Exam 4 Missed Qs Flashcards
Capitalization Rate
Rate of return on a real estate investment based on expected income the property will generate
Father of Modern Housing Code
Lawrence Veiller
How far did Golden v. Ramapo go?
NY Court of Appeals
What to do first before contacting decision makers about outside changes
Review the plan before moratoriums, etc.
NRCS Soil Map
Natural Resources Conservation Service - Identifies soil types
Percent of US Farmland for crops
Percent of US Farmland for livestock grazing
Clarence Stein
Co-founder of Regional Planning Association of America, led to Appalachian Trail, Radburn, and Sunnyside
Hubert Peak
Maximum consumption of a resource occurs at the midpoint of its life cycle
Father of Regional Planning
Patrick Geddes
Father of Zoning
Edward Bassett
Father of City Planning
Daniel Burnham
Father of Modern Ecology
Ian McHarg
Father of Advocacy Planning
Paul Davidoff
Way to avoid “lack of time commitment” ethical violation while still helping
Serving in an advisory position
Appointed positions
At-will employees, even if staff below is unionized
360 Degree Evaluation
Allows employees to receive feedback from people they report to, peers, and people that report to them
Social Accounting Matrix
Organization framework for statistical data about the economy. Includes items like household income, household expenditures, industry, trade, etc.
Section 404
Permit process for wetlands
Section 208
Of Clean Water Act. Had states and local governments create management plans for non-point source pollutants
Enterprise Fund
Manages revenues and expenditures of a self-sufficient activity such as baseball stadium or zoo
Net Operating Income = Gross Income(1 - Vacancy Rate) - Operating Expenses
Land Capability Analysis
Understand suitability of land for development. Includes soil, hydrology, geology, and other physical data
Dependency Ratio
Ratio of dependents (younger than 15, older than 64) Divided by working age population
Nominal Group Technique
Brainstorming in stages to aid team participation
Sewage Treatment
Primary - Removes Solids
Secondary - Allows bacteria to consume organic waste
Tertiary - Removes impurities
Gaining vs. Losing Stream
Gaining stream gains water as it flows. Losing steam water seeps into the ground
Southdale Center
Edina, MN - first climate-controlled indoor shopping mall. Designed by Victor Gruen
First Zoning Restriction in USA
San Francisco in 1867. Used to prevent “obnoxious uses”
Future Search
2 and a half day group event to result in a vision for a common future
Aspirational Principle 3J
We hall contribute time and effort to groups lacking in adequate planning resources and to voluntary professional activities
Within 150 miles of US/Mexico border. Unregulated settlement with informal substandard housing and often lacking in basic infrastructure
Tenants and Site Review
When applicable, a list of tenants should be included in site review
Mobile Home Traffic Generation
4.99 trips/unit
Townhome Traffic Generation
5.8 trips/unit
Single-Family Home Traffic Generation
9.5 trips/unit
Apartment Traffic Generation
6.6 trips/unit
Other City Beautiful Plans
Made by Burnham for Cleveland and San Francisco
Susan Fainstein
Wrote “The Just City” which said Democracy, Equity, and Diversity are elements for justice
Private Easement
Occur when a neighbor sells property to an individual. May be for driveway access, sewer line, etc.
Who is responsible for levee planning?
Army Corps of Engineers plans for hurricanes
Prescriptive Easement
Easement on another person’s property acquired by continued use without permission of the owner over a legally defined period (like a path through a field or area farmed)
“Balancing of Interests”
Concept from PA Coal v. Mahon that said government can regulate land but it can lead to a taking