social policys- perspectives 2 Flashcards
examine the social institutions on the basis of fucntion/contribution they place in social stability (how it benefits upper class and cnulcear family- working together organic analogy)
functionalist fletcher social stability
see social stability as an outcome of mop towards society were the family is assisted by state rather than social policys- being form of state social control
functionalist fletcher health education housing policys
see those since industrial rev has gradually led to development of welfare state that supports the family in performing its functions more effectively (policys help family)
donzelot mop
he rejects the mop view that social policy and the professionals who carry out have created better society, instead he sees social policy as oppressiong certain types of family, by focusing on the micro level of how the ‘caring proffesionals’ act as agents of social control through the surveillance of families. importance of proffesional knwogele of a form of power and control
donzelot policing the family
a conflict view of society and sees policys as form of state power and control over families
eval of fucnitonalsit
Foucault- power
concept of surveillance, sees power not just as something help by gov or state but as diffused throughout society and found within relationships.sees proffeisonals eg doctors/social workers excsersing their power by using their expert knowledge to turn them into ‘cases’ to be dealt with
eval of functionalist
Foucault surveillance not targeted equally
to all social classes. poor families are much more seen as ‘problem families’ as the cause of crime and anti social behaviour, they see these families as target for improvement/fix
eval of funcitoanlsit
Rachel condry
the state may seen to contorl/regulate family life by imposing compulsory parenting orders through courts. parents of young offenders/truants/badly behaved children may be forced to attend parenting classes to earn ‘correct’ way to bring up children
new right: gov policies weaken self reliance
-argues social policy should be designed to support nuclear family.
-nuclear family constructed on breadwinner/home maker model, social polices need to encourage self reliance to which would reduce culture of dependence (MURRY)
-critise existing gov policies as undermine the family=gov weakens the family self relocate by over generous welfare benefits(lone mothers/cash payments)
the beverage report after ww2
5 giant evil
idenfitifed 5 giant evil: ignorance/want/disease/idleness/squalor.
welfare state should provide support asses on our needs eg maternity and unemployment
beverage report: national insurance act 1946
for pensions
beverage report: national assistance act 1948
for health care
feminism social policy
women/children dependent on male breadwinner eg maternity.
women maternity longer than mans paternity leave, assumption being women automatically look after children
fmeisnim- liberal feminist social policy view
changes such as equal pay/inc maternity leave is suffiencent to bring out gender equality
fmeisnim- radical feminist social policy view
patriarchy is so entranced in society that more policy changes are insufficient to bring out gender inequality. despite equal pay act, sexism still exists in sphere of work.