thermoregulatuon Flashcards
maintenance of internal temperature within narrow limits, continues even with dormancy
- obtain heat from environment (cold blooded)
- most reptiles, amphibians, fish
- use behavior to warm up or cool down
- needs less food which is beneficial when food is limited
heat is gained/lost in 4 ways
conduction, convection, radiation, evaporation
transfer of heat between molecules that are in direct contact (lizard on a warm rock)
transfer of heat by movement of air or liquid past a surface (warm wind)
electromagnetic waves transfer heat to objects that aren’t in direct contact (basking)
loss of heat from the surface of a liquid (lizards nostrils)
- generate heat by own metabolism (warm blooded)
- mammals
internal temps vary
internal temps stay the same
-ectotherms can be homeotherms
cooling by evaporation examples
- sweating
- endergonic reaction, heat removed
- respiratory tract (panting)
warming by metabolism examples
- muscle contraction (shivering)
- metabolic activities
- ex of metabolic activities: cold weather: hormonal changes that boost the metabolic rate of birds and mammals increasing heat production
adjusting surface area
- extra skin (brahma drew laps)
- bigger ears (elephants, rabbits)
- by changing volume of blood to these areas heat can be lost or conserved
countercurrent exchange
- warm blood cooled
- cool blood warmed
- ex: a ducks feet in icy water, dolphin flippers
- goose: blood leaves at 35 C and enters at 33 C
- body temp drops below normal
- state of suspended animation
- not easily aroused
- ex: chipmunks, ground squirrels (have been known to go below 0 in semi frozen state)
- body temperature only drops a few degrees
- easily awakened and angry when it happens
- physiological state of decreased activity and metabolism
- adaptation that allows animals to save energy during difficult or dangerous conditions (long term or daily)
- chickadee: feeds during day and goes into torpor on cold nights
- aka goosebumps, but on other animals it has a purpose
- it allows birds to make airtight chamber to keep body heat in
bees keep warm by clustering together and shivering
hair, feathers, fur, hat
- controls temperature in humans and other mammals by complex feedback systems
- acts as a thermostat