Muscles of the body Flashcards

Origin: Maxilla and Mandible
- Insertion: Mucous Membrane of Lips
- Innervation: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
• Function: Jaw Elevation

• Origin: Parietal, Frontal,
Sphenoid, and Temporal Bones
• Insertion: Coronoid Process of
• Innervation: Trigeminal Nerve
(CN V)
• Function: Jaw elevation

Origin: Manubrium and
Medial Clavicle
• Insertion: Mastoid Process of
Temporal Bone
• Innervation: Spinal Accessory
Nerve (CN XI)
• Function: Contralateral cervical rotation
Ispilateal cevical side bending (bringing ear to shulder)
Cervical flexion if contracted bilaterally

Origin: Transverse Process of
Cervical Vertebrae
- Insertion: 1st rib (Anterior and Middle Scalenes) and 2nd rib (Posterior Scalene)
- Innervation: Branches of C3-8 spinalnerves
• Function: Cervical side bending, can also elevate 1st two ribs if spine is fixed
Ispalateal side bending also helps with breathing helps elevate first 2 ribs if the spine is fixed
right sternocleidomastoid and right scalenes are agonist for side bending bc they do ispalateral ipsilateral

Erector Spinae
- Origin: Common Tendon (dense conntective tissue) (Lower Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacrum, PSIS)
- Insertion: SLI
Spinalis: Spinous Process of T1-T8, C2, and Occipital Bone
Longissimus: Transverse Process of C2 – T12 and Mastoid Process
Iliocostalis: Angle of the Rib and Transverse Process of Cervical Vertebrae
- Innervation: Spinal Nerves
- Function: Lateral flexion of the trunk/neck extension of the trunk/neck if contracted bilterally.
If contract left/right together extension of truck
attached one side lateral flexion (side bending)
Longissimus will help with cervical side bending
Errector spinae deep to lats

Rectus Abdominis
- Origin: Pubic Symphysis
- Insertion: Xiphoid Process and Costal Cartilage of Ribs 5-7
Tendeness intersections (lines in abs) those are flexure points have specific spots where it folds
Connects to the sternum
• Innervation: Thoracoabdominal Nerves
T7-11 and Subcostal Nerve (T12)
• Function: Trunk Flexion

External Obliques
- Origin: Ribs 5-12
- Insertion: Anterior Iliac Crest, Pubic Symphysis, and Linea Alba (white line) - runs straight down through belly button - connective tissue feeding into one line - stability point from xipoid process
- Innervation: Thoracoabdominal Nerves T7-T11 and Subcostal Nerve (T12)
• Function: Contralateral truck roation, trunk flexion
Right external oblique causes rotatation to left and left external oblique causes rotation to right

Internal Obliques
- Origin: Anterior 2/3 of Iliac Crest
- Insertion: Ribs 10-12 and Linea Alba
- Function: Ispsilateral Rotation
Right external oblque and left internal oblique causes rotation to the left = Agonist

Tranverse Abdominis
Origin: Iliac Crest, Costal Cartilage of Ribs 7-10, and Thoracolumbar Fascia - additional fascia in low back. -belt coming around and cinching your abodomen tight
- Insertion: Linea Alba
- Innervation: Thoracoabdominal Nerves T7-11
and Subcostal Nerve (T12)
• Function: Increase intraabdonimal pressure/stabalize the core
if not activating muscles our backs would be injured (soda can analogy)

Occipital Bone, Spinous Processes of C7-T12
- Insertion: Acromion, Lateral Spine of Scapula, Lateral Clavicle
- Innervation: Spinal Accessory Nerve (CN XI)
Upper trapezius = Shoulder Elevation, cervical extension
Middle Traps = Shoulder retraction (fat joe lean back)
Lower trapezius = downward rotation scapula (do not worry about)
function of a muscles is based on directions of it’s muscle fibers

Acromion, Lateral Spine of the Scapula, Lateral Clavicle
Attaches to the same points as the trapezius
- Insertion: Deltoid Tuberosity of Humerus
- Innervation: Axillary Nerve
Function: Anterior deltoid = Shoulder flexion
Middle Deltoid = Shoulder ABduction
Posterior Deltoid = Shoulder Extension
Anterior and poster deltoid are antagonist bc they have opposite motions

- Origin: Supraspinous Fossa of Scapula
- Insertion: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
- Innervation: Suprascapular Nerve
**Don’t worry about memorizing this nerve
• Function: Shoulder ABduction

- Origin: Infraspinous Fossa of Scapula
- Insertion: Greater Tubercle of Humerus (posterior side)
- Innervation:
Suprascapular Nerve
**Don’t worry about memorizing this nerve
• Function: Shoulder external rotation

Teres Minor
Origin:Upper 2/3 of Lateral Scapular Border
- Insertion: Greater Tubercle of Humerus
- Innervation: Axillary Nerve
- Function: Shoulder external rotation
Shoulder Extension

Teres Major
not included in rotator cuff muscle bc it doesn’t encircle the head of humerus
Origin: Lower 1/3 of Lateral Scapular Border and Inferior Angle of Scapula
- Insertion: Medial Lip of Intertubercular Groove
- Innervation: Lower Subscapular Nerve
**Don’t worry about memorizing this nerve
• Function: Shoulder extension
Shoulder ADduction
Internal Rotation of the shoulder

Origin: Subscapular Fossa of Scapula
- Insertion: Lesser Tubercle of Humerus
- Innervation:
Upper and Lower Subscapular Nerves
**Don’t worry about memorizing this
• Function: Internal Rotation
ADDuction of the Shoulder

Latissimus Dorsi
Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia, Spinous Process of T7-L5
• Insertion: Intertubercular Groove of Humerus
• Function: Extension, internal rotation
Adduction of the shoulder

Serratus Anterior
Origin: Ribs 1-8
• Insertion: Anterior surface of
medial border of scapula
- Innervation: Long Thoracic Nerve
- Function: To guide scapula motion against the rib cage during shoulder motion

Pectoralis Major
Origin: Medial 2/3 Clavicle, Sternum, Ribs 1-6 costal cartilage
• Insertion: Lateral Lip of Intertubercular Groove
• Function: Horizontal ADDuction, internal rotation and adduction @ the shoulder

Pectoralis Minor
Origin: Ribs 3-5
- Insertion: Coracoid Process
- Function: Shoulder protraction middle trapezius would be antagonist

Bicep Brachii
Origin: Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula 12 oclock(long head) and coracoid process of scapula (short head) (pec minor attaches here too)
- Insertion: Radial Tuberosity and Bicipital Aponeurosis (helps distribute force)
- Innervation: Musculocutaneous Nerve
• Function: Shoulder flexion, elbow flexion forarm supination
bc it crosses the flenumeral joint it assists with shoulder flexion
Biceps don’t attach to humerus it attaches to scapula on one end and our radius on the other

Origin: Shaft of humerus
- Insertion: Coronoid process of ulna
- Innervation: Musculocutaneous Nerve
- Function: Elbow flexion
no supination bc attached to Ulna which is fixed whereas Radius spins
Contributes more of the strength of the biceps

Extensor Digitorum
Origin: Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus
- Insertion: Middle and Distal Phalanges of Digits 2-5
- Innervation: Radial Nerve
• Function: Extension of the wrist MCP, PIP’s and DIP’s