Timeline Flashcards
Inventor of Ancient Planning
Hippodamus in Ancient Greece, made grids to utilize the sun
City of Ur
Mesopotamia, divided cities into quarters for merchants, artisans, etc.
Roman Planning - E/W roads
Roman Planning - N/S Roads
Holy Field
Ancient Chinese Planning - 9 squares around a central square where the capital was located
Egyptian Planning
Building of grids with administration and religion in the center and a Royal Road for the King. Housing was north and south of this.
Indian Planning
Harappa, Lothal, Dholavira & Mohenjo-Daro featured grids, alleys, minor streets, and major roads. Harappa had noise reducing houses.
Grand Model for the Province of Carolina
1670 - Influenced colonial settlement and town building. Included Town Planning, Wide Streets, Standard Rectangular Lots, Public Square, Reserved Lots for Civic Buildings and Greenbelts.
Oglethorpe Plan
1730 - Savannah, GA Distinctive street network of residential blocks, commercial blocks, small green parks, and walkable neighborhoods.
Garden City Movement
1898 - Sir Ebenezer Howard - Self-contained communities surrounded by greenbelts with proportionate residences and agriculture. Decentralized work from the City Center
L’Enfant Plan for DC
Made in 1792 with help from Andrew Ellicott
NY Tenement House Law
1901 - New building standards to reduced dumbbell tenement, include light through windows and courtyards
McMillan Plan
1902 - Redesigned the DC National Mall to include Lincoln and Grant Memorials
First De Facto City Planning Commission
1902 - Cleveland, Ohio. Local Chapter of AIA formed a de facto planning commission.
1903 - First Garden City in UK
Public Lands Commission
1903 - Teddy Roosevelt signs into law, run by Gifford Pinchot and determined purposes of public land
Antiquities Act
1906 - Teddy Roosevelt signs into law, preserved archaeological sites. Devils’ Tower was the first.
NY Congestion Committee
1907 - Florence Kelley and Mary Simkovich form a coalition to remedy overcrowding in the poorest parts of NYC
First Official Planning Commission
1907 - In Hartford, CT
NY Congestion Exhibit
1908 - Result of NY Congestion Committee. At Museum of Natural History and toured the US, pushing for overcrowding reform.
Ford Launches Model T
1908 - Everything goes to hell
Forest Hills Gardens
1909 - Queens, NY. First planned “Garden Suburb” in the US
First Urban Planning Course
1909 - Harvard University
First Urban Planning Program
1923 - Harvard University
First Urban Design Program
1960 - Harvard University
First National Conference on City Planning
1909 - In Washington DC. Led to American Planning Institute (APA precursor 1/2) in 1917
Burnham’s Plan of Chicago
1909 - Burnham and Edward Bennett make first comprehensive plan
Manual of the Plan of Chicago
1911 - Walter Moody describes the development of the plan in a book designed to teach planning to school-age children
Early Versions of Zoning
1913 - In NY, MN, WI, and IL designed to separate residential from industrial uses
First Municipally Employed Planner
1914 - Harland Bartholomew in Newark, NJ. Completed their Comprehensive Plan in 1915
Cities in Evolution
1915 - Book by Sir Patrick Geddes. Promoted “Constructive & Conservative” improvements in scientific method and civic surveys.
Comprehensive Zoning Resolution
1916 - George McAneny & Edward Bassett divided NYC based on primary activity of the area. First citywide zoning code.
National Park Service
1916 - Founded by Woodrow Wilson
American City Planning Institute
1917 - One of precursors to APA. Olmstead Jr. was first president.
First Time Majority of Americans Live in Urban Areas
Proposal of Appalachian Trail
1921 - Brenton McKaye. The First section was completed in 1923.
Country Club Plaza
1922 - First car-oriented shopping center outside KC Missouri
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
1922 - Defined a zoning commission, gave states the ability to enact zoning
Creation of Regulatory Taking
1922 - PA Coal v. Mahon
Herlihy Plans Boston
1923 - Elisabeth May Herlihy developed Boston’s first comprehensive plan. Important woman planning pioneer.
