Ovid 7 Flashcards
militat omnis amans….militat omnis amans
every lover is a soldier…every lover is a soldier
the repetition and allitereation of ‘m’ reenforces ovids point that every lover is a soldier
reference to Atticus
It is an unusual feature in ovid to have an addressee, but here, it provides the illusion of conversation at the start of what is rather rhetorical set-piece. The first couplet is well balanced with the opening proverb repeated at the end
quae bello est habilis, Veneri quoque convenit aetas
The time of life which is appropriate for war is suitable also for love
Personification of love and the use of a balanced line war:love
turpe senex miles, turpe senilis amor
an elderly soldier is a shameful thing so is an elderly lover
balanced line
Quos petiere duces annos in milite forti, hos petit in socio bella puella viro
The age which generals require in a brave soldier the beautiful girl requires in the man at her side
militat… castra… bello… miles… duces… socio… petit
soldier… camp… war… soldiers… generals… requires
military vocabulary
habilis… turpe
suitable… shameful
previgilant ambo
both watch through the night
similarity between lover and a soldier
terra resquiescit uterque
each takes his rest on the ground
similarity between lover and a soldier
ille fores dominae servat at ille ducis
one guards his mistress’s doors the other his generals
similarity between lover and a soldier
militis officium longa est via: mitte puellam strenuus exempto fine sequetur amans
long marches are the duty of the soldier; send ahead his girl and the tireless lover will follow unceasingly
similarity between lover and a soldier
ibit in adversos montes
he will face mountains in his path
similarity between lover and a soldier
duplicataque nimbo flumina
and rivers swollen by the rains
similarity between lover and a soldier
congestas exteret ille nives
he will tread his way through snow piled high
similarity between lover and a soldier
nec freta pressurus tumidos causabitur Euros aptave verrendis sidera quaeret aquis
and when about to ply the seas he will not plead as an excuse the raging east winds or wait for stars suitable for sweeping the waters
similarity between lover and a soldier