Exam 2 Missed Qs Flashcards
Matrix Organization
Staff members work across departments on functional teams to break down silos
Adverse Possession
Doctrine in which a person in possession of land owned by another person may acquire title as long as common law requirements are met and that person is in possession of property for a sufficient period of time
Prescriptive Easement
Easement on another person’s property acquired by continued use without permission of the owner over a legally defined period (ex.: path through a field)
How to inrepret regression?
r = slope and a slope of 1 is perfect correlation.
Multiplier Analysis
Projects the number of jobs created (or lost) related to an industry
Indian Reorganization Act
AKA the Wheeler-Howard Act. Passed in 1934. The act curtailed the future allotment of tribal communal lands to individuals and provided for the return of surplus lands to the tribes rather than to homesteaders. It also encouraged written constitutions and charters giving Indians the power to manage their internal affairs.
Strategic Plan Steps
1) Conduct a needs assessment 2) Identify core values 3) Create a mission statement 4) Identify fundamental tenets 5) Conduct SWOT analysis 6) Assign strategic priorities
Package Treatment
Small sewage treatment plants for septic tanks
Federal Property Administration Act
1949 - allows government to dispose of Federal property
Transactive Planning
Instead of considering public participation as a method that would be used in addition to the normal training planning process, participation was a central goal. Focuses on interpersonal dialogue that develops ideas, which will be turned into action. One of the central goals is mutual learning.
Business Improvement District
Allows for shared expenditure of business taxes to accomplish a common goal. Often includes a branding and marketing component.
1956 Federal Highway Act
Created highway system linking state capitals and large cities, allocated funds from car sales to road construction
Penn Central Transportation Amendment
5th Amendment
14th Amendment Due Process
The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is exactly like a similar provision in the Fifth Amendment, which only restricts the federal government. It states that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” Usually, “due process” refers to fair procedures.
Difference between Due Processes
The Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause constraining the authority of the federal government and the identical Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment constraining only state governments
How much electricity is used to heat & cool buildings in the US?
Locally Undesirable Land Use
LULU applies to generic waste dumps
Neighborhood Park Service Radius
.5 miles
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Estimates net impact on government of a particular project
Real Property
Consists of all land, structures, attached equipment, and “interests” in future rights
Zoning Text Amendment
When changes are made to the zoning ordinance
When changes are made to the zoning map
First use of TDR
Fred F. Finch Investing Co. v. NYC
Rational Planning Model
1) Set goals 2) Come up with alternatives 3) Evaluate means vs. ends 4) Evaluate costs vs. benefits 5) Select the best alternative NOTE: No citizen participation
Hunter v. Pittsburgh
1907 - Establishes supreme sovereignty of a state over its municipalities
Dillon’s Rule
The theory of state preeminence over local governments
Home Rule States
The state’s constitution grants municipalities and/or counties the ability to pass laws to govern themselves as they see fit (so long as they obey the state and federal constitutions)
GDP + remittances - income from non-residents
TOD Walking Radius
1.5 miles
General Services Administration
Federal Department for disposal of Federal Property
Riverside, IL
Suburb designed by Olmstead Sr. and Calvert Vaux in 1869 and received historic designation as first suburb in 1970
Conservation Zoning
Requires clustering of homes while preserving open space
Purchase of Development Rights
Ensures land is permanently preserved
Used to retrieve soil samples then examined for soil profiles
Urban Service Limit Line
Boundary, sometimes parcel-specific, located to mark the outer limit beyond which urban development will not be allowed
Feet in an acre
Maximum Lot Coverage Requirements
Set limits on land that can be covered by impervious surface. Helpful for stormwater management
Wagner-Steagall Housing Act
1937, established United States Housing Authority (USHA) that provided $500 million in loans for low- and moderate-income housing
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Created in 1927 in order to create the Colorado River Aqueduct. It was built between 1933 and 1941 and is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. It ran a water pipeline to Los Angeles.