Formation of RPAA
1923 - Regional Planning Association of America - Created Sunnyside, Queens and Radburn, NJ
Moses Comes to Power
1924 - Becomes Chairman of NY State Council of Parks, increased parkland, increased racial segregation
First Comprehensive Plan Adopted as Law
1925 - Cincinnati - First actually created by the City itself and not a civic organization
First State-Leve Land Use Plan
1925 - Clarence Stein, the NY Land Use Chair commissioned it. Henry Wright wrote it. It focused on transportation
Euclid v. Ambler
1926 - Established zoning as legitimate use of police power
Standard City Planning Enabling Act
1928 - Allowed cities to form zoning commissions, legalized zoning in all US Cities
Construction of Radburn, NJ
1928 - Created by RPAA - American Garden City. First to separate automobile traffic from housing and used superblocks to cluster different uses
Clarence Perry’s Neighborhood Unit
1929 - Model for walkable residential neighborhoods with a community school, business district, and graded streets to limit traffic–all of these eventually used in suburbs
First Historic District Ordinance
1931 - For Charleston, SC’s downtown
Christaller’s Central Place Theory
1933 - German Theorist - describes the economic relations of communities
Tennessee Valley Authority
1933 - Publicly owned utility built 16 hydroelectric dams
Public Works Administration
1933 - National Industry Recovery Act, planned large-scale roads, dams, and bridges as “New Deal.”
National Planning Board
1933 - Established under the WPA, pushed for Comprehensive Plans throughout the US to allocate for public works projects
First Multistate Planning Commission
1934 - WA, OR, ID, and MT planned for agriculture, industrial development, and investments in power generation
American Society of Planning Officials
1934 - Precursor org to the APA. Founded by Walter Blucher
Housing Act of 1934
Creates the FHA and Federal Home Savings and Loan Corp. to revive the US housing market
HOLC Redlining Maps
1935 - Homeowner Loan Corporation creates maps that lead to today’s racial segregation
Resettlement Administration
1935 - Financial aid to farmers and rural America and the construction of 3 Garden Cities: Greenbelt, MD, Greenhills, OH, & Greendale, WI. Became Farm Security Administration in 1937
The Planner’s Journal Launches
1935 - American Institute of Planners launches what becomes JAPA
US Housing Act Becomes Law
1937 - Wagner-Steagall Act loaned $800 million to bulid low-income housing. Catherine Bauer Wurster was director of research
ACPI Changes Name to AIP
1939 - American City Planning Institute changes name to American Institute of Planners
AIP Screens Documentary
1939 - Called “The City” about congestion and stress of urban living. Put in Congressional Film Registry in 1998
Formation of Telesis
1939 - Collaboration of architects, landscape architects, urban planners to preserve the environment and culture of San Francisco
Cities Start Losing Population to Suburbs
G.I. Bill
1944 - Veterans guaranteed home loans
Park Forest, IL
1946 - Planned suburban community for GIs with outdoor shopping center
Levittown, NY
1947 - Mass-produced suburb designed to be segregated to only white people
Code of Professional Conduct for Planners Published
1948 - American Institute of Planners publishes a code focusing on responsibility to the public, clients, and other planners
Banning of Racially Restrictive Covenants
1948 - Shelley v. Kraemer in St. Louis, based on 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause
Planned Unit Developments
1949 - First one in Prince George’s County, MD which allows combinations of land uses within developments
US Comprehensive Housing Legislation
1949 - Housing Act of 1949 - Truman funded slum clearance and urban renewal and expanded FHA Mortgage Insurance
Samuel Cullers earns Masters of Urban Planning
First African American to earn this honor, from MIT
Housing Act of 1954
Urban Renewal Funding and the creation of the 701 program for Planning Assistance communities which spread the practice of Comprehensive Plans
Supreme Court Rules on Eminent Domain
1954 - Berman v. Parker allows eminent domain
Case Study of Racism in Public Housing
1955 - Politics, Planning, and Public Interest - landmark case study on race and Public Housing in Chicago
Federal Aid Highway Act
1956 - Eisenhower funds the construction of interstates mostly out of the Highway Trust Fund
First Urban Growth Boundary
1958 - Lexington, KY to protect bluegrass and horses
The Image of the City
1960 - Kevin Lynch’s report that found 5 wayfinding methods of residents: paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks
Jacobs Writes on Cities
1961 - The Death and Life of Great American Cities - Criticized Moses, Corbusier, and urban renewal. Advocated for mixed use neighborhoods.
