Roman Propaganda Flashcards
Name 2 symbols of power
Prima Porta & Ara Pacis
What were the two classes in roman society?
Patrician class (elite)
Plebeian class (regular people) excluding slaves
What was a senate?
a group of powerful roman men called senators who would create laws
What was a consul ?
the highest political office in rome
how many consuls were there and how often were they voted in
there were 2 and they were voted in every year
Why were there 2 consuls
to limit each consul’s power
What was the roman political ladder structured by?
Cursus Honorum
What, when and where was the Ides of March?
-the assassination of Julius Caesar, where he was stabbed 23 times
-took place on the 24th of March 44BC
-took place in the Curia of Pompey
Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?
because members of the senate believed he wanted to make himself king.
What happened after Julius Caesar died?
Mark Anthony wanted to control the state and Octavian donated which helped Mark win and so he demanded to become Consul, but the senate refuses so Octavian marches into Rome and is made Consul.
What did Octavian do as Consul regarding the murderers of Julius Caesar?
made them enemies of the state causing issues on the senate.
How did Octavian deal with the issues the senate were causing and what is the name of this?
He created an alliance with Mark Anthony called the Second Triumvirate
How many years did the Triumvirate rule Rome peacefully for?
10 years
What was the roman Civil war called?
The battle of Actium
When did the battle of Actium take place and who was it between?
in 31BC
between Octavian, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra
After the battle Actium what happened to Octavian
He hold power over roman and carefully promotes himself
he then steps down and Roman senates give him the name Augustus
What does Augustus mean?
Venerable esteemed and respected
How did Augustus promote his power?
by investing in his propaganda
What were Augustus’s 4 aims?
-Bring back the Golden Age
-Pax Romana (peace of Rome)
-Pax Deorum (Peace of the Gods)
-Self and family promotion
When was the Prima Porta constructed?
What does the pointed finger in the Prima Porta connote to?
connotes to his power as he is ordering troops, this gives the impression of a good leader (military and political)
What does the breastplate in the Prima Porta connote to?
connotes his readiness to go to war as a soldier
What does the the senatorial toga in the Prima Porta connote to?
this is only worn by politicians and shows him trying to present himself as a fair and good decision maker
What does Cupid riding a dolphin on the Prima Porta connote to?
cupid is the son of Venus and shows him trying to link himself to Venus but also Aeneas and Romulus who are the founders of Rome and Roman race
What is the pose in which the Prima porta is designed in?
Doryphoros pose
Describe the Doryphoros pose?
a bent knee, and one shoulder in front of the other
What did the Doryphoros pose promote?
the ideal Roman man
What does the bare feet in the Prima Porta connote to?
aligns him with the gods as they are often depicted without shoes
What does the breastplate on the prima porta depict?
the Roman standards being handed back