Thorax 3 Flashcards
What is the sternal angle also known as?
Sternal angle also known as angle of louis
Phrenic nerve course and rhyme
C3, C4, C5 keeps the diaphragm alive
Relation between ligamentum arteriosum
Aortic arch passes posteriorly to the ligamentum arteriosum
What is the course of the left phrenic nerve before it inserts into the diaphragm?
Left phrenic nerve runs over the course of the pericardium to insert directly into the diaphragm
What does the right phrenic nerve pass anterior to?
Passing anteror to the hilum of the lung
What is the course of the left vagus nerve around the heart?
Passes down and loops around arch of aorta and posterior to ligamentum arteriosum.
What is the course of the right vagus nerve around the heart?
Passes down anterior, over brachocephalic, and loops around recurrent laryngeal posteriorly to supply the larynx
How does the vagus nerve innervate the oesophagus?
The vagus nerves continue down posteriorly to innervate and supply oesophagus
What is the cardiothoracic ratio?
Ratio of maximal horizontal cardiac diameter. To maximal horizontal thoracic diameter
Abnormal chest x-ray:
If left side of diaphragm is raised to high, what does this imply?
-Therefore damage to left phrenic nerve–>Paralysed left hemidiaphragm
What is horner’s syndrome caused by the damage of?
Caused by damage to certain sympathetic pathways to the eyes
What are the symptoms of horner’s syndrome?
- Droopy eyelid
- Constricted pupil(Miosis)
- Anhidrosis(lack of sweating in one side)
What does the azygos vein loop over?
Loops over hilum of lung
What does the azygos vein drains into?
Drains into the superior vena cava
Where does the azygos vein develop and originate?
Develops and originates from the abdomen
What is the azygos veins function?
It is the posterior drainage distribution from the veins that drain back into the posterior aspect of the azygos vein
Where does the accessory azygos drain directly into?
Drains directly into superior vena cava but also subclavian and brachiocephalic vein
Where does the hemiazygos cross and what vein does it join?
Hemiazygos crosses over at about T8 to join azygos vein
What is the thoracic duct?
Thoracic duct is the drainage from the lymphatic system from the lower limbs posteriorly up to the thoracic cavity.
What does the thoracic duct drain into?
Drains into the subclavian or brachiocephalic on the left side or into the right subclavian
What is the anterior medium part of the diaphragm developed from?
Anterior medium part of diaphragm is developed from the septum transversa
What is the posterior medial part of the diaphragm developed from?
Posterior medial part of diaphragm is developed from the primitive dorsal mesentery
What are the lateral borders of the diaphragm part of?
Lateral borders are parts of the body wall
What is the peritoneum canal is closed by?
Peritoneum canal is closed by the membrane.
What is congenital diaphragmatic hernia due to?
Due to the failure of pleuroperitoneal membranes to close canals