couples- domestic division of labour 1 Flashcards
traditional nuclear family
men instrumental role women expressive role- feminist reject as only benefiting men when exploiting women - not natural
conjugal roles segregated - BOTT
domestic duties defined by gender, not leisure time spent together, duties completed separately
conjugal roles joint - BOTT
no clear division of labour, equal domestic duties, leuisure time spent together
symmetrical families- young and willmot- march of progress
family improve for all its members ‘new man’ studied eastern London
-women go to work-dual earner
-men assisted with housework/childcare
-couples spend time together
symmetrical families- young and willmot- resulting/because of
changes women’s position in society
new technology/labour saving devices
high standard living
feminist reject march of progress
Oakley-critising y+w for exaggeration
little change for role of women, inequality is result of patriarchy
1970-15% husband part of household work, 25% childcare - men only carry out tasks when it favours them/pleasurable