theory of family-functionalism 1 Flashcards
functionalism and society:
just like a organ in the Body, family enable society to function. society made up of sub systems that depend on each other + help society to work. the family is basic building block of society which help maintain social order/cohesion
George p murdock 1949- the functions of the family
stied 250 societies of diff cultures(reliable) and saw in each of these societies a nuclear family existed as prove 4 functions.other instuitions could perform these functions but nuclear family universal bc of its ‘sheer practialtiy’ in performing the 4 functions
George p murdock 1949- nuclaur family provide 4 functions:
1stable satisfaction pf sex drive
2.reproduction of next gen
3.socaliastoon of the young
4.meeting its members economic needs
lesbian parents- may lack repodicuton of next gen as more likely to grow up homosexual?+ack father figure.
criticism of murdock(eval)
-other institutions can carry out these fucntions
-murdock’rose tsinted’harmonious consensus view
femsint:the family serves the need of men, oppress woemn
marxism:family meets the needs of capitalism, not the needs to family memebers and society as a whole.
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory- the functions the family performs depends on the needs of society
as society changed, the type of family that was rewired to help society function changed. industrial; society has 2 essaneital needs which req a nuclear family to work:
geographically mobile workforce
socially mobile workforce
(nuclear fit industrial, extended fit pre industrial)
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory-
argued the trasnsion from extended family to a nuclear family happened due to several reasons:
state took over some functions such as healthcare/ed
industrialsiaon req geographical mobility as the economy continued to grow and change, and extend family difficult to move around. unclear family became independent unit
-nucleaur family allowed for speacalsied roles-in an industrial society a division of labour developed between men/women to ensure all needs/functions met
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory
nuclear family- the functions
nuclear family performs fewer fundamental functions than extended:
primary socilasion- equip basic skills needed to integrate into society
stabalsion of adult personalities- place adults relax to release tension so can return to work place and meet demands
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory
stabalsiton of adult personalities
the nuclear family prevent dysfunction and instabioly for adults(behaviour such as adultery)
warm bath theory suggest when a man comes home form busy day at work his family provide him with stress relif/ relation ensures maianitn emotional needs of breadwinenr- retune to work and meet demands
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory- the loss of functions
the pre industrial family was a multi functional unit-
-unit of production/consumption.
when a society industralises, the family not only change structure also looses functions eg unit of prodcuton/conusmption+ other functions to healthcare/ed
evaluation of parsons ao3
-young and willmot1973/lasset 1972
harven 1999
sociologist/historians evidence against functional fit (extended fmaily/nuclear+pre industrial society)
-y+w+l=pre industrial family was nuclear not extetend
h=extended family, not nuclear, was the structure best equipped to meet the needs of early industrial society
some support of the claim that nuclear family has become dominant - extended family not disappeared.
talcoat parsons 1955- functional fit theory- IGNORES:
dysfunctions/family diversity/class and cult differences/ sexist-ignored diversity of roles