Exam 5 Missed Qs Flashcards
US Bureau of Reclamation
Federal agency that oversees irrigation, water supply, and hydroelectric power
Silt Fence
Decreases sedimentation in runoff by retaining soil. Common in construction
Streambank Stabilization
Protects streams and channels to reduce erosion. Can be bioengineered or structural
Oil/Particle Separators
Designed to remove trash and debris from runoff
Difference between COG and Regional Council
None. They are functionally the same
New Regionalism
• focuses on specific territories and spatial planning;
• tries to address problems created by the growth
and fragmentation of postmodern metropolitan
• takes a more holistic approach to planning that
often integrates planning specialties such as
transportation and land use as well as environmental, economic, and equity goals;
• emphasizes physical planning, urban design, and
sense of place as well as social and economic
planning; and
• often adopts a normative or activist stance
Morrill Act of 1862
Authorized proceeds from sale of land to be used for colleges
National Education Act of 1867
Created Department of Education to improve school effectiveness
Smith-Lerer Act of 1914
Extended services to land-grant universities
Percent of owner-occupied homes in USA
Program Monitoring System
Documents progress, collects feedback, and allows for plan revisions as needed
Town Hall Meeting
Useful to identify key issues to start a project
Public Hearing
Useful at end of the project
Open House
Useful to do partway through a project to show progress and gain feedback
FOIA exemptions
Personal privacy, national security, importance in ongoing law enforcement case, trade secrets, internal personnel rules, supervision of financial institutions, and geological info on wells
Is an unrelated roommate subject to ethics rules on conflicts of interest?
Yes. Written permission to work on their projects is still required
Adequate Sample Size for Interviews
1%. Interviews are time consuming and can have a smaller sample size
Estimated number of homeless people in USA
580,466 (anything in mid 500k is plausible)
When do owners receive compensation in condemnation proceedings
After they pay taxing authorities their back taxes (note: this doesn’t happen with land banks)
Incremental Planning
Charles Lindblom and Harvey Perloff - Argues planners should work incrementally, one at a time, “muddling through”
Radiant City
Le Corbusier - Linear design in abstract shape of human body, high rise housing blocks in lines, and significant green space
Nuisance Law
Activity or use is considered a nuisance if intentional and unreasonable, causes interference in neighboring property brining down its value, and continuing in nature
Assessors Office
Estimates property values but DOES NOT collect taxes
Ethics Code on Sexual Harrassment
Does not site this specifically, however it is definitely prohibited based on other items such as deliberately wrongful acts and reflecting poorly on the profession
Used to compare two contingency tables (crosstabs)
Used for 3 categorial and one quantitative variable, comparing 3 or more means
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949
Created General Services Administration
Land Ordinance of 1785
Largest act of planning in US history. Rectangular survey for everything west of the Appalachians
New Markets Tax Credit
Spurs business development by providing tax incentives to investors for equity investments in community development entities in low-income communities
Garden Cities and finance
Farmland is purchased at an agricultural rate, a limited-dividend company was established, and the community owns land so the land values increase and pass the gains back to the community
Multi-Attribute Utility Analysis
Allows for weighting across series of values’ dimensions so decision makers can value things that they deem are more important
Minimum distance of a building from the road, water, etc. Note that this is not equivalent to a yard but can be a yard
State Preemption
Law that local government is limited by state laws
Qualified Allocation Plan
Technical name for LIHTC applications and awards
Legitimate concerns to limit signage based on Metromedia
Aesthetics and safety
Normative Theory of Planning
Andreas Faludi - Focuses on procedure of planning and the manner in which decisions are arrived at.
How often are block level census estimates made
Every 10 years
Strongest basis for controlling signage
Historical district
Hoshin Kanri
Method for ensuring that the strategic goals of a company drive progress and action at every level within that company
Ethical Firewall
Creates a wall between elected officials and line of staff who are charged with administering the regulations of an organization
Pedestrian Pocket
Idea from Calthorpe of mixed use development of less than 110 acres with a park in the center
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act. Funding surface transportation programs at over $105 billion for fiscal years (FY) 2013 and 2014, MAP-21 is the first long-term highway authorization enacted since 2005.
Lesser Known Awful Things done by Robert Moses
Bridges were constructed to be too low for city buses to keep poor people out of the City
Citizen Participation Starting Point
If the project has not developed its goals yet, the broadest citizen participation strategy is always best
Radioconcentric Net
Ring road
Relationship between 5th and 14th amendment cases
5th Amendment cases are for takings and are often 14th Amendment cases for due process too. This does not work vice versa
4 types of measurement data
Nominal - Named, no order
Ordinal - Named, ordered, but not mathematical (ex.: satisfaction survey)
Interval - Ordinal with a calculation between answers. 0 is arbitrary. (ex.: temperature)
Ratio - Numeric, zero is not arbitrary
Planning Cell
Developed by Dr. Dienel. Allows citizens to learn about and assess multiple alternatives
Can Ordinal data have a median?
Yes, but not a necessarily a mean
Two types of local governments
General-Purpose and Single-Purpose, where Single-Purpose is a school district or fire district
Impact Fee Basis
A rational nexus for how development impacts things proportionally. For example, based on the projected number of trips if it’s related to traffic.
How to Avoid Introducing Bias as a Facilitator
Have attendees introduce all problem and solution ideas
ADA Revisions
2008 & 2010 to include Standards for Accessible Design