Head and neck 3 Flashcards
What are the contents of the carotid triangle in the anterior triangle of the neck?
- Common carotid artery
- Vagus(X)
- Internal jugular vein
- Ansa cervicalis (nerve supply from C1-C3)
What are the contents of muscular triangle in the anterior triangle of the neck?
- Strap muscle
- External jugular vein
What are the contents of the digastric triangle in the anterior triangle of the neck?
- Submandibular gland
- Nodes
- Facial vessels and hypoglossal nerve
What nerve supplies the digastric muscle?
Facial nerve supplies posterior belly and mylohyoid nerve(branch of trigeminal mandibular division).
What are the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck separated by?
Anterior and posterior triangle of the neck are separated by the sternocleidomastoid muscle
What are the layers of the neck?
- Investing layer
- A pretracheal component of deep fascia
- B. Visceral component of deep fascia
- Prevertebral layer of deep fascia
What is suprahyoid?
-Everything above the hyoid
What is infrahyoid?
-Everything below the hyoid
What is the pneumonic for supra/infrahyoid muscles?
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
What is the pharynx divided into?
-Divided into naso, oro and laryngopharynx
What is the arterial supply of the pharynx?
-Superior thyroid and ascending pharyngeal branches of External common carotid
What does the venous plexus drain into?
Venous plexus drains into inferior jugular vein
What is the nerve supply of the pharynx?
- Pharyngeal branches of 9 and 10 (sensory and motor)
- Maxillary(V2) sensory for nasopharynx
What is the pharynx?
Fibromuscular tube
What type of wall is
located posteriorly to the pharynx?
Muscular wall posteriorly
What way does the pharynx open into the nasal cavity, oral cavity and larynx?
-Opens anteriorly into nasal cavity, oral cavity and larynx
How many continuous parts does the pharynx have?
Three continuous part
What does the nasopharynx function in?
Functions in respiration
What is the location of the nasopharynx?
-Base of skull(basisphenoid and basiocciput) to tip of uvula(C1-C2)
What does the nasopharynx open into and via what?
Opens into nasal cavity via choanae
What is the sensory nerve of the nasopharynx?
-Maxillary nerve (CNV2)
What are some of the contents of the nasopharynx?
- Pharyngeal tonsils
- Adenoids
- Torus tubaris
- Cartilaginous part of auditory tube
- Opening of eustachian tube
What is the function of the oropharynx?
Functions in digestion and respiration
What is the location of the oropharynx?
Tip of uvula to tip of epiglottis/hyoid bone
What does the oropharynx open to and via what?
Opens to oral cavity via isthmus of fauces
What is the sensory nerve of the oropharynx?
-Sensory: glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX).
What does the salpingopharyngeal fold overlie?
Overlies salpingopharyngeus m
What does the salpingopharyngeal fold elevate?
Elevates pharynx + larynx
What does the salpingopharyngeal fold open?
Opens eustachian tube
What are the contents of the oropharynx?
- Palatine tonsils
- Between the palatoglossus and palatopharyngeal arches
- Lingual tonsils
- On pharyngeal part of tongue
- Valleculae
- Mucosal pouch
What does the laryngopharynx function in?
Functions in digestion and respiration
Where is the laryngopharynx located?
Tip of epiglottis to superior border of cricoid cartilage (C4-C6)
What does the laryngeal inlet open into?
Laryngeal inlet opens into anterior wall
What does the laryngopharynx continue as?
-Continues as oesophagus
What sensory nerve is involved in the laryngopharynx?
Vagus nerve CNX
What does the epiglottis protect whilst swallowing?
-Protects airways when swallowing
What does the larynx protect?
-Protects airways
What is the piriform recess and what can get stuck there?
- Mucosal recess formed between central part of larynx and lateral thyroid cartilage
- Food can get stuck here
What are the three constrictors of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
Middle, superior and inferior constrictor
What does the middle constrictor of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles attach?
- Greater horn of hyoid bone
- Lesser horn of hyoid bone
- Stylohyoid ligament
What does the superior constrictor of the pharyngeal constrictor muscle attach?
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Mandible
- Pterygoid hamulus
What does the inferior constrictor of the pharyngeal constrictor muscle attach?
- Cricoid cartilage
- Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
What is the arterial supply of the upper pharynx?
Supplied by branches from external carotid artery
What is the arterial supply of palatine tonsils?
-Supplied by tonsillar branch of facial artery
What is the arterial supply of the lower pharynx?
Supplied by inferior thyroid artery branch of thyrocervical trunk
What do lymphatic vessels of the pharynx drain into?
Lymphatic vessels drain into deep cervical nodes
What node drains palatine nostrils?
Jugulodigastric node drains palatine nostrils