Hercules (roman) Flashcards
where did Romans inherit their idea about Hercules from?
the Greeks where he is called Heracles
Which roman poets write about Hercules?
Ovid and Virgil
What did Virgil write about Hercules and in what book.
He wrote about Hercules and Cacus in the Aeneid
What poem does Ovid write?
What did Ovid write about?
Hercules’ battle with Achelous and Nessus and Hercules’ death
There was a cult for Hercules in roman religion
Why was the cult of Hercules important in Roman religion?
because many roman emperors wanted to associate themselves with him
What story is more closely linked to romans?
Hercules’ fight with Cacus
Which labour of Hercules’ did the fight take place in?
the tenth labour - cattle of Geryon
when did the fight between Cacus and Hercules take place?
500 years before the founding of Rome.
Where was Cacus terrorising the area of?
the city of Pallentium
Where was Cacus’ lair?
on the Aventine hill
What river was near Cacus’ lair?
the Tiber river
Who was Virgil heavily influenced by?
Homer’s works
What was Virgil’s aim?
to tell the story of how the roman race was founded
Who was Virgil writing for?
Augustus- the first emperor of Rome
Who did Augustus claim to be descended from?
The hero Aeneas
Who wrote the Aeneid?
What was the Aeneid filled with?
symbolism and propaganda
What did the symbolism and the propaganda in the Aeneid intend to do?
to make Augustus and his regime look good.
Where does Virgil’s Aeneid start?
at the end of the trojan war
What did the Aeneid follow?
the escape and journey of Aeneas and his followers from Troy to Italy
Who are the two main gods who appear in the Aeneid?
Juno and Venus
What does Juno do in the Aeneid ?
she hates the trojans and is constantly trying to kill Aeneas
Who is Venus to Aeneas?
His mother
What does Venus do in the Aeneid?
she wants to protect her Aeneas and help him fulfil his destiny to find a new race in Italy
Which tribes does Aeneas have to fight in italy?
the Latin tribes
Who does Aeneas marry?
the daughter of king Latinus
Who was the daughter of King Latinus?
Where does Aeneas become the king of after marrying Lavinia?
the king of Latium
Who was Aeneas’ son?
What did Ascanius found?
the kingdom of Alba Longa?
What is Aeneas in relation to rome?
the founder of the roman race
What is Romulus in relation to rome?
the founder of the city of rome
How does the Aeneid extract begin?
Aeneas goes to see Evander and Evander tells him how much he admires Aeneas and his father
Who is Aeneas’ father?
Where is Evander from?
Aeneas and Evander are not related?
False they are both related to Atlas
What does Evander agree to do in the Aeneid?
agrees to ally with Aeneas and suggests they go to a festival which celebrated Hercules defeating Cacus
What was Cacus half of?
He was half human and half monster
Where was Hercules going to when he stopped at Pallentium?
What did Cacus steal from Hercules ?
some of his cattle and bulls and hid them in his lair
What did Cacus use to cover up his lair in the Aeneid?
A large boulder
What does Hercules do to get inside of the lair in the Aeneid?
he breaks off the roof and then shoots at Cacus with artillery and rocks around
What does Cacus do after Hercules destroys the lair?
he blows out dark smoke
How does Hercules respond to Cacus’ defence system in the Aeneid?
he jumps into the smoke and strangles Cacus to death
What happens after Cacus is killed in the Aeneid?
the cattle are released and this heroic act becomes part of Pallantium’s history, which they celebrate every year
What are the 4 sections that that Ovid’s Metamorphosis is split up into?
-Achelous wrestles Hercules
-The shirt of Nessus
-The agony of Hercules
-Death and Transformation of Hercules