People Flashcards
Edward Bennett
1904 plan for San Francisco and colleague of Daniel Burnham
Frederick Law Olmstead, Sr.
Planned Central Park, major land use pioneer
Edward Bassett
Wrote the 1916 NYC Zoning Code
Calvert Vaux
Worked with Olmstead Sr. on Central Park
Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr.
First ACPI President, prepared numerous City Plans across the East Coast + Boulder, CO
Harland Bartholomew
First Full-Time City Planner employed by municipality, started in Newark and moved on to St. Louis, major advocate of racial segregation
Lawrence Veiller
First Full-Time American Housing reformer, his work led to the NYC Tenement Laws
Louis Wirth
Wrote “Urbanism as a Way of Life” in 1938, density advocate
Paulo Soleri
Advocated mega structures with nature, Arcosanti is his signature development
Robert Lang
Wrote “Edgeless Cities” in 2002, argued that suburban office spaces and office parks were bad for pedestrians.
Alfred Bettman
Wrote First Comprehensive Plan in Cincinnati, was a lawyer for Euclid v. Ambler, 1st ASPO President
Frank Lloyd Wright
Wrote “Disappearing City” in 1932, advocate for sprawl.
Rexford Tugwell
Headed Resettlement Administration, had awesome name
Amitai Etziono
Wrote “The Spirit of Community,” founded communitarianism
James Rouse
Designed Columbia, MD and pioneered outdoor shopping malls which he called “Festival Marketplaces”
James Howard Kunstler
Wrote “The Geography of Nowhere,” which was a history of suburbia. Leading New Urbanist, also wrote “The Long Emergency” about Peak Oil
Sherry Arnstein
Wrote “The Ladder of Citizen Participation” in 1969
William Whyte
Wrote “Social Life of Small Urban Spaces” in 1980. Environmental psychology in urban design, coined the term “Greenway” in the book “The Last Landscape”
Allan Jacobs
Wrote “Making City Planning Work” in 1985 and “Great Streets” in 1995, describing the qualities of great streets.
Ernest Burgess
Developed Concentric Ring Theory in 1925 – urban areas grow in a series of concentric rings outward from CBD
Homer Hoyt
Developed Sector Theory in 1939 urban areas develop in sectors along communication and transportation routes
Harris & Ullman
Developed Multiple Nuclei Theory in 1945 - urban areas grow around a number of separate nuclei, which are specialized and differentiated
William Alonso
Land Rent curve, bide rent theory (1960) – cost of land, intensity of development and concentration of population decline as you move away from CBD
Alreide Keinus
historic preservation, wrote With Heritage so Rich in 1966
TJ Kent
author of the Urban General Plan in 1964, classic textbook on history, purpose, scope, clients and use of comp plans
Rachel Carson
brought attention to the negative effects of pesticides on the environment with her book Silent Spring written in 1962
Jane Jacobs
critically looked at planners and planning, particularly the mistakes of urban renewal in her book Death and Life of Great American Cities written in 1961; advocated for mixed uses, short blocks, pedestrian-scale safety with eyes on the street
Kevin Lynch
defined basic concepts within the City (paths, edges, nodes, districts); wrote the Image of the City in 1960
F Stuart Chapin
wrote Urban Land Use Planning in 1957 (common textbook on land use planning)
Ladislas Segoe
wrote Local Planning Administration in 1941 (first in the Greenbook series)
Nelson Lewis
wrote Planning of the Modern City in 1916
Aaron Wildavsky
Political scientist who focused on budgets and risk management
Flavel Shurtleff
wrote Carrying Out the City Plan in 1914 (1st major planning textbook)
Walter Moody
wrote Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago in 1912 (used as a textbook for 8th graders)
George Haussman
19th Century Plan of Paris
John Friedman
Transactive Theory - Decentralizing and decolonializing planning
Herbert Simon
Coined term “Satisficing”
Edward Kaiser
co-authored Urban Land Use Planning; land use strategies for hazard mitigation and environmental protection; quality of local land use plans
Henry Wright
