Tibullus 27 Flashcards
Slavery… Slavery
Tibullus not happy in love and feels like a slave
my inheritance
tibullus not happy in love as he has to spend lots of money on her
He burns them, innocent or guilty removes the firebrands cruel girl; I am in flames
physical pain- but not the flames of passion
How preferable to be a stone on a frozen mountain, or as a cliff, to bear the brunt of the raging gales
-he would rather be an inanimate object exposed to the elements
-examples of nature
my verse and its author Apollo are no use to me
love poetry not helping
with hands cupped
gold digger
Keep away, Muse, if you’re useless to a lover… access to my mistress… I must get gifts for her
no use in poetry if it can’t help him make his mistress love him and all that can make her love him are material goods
lie weeping outside her bolted house
locked out lover
green emeralds… Tyrian purple… Coan dresses… Red Sea’s iridescent shell
Those who do shower mistress with gifts make it more difficult for others as the women then expect it; all these things are expensive
these have corrupted them
no gifts no entry
hence keys in doors
locked out lover
if you bring a fat bribe
money even required to bribe the door keeper
lustful goddess beauty
brought a great good among a thousand evils
love has good and bad points