Theseus (Greek) Flashcards
Who is Theseus’ parents
Aegeus and Aethra and Poseidon
Retell the story of Theseus’ birth
-Aegeus goes to oracle at Delphi but does not understand, so he goes to Pitthus
-Pitthus tricks him into having a baby with his daughter, Aethra
-Aethra gets a vision from Athena to go to island of Spheiria
-Poseidon has sex with Aethra so the baby would have godlike attributes
-Aethra goes back to Troezen where Theseus is born
-Athena tells Theseus to go back to Athens when he is 18.
Which hero was Theseus related to
Which city is Theseus the hero of, and what kind of hero was he
Hero of Athens, an ionic hero
Name Theseus’ 7 labours
- Periphetes
- Sinis
- Crommyonian Sow
- Sciron
- Cecryon
- Procrustes
- The bull of Marathon
What famous object depicts the labours of Thesues
The Kylix
What is the Kylix
A wine cup
What labours are depicted on the Kylix
All the labours except for the first, Periphetes
What else is depicted on the Kylix other than the labours of Thesues
Theseus and the Minotaur in the labyrinth of Crete
What is a minotaur
Half man half bull
Describe the first labour of Theseus
-Periphetes the club bearer
-Would hide on side of road, jump and beat travellers to death with his club
-Theseus spotted him before he could attack, grappled him and then beat him with his own club
-As a prize Theseus took the club and used it in his subsequent labours
Describe the second labour of Theseus
-Sinis the pine bender
-Sinis was a road robber who tied his victims to the ends of bent pine trees and released them tearing them to pieces
-Theseus tricked Sinis, flinging him using his own trap
Describe the third labour of Theseus
-Crommyonian sow
-Referred to a female thief on account of her beast-like behaviour.
-In both myths Theseus killed the sow for glory
Describe the fourth labour of Theseus
-Old man who sat on a path by the cliffs edge
-Would ask people to wash his feet and kick them into the sea
-They would be consumed by a giant turtle
-Theseus caught him by the feet and threw him off the cliff
Describe the fifth labour of Theseus
-Theseus arrives at Eleusis which is ruled by Cercyon
-Cercyon challenged travellers to a wrestling match
-Theseus outmatched him and became king of Eleusis
Describe the sixth labour of Theseus
-Invited visitors to lay on a magical bed that fit anyone
-If they were too small, he would use a mallet and stretch them out.
If they were too tall, he would use an axe to chop off their hands and feet
-Theseus made Procrustes lay on the bed and he chopped off his head