designed Radburn, NJ (“town in which people could live peacefully with the automobile-or rather in spite of it”)
George Perkins Marsh
author of Man and Nature (1864), explored destructive impact of human action on environment and inspired conservation movement
John Wesley Powell
authored Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States (1878), plan that would enable settlement for the west while conserving water resources
John Muir
founded Sierra Club in 1892 to promote protection and preservation of environment
Gifford Pinchot
America’s 1st professionally trained forester; first director of US Forest Service (1905); leader in conservation movement
John Logan and Harvey Molotch
City as a Growth Machine Theory (1987), urban development is directed by elite members of community who control resources and benefit from development
Charles Louis Mulford and George Kessler
designed Denver’s parks and parkways system in 1906
Robert Moses
influenced development of state parks and parkways in NY; helped establish the State Council of Parks in 1923
Judith Innes
consensus building and collaborative planning; author of JAPA article, Planning Through Consensus Building: A New View of the Comprehensive Planning Ideal (Autumn 1996)
Peter Drucker
Created Management by Objective
Louis Mumford
Wrote “The City in History” in 1961
Raymond Unwin
Wrote “The Art of Buiding a Home” in 1901, influenced Arts & Crafts movement
John Nolen
Designed Mariemont, OH. Parks and landscape architect, designed Florida Comprehensive Plan
Clarence Stein
Designed Sunnyside Gardens, wrote New Town for America (1951)
Daniel Burnham
city beautiful movement; White City Chicago’s world fair; 1909 plan for Chicago (applied principles of monumental city design and City Beautiful Movement)
Ebenezer Howard
garden city movement (to overcome social inequalities and economic inefficiencies of urban areas); author of Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform in 1898
Pierre L’Enfant
original plan for Washington DC
Andres Duany
advocate for new urbanism; designed Seaside FL in 1982
Joel Garreau
wrote Edge City in 1991, edge city is a distinct place that has at least 5 mil sq ft of office, 600,000 sq ft of retail and more jobs than bedrooms
le Corbusier
radiant city (skyscrapers for high density living and working, surrounded by commonly owned park space), superblocks, separated uses
James Oglethorpe
founder of the colony of Georgia; design for Savannah, complex gridiron with a main axis and interlinking gardens and squares
Jacob Riis
housing activist in NYC; wrote How the Other Half Lives in 1890 and Children of the Poor (social reform)
Clarence Perry
neighborhood unit concept, published concept in New York City and its Environs in 1929
Norman Krumholz
Cleveland’s planning director (1969 – 1979); strong proponent of equity in planning
Paul Davidoff
father of advocacy planning; argued planners should not be value-neutral public servant, but should represent special interest groups
Saul Alinsky
Back of Yards movement; advocacy planning; vision of planning centered on community organizing
Charles Lindblom
wrote the Science of Muddling Through; incremental planning, which acknowledged that changes are made in increments
Victor Gruen
Early anti-sprawl and pedestrian mall advocate. Distinguished unifunctional vs multifunctional centers (mixture of land uses and types)
Paul Lawrence
Sociologist who studied organizational change. Wrote “Driven” as unified theory of human behavior
Lincoln Steffens
Wrote “The Shame of Cities” along with Ida Tarbell and Ray Stannard Baker. The first muckraker
Robert Hunter
Settlement House movement advocate (incl. Hull House)
Joseph Hodnut
Wrote “Architecture and the Spirit of Man.” Bauhaus advocate and big deal academic
Lawrence Haworth
Wrote “The Good City” and argued philosophy was important in City design
TJ Kent
Wrote “The Urban General Plan”, a seminal planning textbook. Member of Telesis and SF Planning Director
Alan Altshuler
Big critic of Comprehensive Planning in “The Goals of Comprehensive Planning”
Camillo Sittee
Wrote “City Planning According to Artistic Principles”