couples- decision making pooling v allowance 3 Flashcards
feminist pahl/vouger 2 main types of family income :
pooling =
both partners share their inome(joint bank count) and have equal access to it
feminist pahl/vouger 2 main types of family income :
man gives wife allowance- a weekly amount to spend on things like shopping/clothing - keeps rest to himself.
finding from pahl/vouger
pooling replacing the
allowance system- they looked at over 1000 couples and found compared with parents, pooling inc 19%>50%
inc young couples pooling money
pooling more common when both work, less when only man works
finding from pahl/vouger
but they claim that even when both parties worked
it was still a man who made up major financial positions- patriarchy
material explanation for inequalities in decision making
+ Lauren + gershuny 2000
men have more power in deciosn making as they earn more- women economically depended so they have less say.
L+G found by 1995 70% couples had equal say in descions- women who earn higher amount more likely to have equal say . some progress towards equality>decisons dependent on financial income of couple/dependency on each other.
cultural explanation for inequalities in decision making
gender role socialisation in patriarche society instills the idea that men are decision maker.
decision making - hardall
studied 30 dual career families - found important deciosns made by men - career deemed the most important (earned more)
meaning of money- pahl argue pooling doesnt equal equality
low income families/ even anedquate income- recourses shared unequally > women poverty often result of who’s in control of family income , makes designs about spending it.
personal life perspective
smart 2007
don’t believe money has impact on decision making
focuses on the meanings couples give to who controls money- 1 partner controlling doesnt always equal equality. smart 2007- homosexual couple didn’t attach any meaning to who controlled money> didn’t see it as unequality+same sex couples don’t carry sterotypess and cultural explanations.