childhood-today 2 Flashcards
caused position of childhood to change:
industrialisation- better standard of living- new man emergence, schooling introduced
compulsory schooling- no economic assets 5>18 cultural differences
march of progess- child centred family (link Aries)
smaller family sizes- parents can afford child needs properly- higher standard of living
more child centred, Better laws to protect children, professions dedicated to protecting children, shorter working week, education,ephasis on parental skills, welfare support (grants)
evaluation- it isnt childcentered
(marxist/femsist dispute march of progress)
argue society is based on conflict between different social groups
-some groups have better wealth/status/power
inequality children’s opportunities/risks, more wc children at risk eg paying rent/badly cared for
-inequalities between aults/children greater than before;
children today face greater control and oppression and dependency not greater care an protection
conflict view of childhood(negative)’toxic
palmer: childnre in uk experience toxic childhood
argues technological and culture change in the past 25 years have damage chlildrens physics;/emotial/inteluectual development.
-range changes: junk food//computer games/intensive marketing-demanidng eg iPads ue to long hours worked by adults
social class and childhood
-children in poorer families more likely to die infancy/suffer long term ilessess/fall behind in school/protection register.
poor mothers more likely brith low weight babies which link to delay physical/intelectual developement.
-hillman 1993
boys more likely be allowed to go out after dark, cycle roads, use buses unaccompanied- effect socialsiation
-brannes 1994
study 15/16 yo found asian parents more likely than any other parent to be strict towards daughter
inequality’s between children/adults
march of progress writers argue the control that parents have over children protects them from external threats/danger.Howerver critic Firestone+ holt it is just form of oppression and control.