Abdomen 1:Anteiror abdominal wall and inguinal canal Flashcards
What are the abdominal landmarks at the superior boundary?
- Superior boundary
- Xiphisternal joint
- Xiphoid process
- Costal margin
What are the abdominal landmarks at the inferior boundary?
- Inferior boundary
- Iliac crest
- Pubic symphysis
- Inguinal ligament
What are the soft tissue abdominal landmarks?
- Soft tissue landmarks
- Tendinous intersections
- Umbilicus (L4)
- Linea alba
- Linea semilunaris
- External Oblique
- Rectus abdominis
What is present in the superficial fascia layer of the abdominal wall?
- Superficial fascia:
- Camper’s fascia(fatty)
- Scarpa’s fascia(membranous)
- Camper’s fascia(fatty)
What is the anterolateral muscle of the abdominal wall?
External oblique muscle
What is the direction of the external oblique muscle?
-Inferomedial fibre direction
Where is the inguinal ligament located in respect to the external oblique muscle?
Inguinal ligament: free border of external oblique muscle
What is located in the rectus sheath layer (Anterior layer) of the abdominal wall?
- Aponeuroses of anterolateral muscles
- External and 1/2 internal oblique
What does the rectus sheath (Anterior layer) envelope?
Envelopes rectus abdominis and pyramidalis
What does the anterior muscles layer of the abdominal wall contain?
- External oblique muscle
- Internal oblique muscle
- Transversus abdominis muscle
What direction is the internal oblique muscle?
-Superomedial fibre direction
What direction is the transversus abdominis muscle?
-Transverse fibre direction
What does the vertical muscle layer of the abdominal wall contain?
- Rectus abdominis
- Pyramidalis
What is the rectus abdominis and what is it seperated by?
-Paired strap muscle separated by linea alba(white line).
How many tendinous intersections are present in the rectus abdominis?
-Three or more tendinous intersections
What does the lateral border of the vertical muscle form?
Lateral border forms linea semilunaris
What percentage of people don’t have the pyramidalis?
Absent from 20% of people
What is the rectus sheath (posterior layer) layer of the abdominal wall superior to?
- Superior to arcuate line:
- 1/2 internal oblique + transversus abdominis
What is the rectus sheath (Posterior layer) layer of the abdominal wall posterior to?
- Posterior to arcuate line
- Transversalis fascia and parietal peritoneum
Rectus sheath(Superior to arcuate line)
- Internal aponeurosis splits into two layers:
- Anterior laminae passes anterior to rectus abdmoinis
- Posterior laminae passes posterior to rectus abdominis
Rectus sheath(Inferior to arcuate line)
- 3 aponeuroses pass anterior to rectus abdominis
- Posterior layer is weaker as its only formed by transversalis fascia
What is the inguinal canal and what is its path?
An oblique passage that extends downwards and medially through the lower anterior abdominal wall
What is the function of the inguinal canal in males?
Allows spermatic cord to pass to and from testis
What is the function of the inguinal canal in females?
-Permits the passage of round ligament of uterus to labia majora
What are the 2 openings of the inguinal canal?
- Deep inguinal rings
- Superficial inguinal ring
What is the deep inguinal rings?
- Entrance to canal
- Internal: transversalis fascia
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
Exit of canal(External oblique muscle)
Where do gonads(Tesis or ovary) originally develop?
Gonads(testis or ovary) originally develop in the posterior abdominal wall
Where do testis travel during gonadal development and by traversing what?
Testis travel into scrotum, by traversing abdominal wall
Where do ovaries descend during gonadal development?
Ovaries descend into pelvis
When does the gubernaculum develop?
Develops at 7 week gestation
What type of structure is the mesenchymal tissue of the gubernaculum?
Cord like structure
What does the gubernaculum assist in and the development of what?
Assist in the descent of the testis/ovaries from the abdomen into developing scrotum/pelvis, respectively.
Process involved in the descent of testis?
- Process vaginalis
- Develop during 2nd to 3rd months of gestation
- Tubular extension of peritoneal cavity
- Herniates through abdominal wall along path formed by gubernaculum
- Extension of layers of abdominal wall accompany process vaginalis and from walls of inguinal canal, spermatic cord and testes
- Process vaginalis obliterates and closes in a downward direction
- Males: scrotal part of PV remains patent: Tunica vaginalis
Layers of testes and spermatic cord
Check Notes
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
Terminal end of inguinal canal
How does the superficial inguinal ring look like?
Triangular opening in aponeurosis of external oblique
What is the location of the superficial inguinal ring relative to the public tubercle?
2-3cm superior and lateral to pubic tubercle
What is the deep inguinal ring?
Opening of inguinal canal
What is the evaginatiion in the transcersalis fasica in the deep inguinal ring produced by?
Evagination in the transversalis fascia produced by process vaginalis
Where is the deep inguinal ring located, relative to the inferior epigastric vessels?
Located lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels
What are the walls of the inguinal canal?
- Superior wall(roof)
- Inferior wall(floor)
- Anterior wall
- Posterior wall
How many muscles does the superior wall of the inguinal canal have and what are they ?
2 muscles
- Internal oblique muscle
- Transverse abdominis muscle
How many aponeurosis does the anterior wall of the inguinal canal have and what are they?
2 aponeurosis
- Aponeurosis of external oblique
- Aponeurosis of internal oblique
What are the 2 Ts of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
- Transversalis fascia
- Conjoint tendon (IB + TA)
How many ligaments does the inferior wall of the inguinal canal have and what are they?
2 ligaments
- Inguinal ligament
- Lacunar ligament
What is the vas deferens and whats its course?
Vas deferens is the tube that transfers sperm from the epididymis, where its stored, up the spermatic cord to the seminal vesicle
What is the tunica vaginalis?
-Tunica vaginalis is a remnant of the process vaginalis which is an indentation of the parietalperitoneum
Where does the testicular artery arise from and whats it location?
Testicular artery arises from the abdominal aorta at the location where the gonads develop.
What is the pampiniform plexus and what regulation is it involved in?
Pampiniform plexus is a network of veins for the regulation of the temperature
What is the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve a branch of?
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve is a branch of the lumbar plexus.
What are the contents of the inguinal canal in females?
- ilioinguinal nerve
- Round ligament
What does the round ligament attach to?
Attaches to uterus to hold it in place
What does the round ligament transvers?
Transverses inguinal canal
What does the round ligament spread out in?
Spreads out in labia majora