Hawaii Kicks Off Growth Management
1961 - Passes land use law that shifts from local to statewide land use. Classified land as urban, rural, and conservation. Started “Growth Management”
Housing Act of 1961
JFK provides funding for acquiring open space, improving mass transit, urban renewal, and farm loss
Baker v. Carr
1962 - Federal courts can review how State seats are distributed, shifting power from the rural to urban
Silent Spring
1962 - Rachel Carson’s book kicking off environmentalism leading to sustainable development and Smart Growth
Urban Mass Transportation Act
1964 - Begins the Urban Mass Transit Administration, later the Federal Transit Administration, which shifts transit funding to grants and loans
The Urban General Plan
1964 - T.J. Kent Jr.’s seminal planning textbook about the history of the Comprehensive Plan
Founding of ARCH
1964 - Architects’ Renewal Committee of Harlem, one of the first Community Design Centers
Founding of Reston, VA
1964 - Robert Simon, Jr. founds this suburb on 7 principles of walkability, greenspace, density, access to nature, racial and wealth diversity. Created the Planned Residential Community zoning
Launch of PEO
1964 - Planners for Equal Opportunity - designed to counter racial discrimination and poverty
Creation of CAPs
1964 - Community Association Programs - Aimed at eliminating poverty
HUD Launches
1965 - Robert Weaver is the first secretary under LBJ
Beginning of Advocacy Planning
1965 - Paul Davidoff publishes “Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning” through JAPA. Argues planners should advocate for poor (Davidoff later founds Suburban Action Institute to fight exclusionary zoning)
King Targets Housing Discrimination
1966 - MLK’s march through Chicago
Model Cities Program
1966 - Urban Renewal Act under LBJ that funded comprehensive plans, provided education, jobs, recreation, and leadership opportunities to inner city residents
National Historic Preservation Act
1966 - In response to urban renewal and highways
Community Development Corporations
1966 - Began with the Bedford-Stuyvesant Corporation, locally funded and community controlled
Fair Housing Act
1968 - Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968
HUD Act Passes
1968 - Establishes Ginnie Mae for additional mortgage funding for moderate income families and provides funding for new projects including Jonathan, MN; Park Forest South, IL; Flower Mount, TX; & St. Charles, MD
Design With Nature
1969 - Ian McHarg publication that takes English gardening philosophy and applies it to human settlement
Founding of ASCP
1969 - Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning - Colleges with Planning Programs
Ladder of Citizen Participation
1969 - Written by Sherry Arnstein in JAPA
NBPN Challenges AIP & ASPO
1969 - Black planners association walks out of urban planning conference and demands integrated curricula. AIP established a task force and ASPO responded with articles.
Enactment of NEPA
1970 - Led to Clean Air Act (which was passed in 1969)
Foundation of EPA
1970 - By Richard Nixon
First “Fair Share” Housing Plan
1970 - Miami Valley RPC (Ohio) established housing goals for regional allocation of low and moderate income housing throughout the Dayton area
Court Finds Zoning Exclusionary
1971 - Decision of Oakwood at Madison, Inc. v. Township of Madison, NJ
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Coastal Zone Management Act
Demoliton of Pruitt-Igoe
1972 - Famous St. Louis housing project
Early Urban Data Analysis
1974 - In Los Angeles, planners conducted cluster analysis using computers
CDBG Program Begins
Cleveland Focuses on Social Policy
1975 - Norman Krumholz’ Cleveland Panning Department and planning reports focuses on reframing comprehensive plans as focusing on social issues
NJ Court Rules on Affordable Housing
1975 - Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Mount Laurel Township
Community Reinvestment Act
1977 - By Jimmy Carter
Creation of Planners Network
1975 - Chester Hartman was a progressive socialist who created this org and distributed newsletters
Hawaii’s Statewide Zoning
1978 - First state with statewide zoning
Penn Central Transportation v. New York
1978 - Famous historic preservation case. Restrictions on development due to the historic nature made it not considered a taking. Famous TDR example.
Formation of the APA
1978 - Merger between AIP and ASPO
First New Urbanist Town
1981 - Seaside, FL by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-
Habitat Conservation Plan Amendment
1982 - Updates Endangered Species Act of 1973 by creating conservation areas to protect wildlife
2nd Wave of Growth Management
1985 - Florida requires local governments to be consistent with the State and the region or lose funding
LIHTC Launches
Passage of ADA
1990 - By George H.W. Bush
1992 - Turning Public Housing into mixed income housing and following the tenets of new urbanism
Enterprise Zones and Empowerment Communities
1993 - Allowing tax incentives and social services in these areas
Autonomous Car Testing
1995 - By Dean Pomerlau and Todd Jochem at Carnegie Mellon University
First AICP Fellows
Stafford Disaster Mitigation Act
2000 - Update of 1988 Stafford Act that outlines 4 major components of state hazard mitigation plans, delegating these same powers to local governments
The Rise of the Creative Class
2002 - Seminal Richard Florida article arguing for amenities in mixed use settings appealing to urban creatives
DARPA Challenge
2004 - Autonomous Vehicle race across the Mojave Desert
The High Cost of Free Parking
2005 - Donald Shoup’s book describing how free parking hurts urban areas and makes them more car-dependent
Supreme Court Ruling on Takings
2005 - Kelo v. City of New London ruling that private development from public land is not a taking if it provides significant benefits to the community
Cities Grow Faster Than Suburbs for the First Time in Decades
Fair Housing Expansion
2012 - Expands FHA to cover sexual orientation and gender identity
Mass Produced Autonomous Vehicles
2017 - By General Electric