/infraction inspection?
Checks first 10 tickets of one criminal citation and one notice of infraction book currently issued to the officers.
How does a Lt document the ticket inspection?
On an SPD memo and submit it to captain. Retained at the precinct for current year plus one.
What is the purpose of the Public Affairs office?
Promote effective relations between the news media and the department.
Who can speak to the media?
A PIO, on-scene captain or permanent-rank Lt.
Who can speak to the media at an incident if PIO is not available?
Precinct of occurrence watch lieutenant or someone designated by the on-scene captain or hard bar LT.
Only the Chief of Police or his designee is allowed to speak to media about these four topics:
Dept budget
Dept goals
Allocation of resources
Interpretation of Dept policy
What is required when an incident produces a media response or is likely to produce a media inquiry?
Primary officer will notify immediately supervisor. Supervisor will send notification to public affairs unit email.
Who will request a PIO respond to a major scene?
On-scene captain or permanent Lt.
Who will act as the Media Rep if a PIO does not respond?
Watch Lt at precinct of occurence.
Who can declare a disaster area a crime scene if it appears the disaster was from a criminal act?
Permanent Lt or on-scene captain.
Who determines if media will be allowed to enter an incident perimeter?
The on-scene captain, permanent-rank lieutenant or supervising investigator.
When can media be restricted from entering a disaster area?
Only when it interferes with a police operation. Otherwise they are allowed to enter.
Who requests that media aircraft be restricted around an area and how?
The on-scene captain or permanent lieutenant contacts a PIO who will contact the news agency.
Can an officer cover up a defendant so media can’t photograph him?
No. Dept Employees will neither prevent or facilitate the photographing of defendants or suspects in custody.
Can the department request assistance from media aircraft for viewing, photographing an incident or transporting employees for tactical purposes?
Yes. Request is made by on-scene captain or permanent Lt.
What must occur before information is released to media regarding an officer-involved shooting or serious injury?
Chief of Police or Deputy Chief will screen the information before its released.
What can be released about an adult suspect charged with a crime?
Suspects name, age, gender, race and city of residence
Charges filed.
Arresting unit
Circumstances of the arrest.
Who handles requests for media ride-alongs?
Public Affairs Unit
Can media film or record during a ride-along?
No. Only with Chief approval.
What can be released about an adult arrested and booked, but not charged with a crime?
Suspects name, age, gender, race and city of residence
Alleged offense.
Arresting unit
Circumstances of the arrest.
What can be released about an adult arrested but not booked into jail, cited or charged with a crime?
Age, gender, race and city of residence.
Investigating agency.
What can be released about the medical condition of a suspect or victim?
Readily observed information regarding medical conditions may be released. Detailed medical information, diagnosis or prognosis will not be released.
What can be released about a deceased person?
Age, gender, race and city of residence.
Who releases information about the identification of a deceased person?
King County medical Examiner’s Office
What can be released about juveniles.
Nothing. No information pertaining to juveniles, their parents or legal guardians will be released. This applies whether the juvenile is reported as a suspect, witness, victim, missing person, runaway, or person of interest.
What is generally not released unless authorized by the Chief?
Character, criminal record, or reputation in the community
- Guilt, innocence or possible outcome of pending legal proceedings
- The existence or content of any admission, confession or alibi
- Statements or opinions regarding a defendant’s willingness or refusal to make a statement
- The results of evidentiary examinations or forensic tests involving a pending case
- The anticipated testimony or credibility of any prospective victim or witness
- Statements or opinions concerning evidence, or legal arguments, to be used in a pending case
- Information regarding bombings, bomb threats, kidnappings or kidnapping threats, unless authorized by the captain or lieutenant of the Violent Crimes Investigations Section
- Any information disclosing the identity of a confidential source
- Identification information related to the victim of a sexual assault
What can be released to media regarding vehicle or boating collisions?
Narrative portion of the report. The name, license or registration numbers will not be released.
Who authorizes the release of a suspect photo to media so it can assist with the capture of the suspect?
The unit investigating the crime must authorize the release.
Photographs of what level sex offender can be released?
Only photos of Type III sex offender.
How does the media get copies of reports?
Request through the Public Affairs Unit.
What can be released to the media about an officer?
Age, race, rank, tenure and bureau.
Who is the official point of contact for all communication with elected officials?
Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives
How does an officer/sergeant handle requests from elected officials?
Do not answer them. Instead forwards it to Lt who will send it to Executive Director of Strategic initiatives.
Can precinct captains communicate with their district city council members?
yes, but must notify their bureau chief as soon as practical.
When will the department issue a statement about an Officer Involved shooting?
As soon as feasible
Who coordinates the release of information in an OIS?
Public Affairs Unit
When will the department release the names of officers involved in an OIS?
Within 48 hours.
When will the dept release video/photos that show an overview of an OIS?
Within 72 hours. Includes both dept video and private video. Dept will not release all the video, just enough to show a general overview.
Who must approve any dept board, unit or process created to review performance?
Chief of Police
What must all training rosters have on them?
Class roster and name of lead instructor with serial number.
What will a formal inspection report document?
Reports shall detail the finding of the inspection and actions taken
Who can release information regarding bombings, bomb threats, kidnappings or kidnapping threats.
Captain or lieutenant of the Violent Crimes Investigations Section