Ovid 4 Flashcards
aestus erat
it was sultry
heat of the sun/ of passion- pun
mediam horam
middle hour
middle of the day has already passed which is the hottest part of the day
repetition and splitting of line making it look like one half of the shutter is open and the other one is closed
quale fere silvae lumen habere solent
the kind of light that woods generally tend to have
the simile is to compare the lighting to the woods which is usually dark to the light in the room
faintly glows
aut ubi nox abiit, nec tamen orta dies
or when night has gone but the day has not yet risen
illa verecundis lux est praebenda puellis
That is the light to offer to shy girls
juxtaposition of ‘illa verecundis’. At first is it the girl? no it is the light. Is this meeting with Corinna prearranged? irony- if they were shy would they come willingly to this environment
timidus latebras speret habere pudor
in which their timid modesty may hope to find a hiding place
juxtaposition of timidus latebras, also ironic description of timidus pudor latebras, hiding places suggesting illicit nature of affair
ecce, Corinna venit
look corinna comes
finally tis girl Corrina is named. The name is that of a Boetian poetess but it could have also been a pun on ‘core’ the Greek word for girl. Ovid’s details about Corrina invite curiosity about what type of girl she really is. Is she a willing partner, and compleatly party to the illicit nature of the meeting? Is she vunerable? is she REAL or a figment of his fanticies?
tunica recincta
unbelted tunic
her tunic is covering her but is loosened. How shy is she when this suggests that her tunic is already unbelted
candida colla
fair neck
some scholars see a hidden pun here. Catullus describes Lesbia when she appears at one of their dates as a ‘candida diva’ (beautiful godgess. Is she glowing in his eyes or is it the fact that more of her body than decent can be seen
dividua coma…colla tegente
with her parted hair covering her neck
women should only have her hair down around their husband
Clear suggestion of what is about to follow
Refference to Semiramis Assyrian queen and famous beauty
Lais was a famous courtesan.
amata multis viris
loved by many men
Is ovid’s description a double edged sword? what kind if woman is corinna? a princess or a whore? ‘loved by many men’; ambigious statement- in an adoared way or a tarty way?
I tore
Perfect tense suggests quick, possibly violent?
she struggled…she was struggling
the repetition and use of perfect tense suggests she has spent some time fighting back
nec multum rara nocebat
being thin it did not spoil things much
was it see-through? was this another inviation, in his eyes?
deripui… pugnabat… pugnaret… vincere… vincta est.
i tore… struggled… struggling… conquer… conquered
a chain of verbs speeds up the actions. All have suggestion of battle, fight, struggle
pugnaret non aegre
struggling… without difficulty
Another suggestion she may not be serious in her attempts to fight back?
velamine posito
with her clothing put aside
nothing to indicate if she did this or if ovid did
she stood
a contrast to the action verbs in the previous lines as she stands still while ovid’s eyes travel over her body