Thigh and Knee Joint Misc. Flashcards
What is the intermuscular septa derived from?
Fascia Lata
What are the requirements for a hamstring muscle
Insert on the ischial tuberosity and receive innervation from sciatic nerve
What are the 3 members of the Pes Anserine. What do they do?
Sartorius, gracialis, and semitendinous. They support the medial aspect of the knee and they flex the knee. also, when the knee is flexed, they medially rotate the tibia on the femur
What nerve receives sensory from the posteriorlateral portion of the leg and what is it a branch of?
Sural nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerver
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle and what is contained within this area? what is the order of these contents, laterally to medialy
Inguinal Ligament, sartorius and Adductor Longus. It contains femoral N. femoral Artery and Vein along with lymph nodes. NAVEL Nerve, Artery, Vein, empty space, Lymph. Remember that the nerve is not contained within the sheath.
Where does the sciatic nerve divide
Popliteal Fossa
What is an easy way to differentiate medial and lateral menisci
The posterior horn of the medial meniscus is larger than the anterior horn, while those of the lateral meniscus are roughly the same
What is the normal Q angle, what are the associated deformities
Normal (15-20) Greater in women. Genu Varum - bow-legged, tibia adducted wrt femur. Genu Valgum - Knock-knee, tibia abducted wrt femur
what is the unhappy triad. What type of force causes this?
MCL, Medial Meniscus, ACL. A posterolateral force
name the vessels that supply blood to the knee
Descending Genicular, Superior Medial Genicular, Superior Lateral Genicular, Inferior Medial Genicular, Inferior lateral Genicular, Recurrent branch of anterior tibial a. (Medial Branches penitrate the knee joint proper)
What muscle aponeurosis does the femoral artery perforate to travel posterior to the knee?
Adductor Magnus Muscle.
What is the rough line on the back of the femur?
The linea aspera….insertion point for muscles
What are the two muscles in the anterior compartment that act on two joints?
The sartorius and the rectus femoris
What does the vastas medialis do during knee extention?
Helps to keep the patella from laterally dislocating.
What additional function can the adductor muscles do when the hip is in the extended position?
Flex the hip
What two functions can the adductor magnus serve? and what is each portion innervated by?
The adductor portion of the muscle is innervated by the obturator nerve (L2-L4). The hamstring portion can extend the hip and is innervated by the sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
Describe the breakup of innervation of the posterior thigh from the sciatic nerve, also what is the blood supply to this compartment?
Common fibular branch does short head of the biceps femoris while the tibial branch does the remaining muscles. The perforating branches of the deep femoral artery supply blood to this compartment.
What are the two functions of all hamstring muscles?
To flex the knee and extend the hip, they are TWO JOINT muscles.
What does the patella articulate with? and what is its purpose?
It articulates with the patella articular surface of the femur and serve to protect the quadriceps tendon from wear and tear involved with knee movement
What reinforces the knee capsule posteriorly? Which way do they run?
The oblique and arcuate ligaments. the oblique runs from medial to lateral and inferior to superior. The arcuate basically runs from the head of the fibula to the lateral femoral condyle.
What reinforces the knee capsule laterally and medially?
The IT band and the Pes Anserine respectively.
What kind of actions stress the ACL the most
Whenever forward motion is stopped
What symptoms would a femoral nerve lesions cause (L2-L4)?
Wasting of quadriceps. difficulty extending knee; rising from a sitting position requires assistance; the patient has an abnormal gait characterized by planting the foot and flexing the trunk in order to maintain balance.