Tissues of the Body Flashcards
What are tissues
Group of cells that are similar in structure and functions along their extracellular matrix (big jumbo of proteins located outside cells)
Types of Tissues: Epithelium
Makes up the linings, coverings and glandular tissue of the body.
Cavity will have epithelium tissue around it
Possible fuctions:
- Protection
- Absorption
- Secretion
- Diffusion
- Sensory Reception
What body systems/organs do you think have epithelia?
Protection-Skin, Receptory tract Absorption-Disgestive system -Filtration-Kidney -Secretion-Glands, or screating sweet, oils -Diffusions -Sensory Reception
Every skin has an epithelia
Properties of Epithelia
Lots of cells and extracellular matrix (collagen, glycoprotein,
Basement membrane serving extracellular matrix (foundation of the cells so they can attach to)
Supported connective tissues -
Apical and Basal surfaces -
- Basal part of the cell that’s attached to the basement membrane
- Apical surface - free surface facing towards outside the body or towards a cavity (touch skin, top of the skin)
Other properties of Epithelia
Do not have avascular (no blood supply) Are innervated (sensation) Regenerate easily (replace themselves)
Other properties of Epithelia
Epithelial cells are connected with their neighbors via specialized junctions
-Tongue-and-groove shape
-Adhesion proteins - physically link cells with protein embedded in the plasma membrane
Tight Junctions
Other properties of Epithelia
-These are connections between adjacent cell whose primarily purposes is to prevent molecules to pass between them
-Some proteins embedded plasma membrane are fused between cells
(think of superglue between the two cells)
Found in apical surface of cells
Where might you find tight junctions?
-Why we don’t puff up like a sponge when we shower
-Skin, arteries (blood stays in the arteries)
stomach, small intestines (absorbing nutrients) we want nutrients in our cells not pass through them
Adherens Junctions
Other properties of Epithelia
Located basal direction along the side of tight junctions
-Stronger linkage between cells (no fluid or molecule movement) physically link cells and stability
-Proteins embedded in the plasma membrane, these are proteins are linked to the actin cytoskeleton (not the strongest but provides structure and support to our cell)
“nails that are used on the drywall”
-Influence shape and folding of epithelial tissues
Other properties of Epithelia
Strong connection between cells
-Connect adjacent cells
-Intermediate filaments “metal support beams”
-Plaque, cadherin molecules distribute force
-Found in tissues that have a lot of mechanical stressed
Found in organs like cardiac and skeleton muscles
What types of organs might you find desmosomes in?
Skin, cardiac muscles, skeletal muscles
Gap Junctions
Other properties of Epithelia
- Channels connected between two cells (pipe between two cells) (Connexin)
- Fast communication, small molecules such as iron sugar can quickly diffuse based on concentration quickly move molecules to one cell to another.
Where might you might find a gap junctions?
heart, a lot of gap junctions, between cells in our heart. when our heart contracts there’s a smooth signals that moves through the heart to contract at once
- Smooth muscles cells that are found of walls organs, arteries
- Brain stems, there are some neurons that are responsible to control our respiratory neurons will be connected via gap junctions
Epithelia Nomenclature
Does it have one or more than one layer or cells?
Simple:1 cell layer
Stratified: > 1 cell layer
Epithelia Nomenclature
What do the cells look like?
Flatted fish scales: Squamous
Cubes: Cubodial
Colums: Columnar
Simple layers
Simple Columnar
Simple Cubodial
Stratified Columnar
Stratified layer - look at Apical surface
Stratifed squamous apial (bc apical surface flat and squatty)
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Good for filtration and diffusion allowing things to move easily bc it’s only a single layer thick
Simple Cubodial Epithelium
Secretion - good at releasing molecules
Found in glands, ovaries
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Involved in the absorption of molecules
Nucleui are closer to the basal surface
Digestive tract
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Pseudo means fake
Attached at the basal membrane not all cells make it to the apical surface
Found in respiratory tract
Contains cilia move substances along a tissue
-moves dust and mucus
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Other most layer flat and squatty
- All of skin
- Found these cells in skin, anus, vagina, mouth
- Protection cells can run and get replaced
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Rare in the body-
- lining duck or passage way
- Multiple layer of cell
- Found in ducks of glands where that are leading from the gland to the surface where the molecules will exit
- Involved in passage ways allowing them to move
Found in male urethra
Transitional Epithelium
Found in urinares and bladder
Rounded, teardrop shape
Apical surfaces/ Borders look scalloped shape
Able to change their shape
as the bladder fills up with urine these cells will stretch and flatten out and add surface area so the thickness of the bladder appears less. How it happens the Golgi apparatus starts to giving off empty vesicles and those vesicles will fuse with the plasma membrane and increase the total surface within the plasma membrane. See desmosomes will tightly hold the cells together as they stretch and not pulled apart with all the pressure in the bladder and tight junctions will help with urine from leaking out.
Glandular Epithelium
One or more cells responsible for secreting a particular products.
Grands in skin that secrete oils
Endocrine (inside) glands lacks ducts
Exocrine (outside) gland secrete via ducts
Duct narrow passage way.
Exocrine glands - Sweat gland all the simple cuboidal cells will producing the sweat and releasing the sweat and releasing to the cavity
Endocrine glands will release the products directly to the blood stream. (no ducks)
What type of organelles do you think are particularly well developed in glands?
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum if they are releasing the proteins.
Some glands release lipid base hormones so they have Smooth ER bc it’s making lipid base molecules
Golgi apparatus making sure these proteins are heading out
Mitochondria bulk transport process - a lot of ATP
Multicellular Glands
Glandular epithelium at the bottom
We have the ducts
Stratified epithelium will take forever and multilayers to go through. Stratified layers never involved with secretion.
We want a simple layer of cells to secrete
Ducts can be endocrine/exocrine Most of the glands in the body Peptiory glands Adrenal gland Sabatious gland - secrete oil
Who use their ducks to move through the surface