Thorax Flashcards
Borders of the Inferior Thoracic Apeture
- T12
- 11th and 12th pairs of ribs
- Joined costal cartilages of ribs 7-10, forming costal margin
- Xiphisternal joint
Boundaries of the Superior Thoracic Apeture
- T1 vertebra
- First pair of ribs and their costal cartilages
- Superior border of the manubrium
What are the three types of ribs?
- True (vertebrocostal)
- False (vertebrochondral)
- Floating (free)
Characteristics of thoracic vertebra
- Bilateral costal facets (demifacets)
- Costal facets on transverse processes (except inferior 2-3)
- Long inferiorly slanting spinous processes
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Not to be confused with the Thoracic Apertures.
- Refers to the aperture into the lower neck and upper limb in which nerves and vasculature pass.
What forms the intercostal nerves?
-The anterior rami of T1-T11
What forms the subcostal nerve?
-Anterior rami from T12
What are nerves of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
- Thoraco-abdominal nerve
- anterior and lateral cutaneous branches
- Subcostal nerve
- Iliohypogastric and ilio-inguinal nerve
The Inguinal Ligament is:
-The most inferior part of the external oblique aponeurosis.
The Inguinal Canal Walls
- Anterior wall: external oblique aponeurosis, reinforced by fibers of internal oblique
- Posterior wall: transverse fascia, inguinal falx (conjoint tendon)
The inguinal canal roof and floor:
Roof: transversalis fascia, musculo-aponeurotic arches of internal oblique and transversus abdominus, medial crus of external oblique aponeurosis.
Floor: iliopubic tract, superior surface of inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament.
Two Lateral Compartments of the Thoracic Cavity
-The pulmonary cavities that contain the lungs and pleurae (lining membranes)
The Central Compartment of the Thoracic Cavity
-The mediastinum: heart, great vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus, lymph nodes
The Visceral Pleura
-(pulmonary pleura): covers lungs and adheres to all surfaces including the fissures; cannot be separated from the lungs.
The Parietal Pleura
-lines the pulmonary cavities, adhering to the thoracic wall, mediastinum, and diaphram